Am I the only one that think ending faction conflict was a bad idea?

Is he going to return?
They way he’s been written lately feels to me like he just going to leave like Thrall but instead of raising a family, retiring and then become an Advisory figure…
Anduin feels like he is being set to lead the fight beyond Azeroth to protected it from the constant invading Cosmic Forces… like that old comic where he was with Velen leading the fight against the Void.

I know that its a big take on my part and I could be wrong, but I have gotten this feeling ever since this expansion started. I feel he won’t return to be King…IMO

Remnants of human sexism still exist in the game. They still practice betrothal according to the Duskwood storyline about Tobias Mistmantle’s predator brother.

Giles, the boy, seems a bit rambunctious and will be a challenge to educate. However the elder daughter, Tilloa, seems exceptionally smart. I couldn’t help but to notice her captivating beauty as well. She is on the cusp of womanhood now. Supposedly the Lord has arranged her marriage for next year.

Granted there are different types of arranged marriages. They can be consensual. But probably not in this context.


And what happens when every race votes to have Egalitarian societies between sexes, except for the Night Elves?

What happens then? Are they forced to alter their society for the appeasement of non Night Elves?

They were both Alliance leaders, Garithos in particular was THE main guy after Lordaeron’s fall.

You know, it is one thing to have poor taste. It is something else to say “You MUST have the same boring taste that I do.”
Like, you want to be boring Alliance Human #184,476, then be my guest.

But arguing to fundamentally change the racial identity of, not just an entire playable race, but EVERY playable race associated with the Alliance faction… it just… Totalitarian.

That is the real room temp IQ thing about it. Bro is saying cultural subversion and ethnocide and imperialism is a good thing.


Honestly, yeah or risked being kicked out. In the same vein any Alliance race that decides slavery is ok is subject to being kicked out.

Luckily this wont matter because the night elves have already changed.

Yes Alliance leaders. But did not have the support of the Alliance as a whole. They did things on their own.

And this is why I RP a Nelf Anti-Alliance separatists.

“You will not plunder my people any longer.”

The fact that they were Alliance leaders means they had the support of their people.
They had an entire army of Alliance members at their back, enforcing their will.

And they actually haven’t, men are still forbidden to hold the upper echelons of the Sisterhood.


Yeah they had the support of their people, but not the Alliance a whole or as an organization.

You are free to RP what you want but if you are considering that trying to make the make the Night elves more egaletarian and have both genders treated the same is some affront. Well, I am kinda hoping we get to kill some night elf seperatist late and considering what happened in classic with that murderous night elf npc who got away. Maybe we will get that in the future.

Oh and look there, future Alliance coded villains? So win-win?

“Subscribe to our subjective moral demands, or else we will kill you. - Alliance isn’t imperialist btw. Totally Democratic good guys.”

“Teldrassil had weapons of mass destruction.”

“You’re either with us… Or you’re with the Eggplant terrorists.”

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Except Tyrande is already subscribing to it and it would be night elves rebelling and potentially cause harm to innocent that we end up dealing with.

There is no such thing as an innocent imperialist that seeks to commit Ethnocide on a Sovreign people.

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Again Tyrande is the one agreeing to it.

Night Elves in Season of Discovery have male humans praying to Elune openly in the temple. And Season of Discovery is considered canon.


No she isn’t. Again, men are still forbidden from holding key positions in the Sisterhood.

Night Elves are not Egalitarian.

Not that it really matters because this conversation is about how poorly the Alliance has been written.


WOW humans have a long history of colonizing all trolls. Evil to the core.

Well, sometimes there’s a cost to being in the enviable position of being the closest target for whenever Stormwind riles up the orcs.

Speaking of, I should re-read the BFA pre-patch stories to see how tuned in Tyrande and Malfurion were with Anduin/Genn/Shaw’s “if we keep poking the bear, the bear will never get irritated and take a swipe at us” plan.

I legitimately think the Nelves should be ticked off at the Alliance for more than just the peace agreements.


Well I generally don’t mind the idea of nations having minimal standards of “humanoid” rights before being allowed to join a military alliance, but uh, imagine if someone wanted to place sanctions on the Vatican until they allow female priests. The Priesthood doesn’t need to be a dealbreaker.

Absolutely night elves should be pissed at the Alliance.

Also remember Varian made peace with the Horde in MoP without getting the Horde to withdraw from night elf land and the night elves apparently just had to suck it up.


I often wonder if the Night Elves and Horde would be as hostile with each other if Night Elves never joined the Alliance.

Yeah, the Night Elves have resources the Horde needs, but they could have obtained that diplomatically.

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I also still think the draenei should be pissed by the lack of Alliance help against the Legion as well. The blood elves helped more than the Alliance did.

That was the 1 thing the draenei joined the Alliance for and they didn’t get help for it, instead they just got dragged into endless race wars that didn’t involve them.


Which key position is that? Like at this point the various priest/priestess of elune seem all to all have equal power now sans Tyrande.

And even then I dont think religion is something the Alliance will be trying to impose on and more of the practical side of civil and military matters.

The entire reason the Night elves joined the Alliance is because the Horde wasnt willing to settle things diplomatically.

Personally even with them being in the alliance, I find it weird that they withheld aid over the wrathgate given the average non warsong orc was far more likely to have helped the Nelves at Hyjal/AQ than have taken up arms against them. Hell, I believe in the comics even Varian was telling them to do a deal. And he was fresh off invading the Barrens for kicks!

Its legit a reason I don’t like Tyrande. They didn’t owe the orcs a great debt or anything over Hyjal, but crowing about starving children when you have excess is kinda screwed up. And that’s ignoring the fact that it might well have kept tensions from exploding.

But that’s Cata. BFA they absolutely got to be the punching bag for a fight they didn’t have a hand in starting. At worst, Tyrande seems kind of rude from a Horde PC perspective for not caring that Genn just tried to assassinate the hero that just helped her at Val’shara.