Am I the only one?

Who doesn’t hoard items?

I’ve been reading a few topics surrounding the need for more bags and bank slots, especially with the reveal of Warbands.


I’ve been playing WoW since day 1, almost 20 years. I have 10 characters on the one server….

When Warbands become available and all of our characters banks become merged, I will literally have 10 items in my bank, those items are each of my characters Artifact Weapons, which are only in the bank because I can’t delete them.

Each of my characters have 4 32 slot bags, and each character has 4 items in the last bag.

I genuinely do not understand why people hold onto so many things, I watch videos of people playing and when they open their inventory they actually have to find an item to delete so they can make room for what they’re about to loot.

Am I the only one who plays with this minimalist mindset?


Don’t judge me bro!


I normally cruise at 100ish empty slots? PvP gear, tanking shield and weapon, utility items like shroud of cooperation or whatever the Stormwind teleport cloak is called.

I always carry my Budd’s Guise of Zul’Aman. You never know when you may need to seamlessly integrate into troll society.

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The only thing that ever fills up is my reagent tab . I might need those crafting items from 3 expacs ago one day

most of my bag space is empty bags, even keeping a few different gear sets and carrying around diferent consumables, crafting, quest items and different currency type things from the patch content doesn’t come close to filling my bags

I’m almost the same way OP, I try to get rid of as much as I can, but I do have some other miscellaneous stuff in my bank, such as [Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]

Looks at 3 stacks of khorium bars… I dont know what youre talking about.


I don’t hoard, I’m just too lazy to clean out my bags. Would be a cool idea for boosters to sell a cleaning service, I would definitely be a regular customer.


Oh I hoard a whole bunch of stuff, so I was looking at the void storage bank of my pally and I have so many weapons, I think every blue drop I got from levelling or just being out in the world was declared sacred and left there. Its very neat if I do say so myself.

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I never used a void storage. Don’t you have to pay to deposit and to withdraw?

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Uhhhhhmmmm… I’m that person you’re wondering about. I’m the absolute worst. At any given point, I might have 6-10 open bag spaces. 16-18 if I try to clean things up. :joy: You ask what takes up the space and it’s all, well mostly, “junk”. :slight_smile:


Necessary Stuff – I’m a raider and I run a good bit of M+, so I keep always on hand the various flasks, potions, foods, runes, and whatnot needed to be ready for anything. Throw the M+ keystone in on top of this and these can take 7-8 bag spots, especially because I try to carry enough to cover unprepared people in my group. Included in this are all currencies which aren’t in the currency tab and there are an unfortunate number of those.

Backup Gear – I hall pass myself for this since it’s actually useful. I always save the next previous thing to every piece of breakable gear I’m wearing so if something happens to break in a dungeon where I can’t repair, I can toss on the next best thing and keep going! This started with the hunter class calls in BWL when I found it higher DPS to leave my weapon equipped and just swap it out if Nefarian broke it. (At that time, I also carried grey bows to trade to other hunters mid-fight if someone was too slow to un-equip.)

Sentimental raid armor – I’ve gotten a little better about this since there’s nothing you can do when you’ve raided literally every raid since the beginning of WoW. Void storage definitely helps, but (for just two examples) I can’t put my crowns from Opulence in there and one of the tiger claws from original ZG is unique, then I can’t bear to put my Striker’s Mark in there since it would strip off it’s original enchant… add in all the legendary quest rewards like the MoP cape, the WoD ring, the Heart of Azeroth, my Legion artifact weapons (most of my characters have more than one), etc, etc … it starts to add up over 19 years.

Townwear – Back in the day we called tmog “townwear”! It sat in your bags and I still haven’t shaken the habit of carrying it. Most of my characters have a formal outfit of some sort (which often takes 3-4 bag slots), for example, and my only-beast-master hunter always carries a selection of favorite melee weapons.

Teleport Items – The Boralus ring, the Dalaran ring, the mole machine to the BRD bar, the necklace to the Black Temple, the Flight Whistle, etc, etc, etc… there are a lot more than most people likely even remember and I have most of them! I can get anywhere fast!

Grey Items – Dreamlure Candles, Sinrunner Horseshoes, Pet Collars, Pet Rocks, Fetishes of Hareek, and countless other beloved grey items with great flavor text are all stashed away along with items which were important before being made into grey items like the Urn originally used to summon Nightbane. Those last are most coveted as they can’t be obtained without having had the original item which no longer drops in game.

The Library – Readable books, scrolls, and even a few copies of game mails from NPCs to my characters are also kept. Non-soulbound ones are stored on a bank alt, but most from quests are soulbound.

