Am the only one who actually likes Void Elves?

Mine will stay one.

Yeah, this made it look like Blizz rushed them. They should’ve done that -in- Legion. A group of Blood Elves ending up transformed/corrupted in MacAree, being rejected by their kind and Alleria, plus Locus Walker and the player aiding them.

I have a hard time thinking Blizz didn’t think something so easy (considering I came up with this now) and decided to go the weird route where magically and just in time Alleria found them. That could’ve been done having the Broken there as well.

Had they done it like that, we’d have had time to familiarize with them.

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I have several. This one and my mage will become High Elfs when the PrePatch drops as I’ve already been RPing them as such. A Holy Priest and an Arcane Mage High Elves :hugs:

My Warlock and Rogue will remain Void Elves who harness the Void to aid them in combat.

But you aren’t wrong in that the bulk of Velf players are probably High Elf fans RPing as one.

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Honestly I would have gone with the Broken or Valarjar as AR options… That is actually the issue I have with the LF Draenei. They have different racials but at the end of the day they are still just another spin on Draenei.

I want new options for races. Not just reskins of existing ones.


Love being void!

It was a seamless way for me to faction swap my Blood Elf to play with my friends while still being the “same” character.

I also love that we’re the only race that can talk to the other faction.

And yeah, we’re just cool. Purple pride! :smiling_imp:

Yeah agree, it doesn’t make sense that the race we recruit through Argussian Reach reputation is not the Argussian Reach faction.

We just abandoned the Broken there on Argus and recruited Horde elves instead? Why?


I like Void Elves as Void Elves not what people keep trying to turn them into which is just a Blood Elf on Alliance with zero differences.


I like my Void Elf and wish they’d put more into offering customizations that play to the void theme rather than pushing them closer to just being High Elves.


That’s definitely true. I think the ability to basically make them High Elves helps make up for that rushed lore though.

We agree upon this because I was hoping Void Elves would get stuff like the glowing void colored skintones rather than the natural colored skintones.

I like the way they look but their backstory is so dumb. They should have just been high elves that got stuck on Argus just like Alleria. Anyways that is my headcannon for my void elf in particular.


Yay, People are paying attention to me!

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I do. My main Alliance Rogue is a Void Elf. Love how the armor looks and love their racial mount.

Personally, I find high elves incredibly boring (AGAIN not to offend anyone, it’s just I personally do not like them.)

Void Elves I wish were on the Horde, but I do like them. I got art done of mine, if that helps, meaning I liked mine enough to nab a commission :slight_smile: In fact, she was the first commission I ever got.

Art credit to the lovely

I’d love if they added more void themes to them though, and gave options to make them look a bit more eerie. Like when I shared on this thread:


I like the concept of Void Elves, even though I never asked for them and instead asked for playable Alliance High Elves. With that said, I am grateful and appreciative of the efforts Blizzard is making to allow us to have the Alliance High Elf fantasy via Void Elves.

Without regard to High Elves though, as a concept Void Elves were cool if a bit too “one note” in their customization options imo. Four skin colors that looked virtually identical and reduced transmog potential because of such a limited skin and hair color palette was a negative in my eyes.

Another issue was the ham-fisted introduction. They never had any groundwork laid for them in Legion (because they were a last minute decision that came about due to the devs becoming very enamored with Alleria’s cutscene with L’ura). Void Elves don’t exist until the unlock scenario, whereas every other allied race had plenty of time for us to get to know them before being able to recruit them.

And the last issue I had was their origin. Void Elves originated from Blood Elf exiles rather than Alliance High Elves, such as members of the Silver Covenant or forces from Allerian Stronghold.

If I were determined to go with Void Elves over Alliance High Elves (which would have fit much more organically as an allied race), I would have had the unlock scenario not be the unlock but rather made a main questline that happened during Legion as part of the Argus patch. It would happen after the culmination of Alleria’s story arc.

Prior to that, the Silver Covenant forces that assisted during the assault on the Nighthold would have had a prominent presence on the Vindicaar and Alleria and the Silver Covenant would have a much closer tie to the Argussian Reach reputation.

After Alleria’s encounter with L’ura, the altered scenario would follow, with members of the Silver Covenant forces getting trapped in Telogrus by Durzaan, and Alleria, with the player’s help, would venture forth to rescue them. The scenario would basically play out as it does now, but with the Silver Covenant forces being the ones transformed instead of Blood Elf exiles.

After this quest, these new Void Elf npc’s would replace the Silver Covenant npc’s on the Vindicaar and we’d have opportunities to see them and interact with them through the last leg of Legion before allied races became a thing.

This would have laid the barest of groundwork for Void Elves to be less of a butt-pull and more of an answer to the request for playable Alliance High Elves because they would be sourced from actual Alliance High Elves and not defecting Horde Blood Elves. A new unlock scenario, where the player returns to Telogrus and helps these new Void Elves set up camp, would then be the recruitment.


Void Elves are cool, but I wish they did more with them. Right now it seems they’re just… purple blood elves.

I really wished they pushed the limits with them. Why not have some of them go full-void in Stormwind from time to time. Get that distrust level up among the rest of the alliance. The void elves are playing with powerful magic. Do they all truly understand it?

It’s such a cool concept that I wish they expanded upon.

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I like Void Elves. I just wish they would have followed Alleria’s story more closely instead of being rather unrelated in any way.

I just came back from a long time away and I cant wait to play void elves, I like their appearance (blood elf 2.0), their racials, their heritage armor, even the mount seems a bit unique XD. but I’m waiting for the pre patch to kick in so I can unlock then by doing the questline only. BTW, I was wondering how long does it take to finish that?

No. I much prefer void elves and wish Blizzard had gone the other way. Kill all remaining blue eyed pale skinned Alliance aligned thalassian elves, and make the void elves the superior thalassian elf within the Alliance and the leaders in magical discovery. Additionally, give them more void inclined customizations. Darker skin tones, more cosmic force related things like tattoos and patches of flesh replaced by void. Etc.


Short answer …yes