What is a Night Elf, if a Night Elf can be anything?
Is the Sisterhood of Elune a Sisterhood if it allows men?
Is Elune even a woman? Or should we universalize her as well? Because the basis for Nelf Matriarchy is that Women are truer to Elune’s form? So how about Elune has no form? She is just an ambiguous force that plays no favorites. She can be any race, any gender.
Do the Night Elves not have a right to their own culture? Their own faith? Because some non-Nelves think the Gender exclusion is somehow a problem?
Why stop there? The Church of the Holy Light is a bit too exclusive. We can’t tolerate this injustice to Void Elves. Let’s call it the Church of Varying degrees of Brightness and Dimness. That sounds much better.
However, after the devastation of the Third War, traditional gender roles were discarded in favor of permitting night elves to choose the vocations they most desired. As a result, although a majority of Elune’s priests are still women, the order now welcomes men into its ranks. Since the night elves emerged from their societal isolation, the priests of Elune have also extended membership to a few priests of other races.
Irrevocable proof you are wrong.
So there are male priest of Elune even of they are not part of the sisterhood(although the article seems to imply it might change in the future)
I’m at work and that seems like something that would take a while to reply to. However.
Blizzard has said before, the people of Azeroth dont view race the same way we do. So presumably its not as important/that night elf just designate a certain group of people.
The Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout have female members. Why cant a sisterhood have male member?
Would you say any Priestess npc might actually be a Priestess of the Shen’dralar?
And I don’t necessarily disagree with you think the Sisterhood should work, just how it is atm.
Well then we disagree about significance than cause so many of those are minor npc’s or dead characters. The most significant one of all would maybe be Belysra Starbeeze I think.
It is important for people who play Night Elves because of what they are and want them to remain that way.
There is a reason why I haven’t played WoW in years.
If night Elves get to maintain their racial identity and uniqueness. You lose nothing.
If everything is homogenized into the same boring slop you want… Then I am done with the franchise. And I am not alone in that.
The Brotherhood of Steel shouldn’t have female members.
And yet it does. And they didnt feel the need to change the name to a more gender neutral thing. Similarly if the Sisterhood of Elune allowed male priest I doubt you need to change the name either.
Its a playable race. Like you are a night elf if you have those racials.
The warcraft page seems to suggest it is a matter of time if not already happening. But then again we dont get much sister of elune lore.
She seems to prefer female pronouns so yeah I say respect her chosen pronouns.
For the most part this seems to be true. She may “favor” night elves/women but she has no qualms helping other races and even allowed a man to be a night warrior. So maybe her favoratism is skin deep.
Everyone has a right to a culture. No one has a right to have said culture be respect especially if its problematic. Same with faith. And if you want to remain part of a greater organization you do have to reform at least for civic purposes. No one should tolerate your bull just because you say its your religion.
You do realize I am a proponent of void elves becoming paladins and that people realizing you need both to get the “truth”(which Alleria saw in her vision).
That ultimately it is all semantics like your argument for not thinking brotherhoods should have no female members. As long as a void elf follows the tenets of the church of light, they shouldnt be excluded. And no, you dont need a name change for it
I am mostly talking about having a matriachal society and mostly the more civilian aspect rather then religious. Personally if the sisterhood wants to only have female members go for it. But it cant stop men from being priests of Elune. And who knows, maybe the sisterhood will realize its stupid to exclude men from their sisterhood( considering the wardens and the sentinels and druids have reformed). Especially considering I dont think Elune truly cares about someone’s gender. Anyway we will probably learn more if we ever get an expac focused on Elune and her true nature(we will probably find out more about her in the future)
More like the Vatican can’t stop others from being christian priests, even women.
I am not even sure that is true. In so much as Tyrande just happened to be the one willing to do the job. If say Jarod Shadowsong married Shandris. I think they will be co rulers. Exactly like Tyrande and Malfurion. Even if Jarod has nothing to do with the Elune priesthood.
The Catholic church believes female Priests is heretical, as well as every other Sect of Christianity. They believe they are the only true church.
The same should be truth for the SIsterhood of Elune, which is the Governing body of Nelf Society.
The whole point of this conversation is that Characters are written from a point of plot Convenience and not being true to their cultural or racial identity and worldview.
You keep using Tyrande as an example, when the entire point is that her writing has been trash to appease virtue signaling, moral supremacists like you… And then they wonder why people quit playing.