Am I the only one?

I think player housing would be an improvement, but my tought were wondering why it’s the next thing.

There seems to be a long list of other things players have been asking for that I would have thought had higher priority; like fixing bugs, opening race/class combos, moving away from character-specific rep and rewards, etc.

I guess having the wrong priorities would be “on brand” for this company though, so there is that.

But you forgot that there are differing difficulties. There are Easy difficulty. Everyone can have the difficulty they want.

I am against with Soloist will Solo forever on an MMO.

It is not forcing. It’s encouraging players to get their rewards. That’s how WoW is.

I don’t find this the wrong priority. Bugs will always be in the game, this is the fate of any online game with constant updates.

Also, they’ve been hinting at player housing since vanilla but it kept getting pushed back. In fact, a lot of other things came first, we are just finally getting player housing that was in the game since alpha testing.


There is a difference between making only dungeons and raids forever with no other content and making an actual living world. A living world needs other things than just dungeon busting. It needs lore and story, exploration, hidden items, secret quests and of course player housing and mogs to collect.

In old sandbox mmos, not everyone played as an adventurer, some played as an inn owner or a traveling merchant. That is what makes an MMORPG unique compared to ARPGs.

But I have no qualms for some furniture only able to get from bosses or raids. That is how it is in swtor as well. The boss will drop the normal loot and a chance of a furniture for your house.


20 years after, they decided to have it?

Yes, welcome to them finally saying “it is time”. Still waiting on the dance studio they promised in wrath as well.

Honestly, WoD would have been the perfect expansion for it but they decided with garrisons which was meh at best.

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I mean… I don’t really care about difficulty. I have the skill to do whatever I wanted, if I wanted to… That’s not the point

If it’s group content. I don’t want to do it, and I don’t. MMO to me doesn’t mean anything other than there are other players in this massively online world. We CAN play together, if we wanted to, but I don’t want to. Personally, I reject all philosophy that MMOs have to be exclusively multiplayer content only.

I mean…Yes. That just means that they finally have the means to implement it like they want. It got left out of Vanilla cause they couldn’t get what they wanted at the time and then it stayed on the development floor, and now they can do what they want. That’s not unusual for this kind of thing.

Honestly, and I’m going to be branded a heretic for this, Garrisons were like one of the few things I liked in WoD. It just wasn’t my expansion lol


Player interactions in MMO are not limited to just instance grinding.

Gebus, you got a serious case of the WoW brain.

MMORPGs set out to be shared virtual fantasy worlds that encompass all kinds of content that drive player interactions.

You need to branch out more to different MMOs.

I’m glad I did. EQ was my first MMO, and switched to WoW in 04, but I’ve pushed myself to play a lot of the other MMOs that were available over the years, and I have had some crazy fun in those MMOs that didn’t revolve around damage meters, chasing ilevel, and instance grinding.

Take Archeage for example, the castle sieges in that game, the housing system were both amazing content. Archeage housing existed in the world, and players would buy and sell land to expand their housing and farms. It created a huge economy just around housing, which made for some interesting player exchanges.


That is what different development teams are made for. Devs are split into different teams to focus on various aspects of the game. It’s common practice in software development.

They aren’t wasting resources on this unless they scrap it.


Heck, in swtor, most of my playing with others is just role playing in their party house on Nar’Shadaa.

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They think it is a zero-sum game. Housing is going to cost them a raid tier, or the new expansion will get even fewer dungeons than the paltry amount we get now.

I personally think WoW’s endgame has been super lackluster. I haven’t played a new dungeon that was fun since Legion, so I’m glad they’re focusing on other forms of content.

The raids haven’t been much better. Players have gone on about encounter complexity being wonderful, but that doesn’t anything for me when it comes to raids being fun and interesting.

The themes, the story and the art style of most of the raids since SL have been just dung water to me.

You must be in a wrong game. What you want is a Single-player game.

This is such a boring stereotype.


Seems like they want an MMORPG that has multiplayer interactions but the ability to solve problems as a solo player… such as wow.

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Nah I play single player too. Good thing about being an adult. My disposable income is mine to spend on whatever I want. But I like WoW. It has things I can’t get from other games. Mostly, it’s set in one of my favorite fictional settings and is a constantly changing and updating gaming experience. Meaning that I don’t get burnt at as quick as a single player narrative…

But again… I play a lot of single player games too. Don’t you worry your fuzzy head about me.

It’s definitely a question I field often :sweat_smile:

This is a good take.


By the way, you’re arguing with a known troll on these forums. Just a friendly heads up.

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The mounts are bloated. Tmogs are becoming bloated too.

They want something fresh other than the saturated mounts and Tmogs.

They thought of Furnitures… that how Housing came to their mind.

New cash shop…this time with Furnitures.

What i hate is if they force me to grind for a Furniture.

Why would they make you grind for stuff you don’t want?

Oh I figured from the responses, but I’m here cause I’m having coffee before work. As long as I’m entertained by it…that’s all that matters. It’s not like anything we say on here is going to change the state of WoW on anything. Devs gonna dev. This just counts as my MMO social interaction for this game :rofl:

You could just not. Be like me! Don’t do anything in a video game that you don’t want to do. I promise you that housing is not going to be required content.


I personally liked the raid in DF with Death wings secret lab. Loved seeing what other creations he was up to when he was still Neltherion.

Mostly because it connects so well into the Neferious storyline and his creations of the chromatic dragons.

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