Miscellany – Then there are the quest items which were never removed. The Tear of Elune from Leigion and the Moist Towelette from vanilla are just two examples, but other favorite items also fall into this category, like my Stratholme water (Just 1 calorie!) and my Tillers flowers which bloom on my body every time I die. When the scourge event came back around, guess who still had scourgestones?? This girl! :smiley:

Soooo… TL;DR… Some of us just can’t help ourselves. To be completely honest, I don’t know bigger bags would help. :joy: There’s always some neat thing that three expansions from now, you can link in guild chat and get people to say: “Omg… you still have that?:joy:

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You know, this is my second account and I used to have all the things on the first one; you name it: mounts/pets/titles/PVP honorifics/rare xmogs/blah/blah/blah.

Since coming back to WoW with a new account and not having ~all that crap~ really simplifies the game and its easy to look at thing with a fresh perspective…or at least one that you haven’t seen in decades of playing.

Not having all that streamlines the game; you know what time sumps to avoid, and what you have to hyper-focus on in order to get done in as short amount of time possible (exception: crafting professions this expac) for whatever is your end game preference.

Do I miss those things?

Sometimes they were ‘handy’ but more often than that, they got in the way of forward progress in ways that I couldn’t see before…

So no, you aren’t the only one.

Probably not. Everyone is different.

It is nice to collect stuff, imo.

Like my Druid got the Blindfold from Illidan, for Transmog. I kept the item in my bank, just because.

Then in Legion, it was useful for non demon hunters during that Dreadlord event, so we could find Dreadlords.

And Blizzard does that, sometimes. Makes little forgotten old things have some odd perk or use down the road.

I don’t actively keep stuff just in case, but I do now and then. I still have some items from BC on some Alts that I think one day might be useful.

This is definitely a legitimate angle to take on it. Occasionally I get irritated at my lack of bagspace and SOMETHING(S) have to go and I honestly don’t miss them when they do.

However, part of the fun for me is the history on my account and my attachment to my characters, as well as what each one has done… for what things each one was present. The things I keep amount to trophies of what parts of the game I’ve played. If my account were somehow wiped, it would be unlikely for me to come back with a new one. I would only want the original characters. Ridiculous amounts of stuff and all. :slight_smile:

You are not. I don’t hoard items either. There are a few things across my characters that I’ve held on to and my storage guild bank on my other characters is not even half full. I don’t get it either OP, nor would my mild OCD be able to handle it.

Not going to say you’re the only one, but just for the sake of my own curiosity as you have gotten my attention:

How much gold do you have on the account?

You’ve piqued my interest and now have me wondering if there might be a correlation between those of us that use our banks to a full extent, those of you that keep things fairly clean, and how much gold we all have overall.

Just as nature abhors a vacuum, players abhor bag space. May have something to do with the Light’s perception that empty bag/bank slots are tainted with the Void.

My main has about 260,000 gold.

I mainly PvP so I don’t make much coin, and I’ll be honest every time I get too low I whip out my credit card and buy a token.

For more context on why I don’t have many items (and also why I don’t have much gold), I don’t have any Professions, haven’t since Vanilla.

Well, my personal feelings on the token aside, that does slightly confirm some of my thoughts on players that have clean bags.

I know a couple of other folks that also barely touch professions. Let’s just say I tend to spread my wealth around when my two oldest WoW friends (one an IRL friend, the other my oldest WoW friend that I eventually met IRL) get a little bit on the broke side.

For the record: 1.053M over 20 characters. Realistically, it’s more like seven characters at 70 as the vast majority of my characters are alts with no real purpose anymore now that we have cross faction groups/guilds. Several of those characters are also classes I’ve dabbled with a few times over the years, but can never really get into.

As far as the whole profession thing goes, why not at least take mining and herbalism? I get it. Some folks just do NOT like crafting in WoW. However, at least having those two can bring in SOMETHING whenever you do find yourself out in the world.

I walk around with my main backpack full and bag one maybe half full at most. And mostly that is sidegrade gear and things like artifacts that I don’t want to delete but need to make time to turn them in.

My bank is usually full of all my noob gear (I like to save it for some reason) and again, I have the main bank full and maybe half of one bag.

Also I only have the 32 slot reagent bag and I think I came like six slots from filling it the other day, but I generally have less than 12 slots filled in that even when I’ve been gathering.

32 slot cheap bags have been an embarrassment of riches. I really don’t need all this space, but I’d rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. I also have a yak that I can dump my gray crap into so that’s probably one of the main reasons I never really get filled up.

This pretty much sums up me - I have tonnes of momentos from over the years in forms of gear or items I worked really hard for or are super rare like I have a genuine Rhok’Delar, Lok’Delar, Sinew Wrapped Lamina and the epic quest starter item in my bag.

I have my Drake Fang Talisman because of how hard I had to fight to get it from the melee as a Hunter and how long I kept it (Didnt get replaced until Leotheras in SSC in TBC).

I have ZG items that no longer exist, my rep reward items from the Sandlol silithus AQ events, I still have my original Seal of the Dawn and Spectral essence as well as the brazier to summon the T0.5 stuff.

I desperately need more bag space haha.