I’m Horde and deadset if we get the villain treatment again, I’m going to fly over to America myself and throw a brick through Blizzard HQ’s freaking window.
I’m over it.
I’m sick of it.
It’s stupidly repetative.
And it’s stupidly demoralising.
There’s little to no faction pride for the Horde anymore,
Especially when it comes to conflict whatsoever – Faction or otherwise.
Honestly if they shelve the Blood Elves and pose Alleria, Vereesa and the Alliance-faction of elves as the prime spotlight heroes over the Horde ones in ‘Midnight’ …
Dude, while I was reading the post right now… I was chatting in a Monster Hunter Wilds group chat made to play the game friday… and the conversation of WoW was brought up, they even mention they been reading post or other chat they have with other friends and it ended like you just said, if in Midnight Blizz don’t deliver good on Midnight… it’s unanimous they will quit the game. (they were harsher saying if they bring the same sloop to the story, among other thing I can’t mention here but you get the idea lol)
Not sure if that is a lot of people (I think if I correct that be almost 20 if I count their other friends who they play with that I personally don’t know) or if its a permanent quit but at least it I know they will skip and maybe sit out a year or so on WoW, maybe more if every year is like this one, with the kind of good games coming out.
Like mention before its seems Midnight has a lot of expectations running on it.
Also I think someone mention that elves are the WoW fav race… so that sure does not help!
To me would be a just another long break like always, but I will sure miss my friends and our RP when we log in WoW and out.
Honestly Blizzard should take those kind of mass-exodus of people seriously — Many people got burnt out & sick of the game from BFA → SL and albeit they were able to recover a few, there’s a significantly great deal of many players that haven’t returned.
No, I am saying Garrosh wanted to be like the idealized version he had in his head. He wanted to be honored and revered like he felt his father was. He was so focused on chasing that glory that he blinded himself. He fixated his hatred on demons as the cause of his father’s failing, not the reckless pursuit of power. And when given a similar situations they both made the same choice. They both wanted glory so much they reached for power through a dark source.
Garrosh ended up following his father’s path. Just substitute Sha for Demons.
I don’t know if there was an intend to make him a raid boss. I am saying the go full Grom 2.0 was there from Cata on. Maybe he would have ended up a raid boss after the Horde deposed him (not a boss in Orgrimmar). Maybe he would have been completely handled by the Horde questing (not raid a raid) kind of like how WoD finished him. The raid boss part is a maybe. The villain part is not.
It isn’t.
That particular conversation got picked up from someone else saying Garrosh being a villain in MoP was because of Alliance complaints. It just got mixed in with the other. I have been trying to clarify and break it off from that for a bit.
They would.
Sure. How are you on getting a jumbled questing experience where you lose over and over while being told you are just as bad as the side blowing up your towns, while getting measurable less content (and being told it wont be balanced out), all in service of telling a story for the other side?
We already saw Horde players riot over TWW first patch because it was less content. And it didn’t even involve quests where you had to lose over and over. And it didn’t involve any Horde cities being destroyed.
So, yes Horde would riot if they got the Alliance treatment from either war.
Great, so is most everyone.
I am not asking you to like it. In fact I have specifically said it was bad, repeatedly. All I am asking is for you to not pretend bad is something unique to Horde. I get really tired of people who think ‘only my side had it bad.’ And I apply that both ways, same applies to Alliance players pretending the Horde had it good. It was bad for both faction players.
If you are unhappy with a game you should quit. We can hope you get a story that makes you happy. But if it doesn’t, you should quit. Don’t let it make you mad. Don’t blame other players. See what they do. If they don’t make you happy, move on.
I’m unhappy with the potential future that can unfold in the game’s future, based on previous experiences … However such ordeals haven’t been presented in the ‘World Soul Saga’ to such extremes — Yet.
People express their concerns, displeasements and such all the time on the forums … If you were to foolishly suggest everyone who does such things – “should quit” — There’d nearly be no one playing this game.
Perhaps you should learn to read then.
— Because I didn’t blame other players. Don’t put words into other peoples mouths.
Blizzard sucks at writing factions. Not just writing faction war, but writing factions in general. Factions just homogenize all their members down into red and blue blobs.
It’s why they barely even bothered to give explanations on why highmountain tauren or nightborne were willing to sign up for unending race war they had 0 stake in.
They’d be much better served writing individual races and conflicts between races than trying to work with the awful blobs factions are.
Does that mean you think the Alliance are? Because you said Alliance would riot. I assumed you were meaning in general, majority, etc. As there are likely some Alliance that would love the chance to be the villains, just not the majority.
