Amber, Legion and Pandaria remix (spoilers)

So playing through the Jade Forest again and particularly after that part where Amber kills Gizmo…I’m thinking a lost story opportunity in Legion (where she is abruptly and suddenly killed off in the rogue story) is that after Gizmo died its soul ended up in the twisting Nether where the Legion reshaped him as some messed up killer raccoon demon and he was the one who killed Amber in Legion.

On that note anyone know the other Jade Forest crew are still around like Rell, Sulley, Kiryn and the others?

Well, now we killed Amber according to a daily from Chromie.

Rell Nightwing is in Bel’ameth.


I now want to fight racoon demons.

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The Quest was removed before the Patch went live. In otherwords it’s still possible for Gizmo to have been turned into a Demon or(more likely) a Nathrezim(they originate from the Shadowlands where all Cats end up not that Gizmo is a Cat as he is a Racoon) for the sake of getting revenge on Amber.

I thought Gizmo ended up as a summon in the horde quest trinket? :robot::thought_balloon:

edit: I have discovered the raccoon killed was Gizmo and he was actually slain by the horde. :pray: (although time wise doesn’t make sense)

edit: …and then I discovered Socks was the raccoon that will be reward either faction when you defeat the Jade Witch. :pray:

edit: …but then Socks is a ghost?! :ghost:

Is this a joke or something I missed from Legion or this xpac?

Problem is that the timeline doesn’t match up. The horde version happens after the Alliance had already found Anduin, but Anduin MC’ed sully and ran away (as this is where the Horde capture him), which happens after Gizmo was killed.


Possible the horde killed another raccoon. :robot::+1:

It was a removed quest. The concept is kinda weird. :robot::thought_balloon:

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It was one of several severely questionable questlines blizz tried to add to the game for the Time-rifts that came out in patch 10.1.5. They were removed due to backlash from the community

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Frankly I was more upset when she died so abruptly in Legion as she did when she turned out to be a somewhat interesting character earlier.

Rell, Sulley, and others are still around but Amber is sadly killed and I still miss her still…

I still can’t understand how someone would honestly think anyone would be in favor of “do evil for the greater good” style quests.

That’s the mindset villains use to justify their actions. That’s not something we should aspire to emulate.

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This makes no sense. I recently replayed this myself. Kiryn’s target was “harmless raccoon.” Plus I think Sulley would have noticed Anduin and Kiryn right there if not Amber herself through that sniper rifle. Plus I believe it was night time with Kiryn and still daylight with Sulley.


It seems like a weird mistake in Wowpedia. :scroll::robot:

Gizmo was a raccoon that appeared during SI:7 Report: Fire From the Sky where it started following Sully “The Pickle” McLeary but was immediately shot, apparently by Amber Kearnen. However, the Horde version of the quest implies that it is actually killed by Shokia during Scouting Report: On the Right Track.

Some people want the edge, some people want to avoid the edge.

It is rather complicated.

In the end some people complaims that Df as an expansion was too soft, I dont exactly agree, but I can see they were avoiding any big controversial momments this xpac.

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I’m not a fan of having to do quests like that, but I think I see why Blizzard wanted to add them. I think that the goals behind setting up these kind of quests were:

  1. To show how the Bronze Dragonflight has to make hard decisions, ensuring that cruel events happen to avoid worse events later.
  2. Possibly try to offset how cuddly and comedic Chromie is (try saying that five times fast) by showing that she is a professional who regularly must make these tough choices.
  3. Build up the theme of the ‘one true timeline’ the Titans set the Bronze to defend, while also hinting at why it might be bad and why Infinites want to rebel to change these events.

Ultimately, I think it was a bad idea because it forces the player to be complicit in causing these terrible moments of history on others.

I like that the setting has dark events - but I think it goes too far when it tries to force the player to be the one who purposefully causes those dark events.


This is my problem with it. Blizard keeps wanting to make the players the bad people and then talk down at us like we ever had a choice beyond just not playing.


I hated the story choice of killing her off. Stumbling upon her on Westfall years ago while she sniped elite mobs from a distance is what made me reroll a marksman hunter, wich is my main spec ever since. To have her killed off like that was awful. Amber deserved better.

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Welcome to WoW…

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