Am the only one who actually likes Void Elves?

I adore my void elf far more than I thought I would. She definitely grew on me :slight_smile:

I have no problems with them

I consider Void Elves not canon, a rear pull , but never really cares if I like them or not.

Yesss void paladins would be so cool!
I mean if they can be holy priests I don’t see why not.

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It takes a couple hours depending on your level and how much time you focus on it because you have to do the whole Argus questline, it’s super easy at 120 though.

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I totally agree with this the skin tones are really pretty but I like them as separate things.

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I thought Pandas and demon hunters could talk to each other cross-faction?

I have a Void Elf Affliction Warlock. The Void look goes well with that spec.

I like it with Demonology personally. Just opening rifts and portals all over the place.

Even cooler if you have the void portal pvp trinket.

I don’t know about Pandaren because I have never had one but my Blood Elves can talk to Void Elves because of Thalassian and my Blood Elf Demon Hunter can talk to Night Elf Demon Hunters because of Demonic.

I’m kind of neutral on them. Regardless of what I think about the concept, I can’t help but feel like there are some execution issues with them. Thankfully, I think those could just be solved by expanding on their lore.

Yeah I like the void aesthetic. I remember thinking back in the day that I’d like some variation of elves from the twisting nether (since Alleria had disappeared), and the Void Elves kinda delivered that for me?

I actually like void elves as void elves. I just want to be able to look like one - that is, like Alleria, the prototypical void elf.

There was some involvement with the plot, though not as much as with Nightborne or Highmountain Tauren, I agree. There was more than with Vulpera, though.

People don’t like the Void Elves because they were invented out of whole cloth in the span of a single content patch, and I am 99% certain they only even exist because Ion is so petty that he wouldn’t give the Alliance High Elves despite reams of precedent because ‘muh blood elves’ but apparently it was completely acceptable to spin the void elves off of blood elves.

With the aesthetic option to basically make a high elf I am mostly OK with it, void elves are just the tip of the iceberg with Blizzard’s gross mismanagement of the lore, writing, plot, etc.


A race that has touched the void, can travel freely through it, and hears their call? Sounds great to me! We’re all going to get ate. :panda_face: :cake:

After trying to make tons of characters with the normal skin colors.

I fessed up and made a Void elf warlock… with the dark purple skin and the purple/pinkish eyes she looks so cool.

Definitely not alone.

i like them so much i deleted my old warlock just so this would be my only one

I doubt it. We have a lot of enthusiastic flamboyant elves now that they were added, though just like the blood elves, most of those are the men. I love my Velf Warlock, and am seriously considering making it my main alt in SL.

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