Am I the only one that think ending faction conflict was a bad idea?

There’s room for both!

Really, it’s a big faction. There’s lot of quests and zones in each expac - enough to plant characters from a range of views and backgrounds. There’s plenty of space for opposed ideals to get a mini spotlight, and those ideals get to stand out more when they have a foil to compare them to.

I’d also absolutely love if the PC had some dialogue options to agree/disagree with these characters (even if it doesn’t affect gameplay one bit, to make it the easiest to implement), so the player can customize their PC’s role in the world a bit more.


That’s exactly what he means. Zerde is a huge proponent of Alliance homogenization and human supremacy.


Or these are values of the Alliance as AN ORGANIZATION. Like, even Tyrande got into the action of letting Sylvanas live so she might actually do some good.

Ultimately the Alliance is lawful good overdrive. If anything the races all end up conforming to a degree or another(like for example, the dark irons becoming less bloody and slave using ever since it joined it)

Yes, I am well aware you think homogenization and destroying racial differences so everyone is more like humans is a good thing. You don’t need to keep telling people that. We get it.


More like the Alliance, not just humans. Hell, the draenei were created specifically for the Alliance because it was as close to Alliance ideals as possible. With Velen going out and forgiving the Horde/letting Man’ari get a second chance.

That is what is being debated here.

The Alliance has been poorly written into the position of arbitrary “good guys”
Which is boring and unrealistic. And imo, only morally “good” in a fantasy setting that can ignore the real world consequences of cultural and moral homogenizing of a global unification of civilizations.

Each race deserves their own separate identity.


The Alliance has always been the good guy faction in what was original a Warhammer/Tolkien style story.

They do still maintain a DEGREE of identity. But for other more moral leaning things there has to be a shared one between the faction. Like for example not letting anyone use slaves. Men and women in the Alliance being equal and a shared goal of peace.

Was Garithos a “Good guy” ?
Was Daelin?

Warcraft 3, the Alliance had more nuance to them.

That is not the case in Nelf society, and it shouldn’t be.

No other civilization can dictate to another what aspects of their culture and society is “Acceptable” without use of Force. This has been the historical standard since the Dawn of man.

It would make the Alliance infinitely more interesting if they had major cultural differences that they had to contend with in the pursuit of mutual goals.

That is how “alliances” in the real world work.
We don’t always agree with our Allies, but we are still allies.

And who determines that DEGREE they are allowed to maintain? And what DEGREE they must give up? Who have the final say?

Sounds like human imperialism to me.

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It is now the case(or at least a slow lurch toward it) and that is a good thing!

Except the Alliance isnt using force to do so. There are other more subtle ways of trying to influence other people culture without resorting to violence.

Or that the Alliance has learned over the years to compromise and have been affected by their deep cooperation over the years with each other.

No we dont always agree. But some of the best alliance do mantain shares values and to one degree or another make it a requirement that people follow said value or risked being kicked out.

I guess the Horde should put schools in Orgrimmar and Silvermoon to teach and indoctrinate their culture to be more like them if that’s the case?

I know! Anduin can teach them how to be more like the Alliance in morals of what they consider good!

And Jaina can teach all those stuffy elves how to properly use magic, she being part of that Overwatch team of ultra powerful heroes she had no problem to enforce strick good use of magic!


Oh, Zerde you do know that there is nothing more hyperbole nowadays than to try to tell people how things should be, specially in fantasy setting where your suppose to have the freedom to be or become anything without consequence… :face_with_peeking_eye:

Except Horde of course, horde players need to be reminded forever about does consequences. :laughing:

NOTE: Ignore me Zerde I just could not resist teasing a bit. :face_in_clouds:

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The Alliance is indeed like overwatch

But the Horde is like TF2. We got heart, dangit.


No it’s not, it is a boring thing.

That is called cultural subversion, and it’s a bad thing.

And in case you missed it, because I edited it in:

Every race? Like every race in the Alliance gets a vote and ultimately the Alliance gets to create a share vision on how they want the organization to end up being. And in the night elves case with their becoming more egalitarian its due to practicality and a changing world they have to adapt to.

You say its humans, when it has always been values most of the eastern kingdoms had shared in forming the Alliance. For example the dwarves and gnomes are not really into senseless bloodshed either and the dwarves have also lurched toward gender equality thanks to Moira.

Now Aki, I know you know you’re arguing with Zerde, whose favorite flavor of anything is Vanilla, whose favorite pizza is plain cheese, who once got offended when he learned flavored water exists because flavor ruins water, whose hears elevator music and thinks it’s good.

What about him makes you think he cares about nuance?


Dont like Vanilla(dont mind it) who wants cheese pizza, give me peperoni everytime.

Oh and

In both these case the were not done by the Alliance as a whole. Daelin didnt have support of the rest of the Alliance(and promptly rebuked his wife for asking vengence leading to Kul Tiras leaving) and Garithos. I dont think most of the Alliance realized what he was up to considering it was too busy with a zombie apocolypse and later even Shaw mentions how what he did was bad.

Humans used to be sexist. Calia Menethil was Arthas’ older sister, but it was Arthas who was to be king.

Humans were whitewashed completely between the RTS games and WoW.


And now Anduin would likely not care who’s gender takes over his throne if he returned. We have had wars and catacylsm galore. Civilization is allowed to change and gasp grow from it.

It’s not “growing” when it just goes from sexist to not sexist without ever even addressing that it was sexist to begin with.


The WC2 era alliance had Genn and Daelin politicking and backbiting even as Doomhammer’s forces drew nearer and nearer to Gilneas/Loraedon.

It was kinda great in that “sadly realistic” sense.


Genn did. Daelin wasnt and Warcraft 3 confirmed he was one of the Alliance strongest supporters.