Am I the only one that think ending faction conflict was a bad idea?

The Horde literally did. They were trading with the night elves until Cata.


Humans starting the conflicts, night elves take the brunt of the punishment, Horde gets blamed for starting them.

The circle of life.


There are no male Nelf Priests of Elune.

It is still forbidden. Because it is part of the religion itself. Women are closer to Elune’s image and thus “More Holy”

Even if you allow men to join the Priesthood, they will still be a massive minority because it is simply contradictory to their religious beliefs.

Not true. Thrall was a weak leader and couldn’t get his house in order. That’s why.

Tyrande is such a victim of plot convenience. It is so annoying.

And imo, that is the greatest thorn in the paw of WoW lore. It is hella inconsistent because the writers don’t try to make it make sense. The characters will adopt whatever personality they need to to make a plot happen. Their own values and beliefs be damned.


You mean after they spent half a decade fighting the night elves for Warsong gulch and only after a truce was brokered because both sides exausted itself fighting the lich king?

WSG was not a Horde sanctioned operation. It was literally rogue bandits and raiders.

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tbf she is nowhere near the only character to get handed the idiot ball to move the plot along. A distressing amount of WoW plots/wars could have been stopped by 1-2 people being adults.

Her incidents are just jarring because she’s in-lore said to be incredibly wise, kind, savvy,etc, and then occasionally she just acts like Illidan with a push up bra.

But as a Saurfang fan since friggin vanilla, I feel your pain.


Seems like old lore. Male priest are now allowed. Sure, they cant join the sisterhood of Elune but there are likely Male priest of Elune now.

And before you say they are wild god priest. We have never actually seen wild god priest in night elf society and that role is generally something druids handle.

Find me an NPC.

There are several Female Druids… but not one male Priest.

The only example we have is a little statue from thousands of years ago. Created under who knows what circumstance or purpose.

Lore as written currently is men are forbidden to be Priests.

Tyrande is just another example of Blizzard not being able to keep characters consistent, especially when they’re non-Humans. It’s jarring and bizarre that races who can live for centuries, if not millennia, suddenly need a middle-aged Human to teach them battle tactics; or be so much more powerful at using magic. Or be a veteran of all three major wars be taught the meaning of honor from a boy who’s barely on the cusp of being an adult.

All because Human Potential™.


It has been a long time since I rolled up my sleeves and helped the needy. In my lust for immortality I forgot why I became a priest.

Thank you for reminding me there is good in this world worth fighting for, .

She also calls Tyrande “my high priestess”.(admittedly he threw some shade after but mostly because Tyrande wouldnt approve his expedition)

That hasn’t been true since Legion at least.

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He is not a Priest of Elune. He is a Highborne Shen’dralar, and Arcane Priest. He is not a member of the SIsterhood.

“priest” in this context, means something totally different. Whatever it meant to Shen’dralar. “Healing” Mages, perhaps.

Throw away NPC with zero dialogue. Zero means to verify if they are members of the Sisterhood, or HIghborne. None of them wearing Mooncloth. And they only appear to fill the space for another quest. They are not there normally.

I don’t think that is sufficient to unseat the current lore that says men are still forbidden from being Priests within the Sisterhood.

Show me a significant NPC… one with Dialogue, one in Mooncloth, one that is a quest giver.

The meaning of honor stuff was so obnoxious because he himself basically gave a perfect definition of orcish honor in WOTLK.

The orcs hadn’t lived up to it, hence why Saurfang broke out of his depression coma to go give Garrosh a beating, and why he was adamantly against starting a war until he got beaned with an idiot ball.

Him losing hope due to seeing Teldrassil was fine, he should have been extremely upset about being duped into doing something he swore he’d never do again. But he didn’t need to find the meaning of anything, he just needed a kick in the butt and assurance that taking down Sylvanas wasn’t going to ultimately end with the alliance opportunistically wiping out his people after


I should be able to have one of our new arcane mages provide us a portal if I can convince Tyrande to approve the mission.

There is nothing to suggest he is Shen’dralar and that quote states he considers arcane mages as “new”. And everything to suggest his immortality was derived from Nordrassil and not Prince Tortheldrin’s feeding a demon his people.

Face it Akiyass. With Blizzard being more accomodating to people’s role play I think canonically there are male Elune priest nowadays.

Just read his wiki. It says he is Shen’dralar.

He wears mage attire.
He has Mana Burn as an ability.
He’s not a Priest of Elune lol

Because mana burn was a priest ability. Also,

He is wearing priest pvp gear.

You mean the speculation section? :smiley:

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You are not going to convince me that this dude is a Priest of Elune. Point blank. And this conversation is going off the rails.

Even if the SISTERHOOD of Elune was open to male membership, I would argue that it shouldn’t be.

Because it is boring. It is an erasure of something that makes the Night Elves unique. Something that is absolutely vital to their culture and belief system.

I am not playing a Night Elf just for them to become tall, purple humans.
I am playing a Night Elf to be a Savage, Matriarchal, Religious extremist.
If I wanted to be a basic, Egalitarian, Democratic, Modern Liberalist, NATO larper, I would play a Gnome.

And we shouldn’t be cheering blizzard on when they narrow the window for players to look through.


And your not going to me he isnt so that is not going to change.

The world changed. Old believes can change. Heck, the Alliance of old would have killed any undead and now it allows it in its ranks. People are allowed to evolve and WoW of all place is fairly accepting and willing to be open.

This feels like an argument people have against all class/all races being open. If anything it means people are free to be who they choose to be in Warcraft.

Why even have different races? Just make everyone be humans since that’s apparently what you want.


If he’s Shen’dralar than he’s not a priest of elune. Simple as that

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