I don’t really care too much about it. I’m not really a mount or toy collector. But I’m optimistic that it might be a fun way to spend some down time. Hopefully they do a good job.
there is no reason to care about instanced garrisons 2.0. The game surrounding that house ain’t that great either.
You don’t see the point, therefore the rest of us should be denied player housing. Cool beans.
I don’t want player housing, for me.
I think it is. Many players have been asking for housing for years.
I have no desire to interact with it.
“who will walk across a fire for yooOu!”
Lol now i need to listen to that song. Curse my brain going to songs!
I just want the ability to have some of my alts wonder around my home as NPC’s. That would be cool.
This this and more of this.
I won’t know how much use it will or won’t be for me until I see it live. So I’m reserving judgement until then.
If I like it, I’ll use it. If not, I won’t.
If people want it, I would say yes. For me personal, I might dabble in it, but it wont be a focus for me. But hey, that could change too. Never say never.
If the question is “Am I the only one” the answer is no.
If the question is “does anyone else” the answer is yes.
You are not so special that you’re the only person in the world who thinks like you.
In my opinion, no. It’s a huge waste of time because Blizzard will never deliver a housing feature that satisfies the small vocal group of people clamoring for it. For the rest of us, it’s just more time waiting for them to fix the numerous actual bugs that are in the current game and the many more that are still on the PTR.
Case in point: despite many reports, on the PTR the brewmaster tier set is still bugged this far into the development cycle.
So of course people will claim that Blizzard can work on more than one thing at a time, which is a nonsensical argument because of course thy can. It’s a matter of prioritization. Housing is a tragic misprioritization of development cycles. They can’t even stay on top of their current features.
Personally, I hate raiding. It puts me to sleep, and I really can’t stand it.
So I don’t do it and I don’t really care if other people do it.
I’ve never been an advocate for it. But now that it’s coming I’m not unhappy about it. It’s just another thing in the game that I might enjoy. And I reserve the right to become a big fan of it in the future. After all I was very fond of the farm in pandaria. If they let us make that a home one day I’d be stoked!
You are not the only one. I never just sit around doing nothing in WoW, so housing is completely useless to me. Housing will be a gold sink/cash cow for Blizzard though, so I understand why they’re doing it.
MMO housing is huge in all the MMOs that have it, which is like all of them now.
I swear this game has been infested with ARPG style players that only care about grinding M+ and the latest raid.
No you’re not.
But you’re free to not buy a house.
Why do people assume that everyone cares a lot about player power. WoW is an RPG and housing is very big RPG element. There are a lot of people that have their own progression goals and the people that push for max progression are a vocal minority as well. Housing very well could give people more things to do. As players love collecting things and showing off what they are proud of.
Given that part of what WoW is has the letters RPG in it, then I’d say yes, yes it is.
This concept is totally foreign to a lot of the players that occupy this forum.
Think they were just traumatized by blizzard. To be fair a lot of things meant to be new content quickly turned into time gated grind nightmares.
I don’t think this will be the case for player housing. I do despise the "neighborhood rewards " though and hope they are scrapped. Im fine with players enjoying something not meant for me. I have a hunch my future guild home owners association is going to be nagging me to build/customize my home for rewards.