dwarf hunter ?
NE Hunter Blaknight from Axis of Evil!
Haha with lilscribl? I was definitely in AoE, but some of the guilds blend together and I forget!
Shees yes. I was a TBC Pally tank: Oscarwilde. Don’t remember if it was Dissent, but those names you listed are ringing bells.
Also I use to AOE tank 5 mans with a hunter who use to love riding the aggro: beefybob. If you’re out there, miss ya.
Hi Baldwyn,
i played a Resto Druid called Heartoures.
i was a member of Dynasty (before it disbanded). I remember Yeshy use to draw cartoons?
Hello, can’t remember you but i was in Bound by Heritage, until its final days
I think I remember you - my character was Blest
Hello All,
Blest here - a pally healer
Hey mate, yeah I was long gone by then. I only played from late Vanilla for a few months, couldn’t continue with work commitments. You would have been on Nagrand when disband occured?
Wornox Amanthul Prot Warrior. I started BC, ran through the portal to outlands and hit a wall…off to the shops for the bc upgrade. Tanking was challenging and strategic then. Where are my old pals? Banababoyz, Guapito, Stargun, Cravenrage, is the Ettamogagh Mob here?
I remember you. Great player. Wornox here. You helped me once. Healer from memory.
I started out as Mahavailo - Male Human Priest (Holy) and got to mid 30’-40’s then switched to a Male Night Elf Rogue with purple hair called ‘Vellenge’ (which I used many times across other characters).
I think my first guild was Night Hawks and I was friends with ‘Bloodbrat’ a Human Male Warrior and ‘Puresean’ a Night Elf Male Warrior.
Other mentions
- Dresian (Male Draenei Mage)
- I think it was her real name so I won’t use it but she was Dresian’s RL friend.
-Twyleth (Female Human Mage?)
-Fearhorn (Male Dwarf Paladin)
-Aveianna (Human Priest - Moved with Fearhorn to another realm)
When Nagrand opened, I did the free switch with my brother and a couple of other guys. Eskimokiller (changed to Autoshoot) Male Night Elf Hunter and another guy I know the real like name of but won’t use.
I guess that’s it.
My character’s name was Dkrept
I was a level 39 paladin twink. No guild or anything like that and played a lot during TBC. I forgot names of players but I remember horde wanting to go after me many times and often /sleep during SM runs. Was called a very sleepy Paladin by some Night elves