Am I the only one who took warts and all seriously?

Plus I wonder how Blizzard’s revenue is compared the OSRS’s company.

With or without the bots?

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Whatever the financial sheets say.

Probably started off well but it’s normalized now then.

I still haven’t been swayed away from in game content polls on the grounds that Blizzard’s terrible at interpreting community feedback and they’ve never done this before.

Putting some kind of in game requirement needing to be met and a super majority vote of 70%+ would likely be needed for something like this.

Again Blizzard has never opened this kind of platform for player feedback before.

I honestly think #nOchAnGEs was more out of not wanting to relearn the game instead of a love for World of Warcraft and trying to preserve it.

Changes need to happen that counter emergent behaviors and player caused abuses.


I agree. #Nochange just seems like a meta meme at this point.


Myself I don’t want WoW Classic to become retail WoW. I don’t like the way they messed with the story, or all of the game mechanics.

There are just certain things from retail that I like.

I wonder though if some people are just starting various topics because they like to talk and see what people think and are sick of seeing the same negativity about the same topic across X number of threads.

Also how does making the content harder turn it into retail?

Making changes that were added to the game after classic is making the game more like retail. Most of the changes called for are not new ideas- they were things added to the game later.

I never said I was only against changes that make it harder.

There are some problems that we can’t really avoid because instead of the original server size of 2500 ish rose have servers that are 5000 ish.

That changes more than just the economy, it changes how we get to play.

They also have given us this new WoW client that runs on new WoW type servers with a spell batching system designed to emulate the old game, and it does that kinda ok I think, but many people have pointed out some differences, some I think are real differences, others meh, hard to tell.

What if there is an in game bug from Vanilla that if I do exactly that thing it will crash the server?

Is that something we just ignore and let people crash the server constantly?

My answer to that is no, we fix the problem.

Where do you draw that line? That is the hard part because as soon as blizzard deviated from the original servers and client, and have us this new stuff they broke the pattern.

We need some kind of pattern, a constitution of a sort that will keep our way when we have to make the hard choices.

Righto. That’s another thing Blizzard doesn’t try anymore though. Making content more challenging rather than nerfing it.

old school runescape has people literally vote for how the game should exist, be updated, anything, and the 3 or 4 mods change it
blizz would never do this, but it is interesting to see how they actually listen to their customers and then make the change in a week or two lol

Look, you seem to think this topic was about you, specifically.

Your change to how exp works would be annoying, but I wouldn’t quit over it. But you’re not the only one asking for changes, nor are you asking for the most extreme changes.

There’s people asking for entire class overhauls to make specs that aren’t powerful into meta viable builds. I don’t think that makes content harder, I think it makes it much easier. But I don’t think that’s vanilla anymore if you do that.

You’re grasping for straws there. I’m just here to suggest new ways Blizzard should make content for their game that they’ve never done before.

Can they wait til after phase 6?

I want to beat something resembling the game as it was. Despite what changes have occurred, this is still mostly vanilla, or close enough for me.

If I could play naxx now I’d be doing that and once my guild is geared enough that I feel I’ve paid my dues to them, I can move on. Go nuts with the changes at that point.

I can’t finish the game right now because of timegating. I want to finish it while it’s still classic. Go nuts with the changes after, cards on the table I don’t care at that point.

That’s fair honestly. I’m just preparing for when people burn themselves out. I think this is something that needs to be asked far in advance to even have a chance of getting traction.

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I view classic as a remake that tries (and doesn’t quite succeed) to be as close as possible to the original game.

I want to beat that original game. I started in TBC. I’ve had a lot of enjoyment and appreciation for just seeing how different the game was. Time gating means I can’t finish it right now. And people want lots of changes. Some of them won’t affect this plan much, and I can live with those. Heck if I’m being honest, Blizzard’s done a decent job of gatekeeping which changes get made in a lot of cases. Not perfect but decent.

I just want to be able to finish the game before things go off the rails too much.

No, we are still here OP. I took it seriously too. But you have to realize that by now us originals are wildly outnumbered. Even the classic wow subreddit has like 300k more people subscribed to it than way back at the beginning when classic was just announced.

A lot of the OG’s like us cheered for no changes, we knew the more they fked with it, the worse off things would be for the most part. But the masses of new folks (many came from retail during this lull) don’t much care at all for classics “values”. They are the ones that cried when they announced they would ban LFG addons, and cried about not getting cheap respecs/dual spec and cried about classes like paladins not getting taunt etc.


It’s a pity that new players won’t be able to experience the way I got to. This was supposed to be something that wouldn’t get updates, new content, new meta. People could play the game as it was; or close to it anyways.

People talk about how to keep subs after phase 6 like it’s an actively developed game that’s supposed to hook you for eternity. But it’s not. It’s supposed to be something you can finish now. It’s not meant to be a game that’s constantly getting new content. It’s not supposed to keep you subbed forever unless you really, truly love the game as it is.

So many players fail to grasp the basic premise and try to twist it to serve their own wants, not caring about anyone else’s experience.