And I was talking in the future. The game may or may not give you a story you are happy with. Heck, it could be entirely Horde story with no Alliance characters at all and it might still be a story you don’t like.
You don’t need to be angry now. The bolded threat to quit should just be a given. If you are not happy, move on. That is always the rule, if you aren’t happy, quit.
This is actually a good idea and I think it should be consider for the future if that’s not their plan already by investing in fleshing out each races culture and updating their assets or old map zones. (IMO)
It is important to keep in mind that Garrosh was ashamed of Grom when we first met him, specifically because of the demonic corruption he brought to the orcs. And while Grom is reckless and hot-headed to a fault, he was succumbing to Mannoroth’s bloodlust before they encountered Cenarius. It was the entire reason Thrall sent him away, and why he was so easily duped into consuming his blood again. Garrosh forcing Y’shaarj’s heart on his own people ran in complete opposition to what was supposed to be his core principals.
I’m just not seeing the dots you’re connecting here. Garrosh was written to be a villain to the Alliance, but nothing suggests the Horde was on course to depose him until MoP, when he went off the deep end and became a villain to everyone and everything that wasn’t an orcish sycophant.
Given I had 6 upvotes on the portrayal I suggested people would like to see the road of faction conflict to go down next time — Yeah, I’d say the players would be more open to that.
Having another faction conflict of “Horde Bad + Alliance good” = Horde revolution 3.0 + Alliance spanking the Horde (again) = Horde “Reform” — is ultimately, overdone and quite frankly predictable. Narratively, it’d be boring as hell and insulting to the whole story of the Horde “changing its ways”
You suggested one should just quit the game for having potential irks — If you also meant for the potential future, then it still doesn’t really change what I’ve already said →
To suggest people should just quit when there’s possibilities that may come to fruition they’re unhappy with, well quite frankly –
As I recall, Golden was also asked about the abruptness of Gary’s passion for fascism and about-face on WMDs, and she claimed hanging around Dark Horde goons like Malkorok – a character invented to pad out his raid – had corroded his honor. She also attributed his inconsistency as a character to his “weak core” and insisted he was a mystery to himself.
Weak stuff, IMO. Factor in the interquels like Heart of War and Garrosh was a decently coherent character from TBC to ToW.
For real. Us story forum regulars are here because obviously there’s more that we LOVE about the game than we dislike, or we wouldn’t be here discussing its lore.
But I will never understand why we can’t talk about horde player issues without dragging the alliance into it. The alliance has it’s own unique problems that need fixing and those aren’t relevant to the problems that the horde have
Edit: I would’ve quit 15+ yrs ago due to things I disliked about WoW and the list is quite long. But not as long as the reasons that keep me playing
I understood this pov on Garrosh back then. It many ways it made sense, but in hindsight… I don’t think it was the right direction to take.
It is inconsistent with what we see in Shadowlands from Garrosh, who was literally in Hell, telling his devil torturer “I’d F-ing do it again!”
That doesn’t sound like someone who is a mystery to themselves. That sounds like someone who is a devoted Ethno-Nationalist and tried to manifest that into reality for the Horde. And you know what? I like that Garrosh more.
As someone who has been mostly an Alliance player, favoring Nevles especially… I would KILL to have a Nelf character like that. An unapologetic “My people first” type character who is completely unreachable, uncompromising, and unforgiving.
“You do not plunder my people any longer.”
“You do not horde the resources my people need to survive any more”
“You do not get to dictate to me or my people the proper way to respond.”
I yearn for this. It is so much cooler than the Alliance being the diplomatic, egalitarian, acceptable modern liberalist values, Basic, boring selves.
Screw that. The Alliance should be the Overwatch of warcraft. It should be trying to make the world a better place and should be outright rejecting such characters.
It is literally an organization built on mutual cooperation.
And “Making the world a better place” is subjective.
To quote my favorite Salarian Scientist from Mass Effect 2:
“Lots of ways to help people. Sometimes heal patients, sometimes execute dangerous people. Either way helps.”
It is just a matter of how one determines who, or what, is “dangerous”
You mean lands that had already belonged to their respective nations for centuries at that point? And lands the human’s ancestors the Vrykul had settled in long before the troll empires even rose?
And that doesnt even make any sense. The Alliance was trying to protect itself from the trolls who kept attacking them. They were not even interest in troll lands.
Not to the Alliance. Sure its willing to get it hands dirty but as a rule. Violence and death should be a last resort and not the first.