Am the only one who actually likes Void Elves?

I don’t know, it seems most people only like Void Elves for the model or the potential to RP a high elf.

But I actually like Ren’dorei and Void Elves as a concept. They make some of the coolest Warlocks in the game imo.


You are not alone.


Hardly the only one but I definitely do not count said half-baked race with last minute added lore as something likeable.


I love my Void Elf. :seedling: :dizzy:


I like them as well

/Wave! :seedling: :dizzy:

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Aren’t they the single most popular Alliance race, even beating out human?


Right but how many of those people like Void Elves for Void Elves, and aren’t just playing them for High Elf RP?

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Oh. Well that’s pretty hard to measure, considering that Blizzard doesn’t track roleplaying trends. But… I’unno… a lot?

I’ll play my Void Elf as a Void Elf; my Blood Elves are my High Elves. :seedling:


Same. I find the concept of a Void Elf Summoner fascinating.

Once a Novice Blood Elf Warlock who had their possibilities expanded ten fold after their “accident.”


I have a void elf of each class and I love them all. I’m hoping for more void customization later on when they give allied races some attention :blue_heart:


I like my Void Elf and plan on keeping her as she is, with just a change in eye color. I also agree it’s hard to say how many like Void Elves for what they are and how many like them for High Elf roleplay. I think one of the reasons it seems that so many like them only for High Elf roleplay is because they are the ones always on the forums asking for more High Elf options. While those who like Void Elves as they are, are playing the game and enjoying them.


I actually wanted to unlock them but realized I didn’t have a 120 alliance that was through the legion campaign. :frowning:

My petty reason is their reputation makes no sense. Least they could’ve had Talthressar among the broken since he also disappeared from outland. :thinking:

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I’m a fan! The Void overall has always been really interesting to me. So void themed elves are a win and while questing Umbric was pretty cool. I like the story direction and possibilities (and they are very pretty). Much more appealing than standard high elves.

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Nope, the coolest warlocks by far are undead because of this

Min 1:32 :metal:


I think the bulk of the issue isn’t the thematic aspect but rather that they were just tacked on the end of Legion as opposed to say the Nightborne or Highmountain Tauren. Who had their own zone, quest lines… actual involvement with the plot.

Same reason no one really complained about the LF Draenei. They at least were involved with the plot and had the whole end of the Legion Expansion as their thing.


I really really like them, but having no option for paladin is so lame. They’d be perfect if they could be paladins…


If you can unlock demon hunters, it might be easier.

edit: I must warn that heirlooms don’t protect you from the damage Argus mods will send at you.