Yeah, most of my time playing warlock has been Demo ride-or-die, but I would always end up switching mains cause I got tired of the limited rotation and being stuck with one pet for utility.
For instance, been maining shaman (enhance) this expac and I have no intention of dropping it. Usually I’d be switching mains right about now in most expacs, but I’m solidly in camp shaman now. Been going back for warlock as an alt, playing demo sometimes, and the clunkiness immediately made me miss my shaman.
Thematically, I prefer warlock. Especially demo for the demon control theme. But its just rough to play. For what I want out of it, diabolist destro is a lot closer from a thematic standpoint and a gameplay standpoint, but even then plenty of clunkiness. Then to top it all off, the utility between shaman and warlock is so disparate. On shaman I feel like I can actually do something about whats happening in a dungeon/raid outside of ‘just kill faster’. Cool I can make cookies, I’ll just throw one at en enemy to kick its cast shall I?
Demo needs mop style (at least) meta back (call it dark apotheosis if the term meta steps on dh toes, works for dh with meta and how its literally just shaman ascendence). Warlock in general needs better curses, and aoe application methods. Warlock NEEDS kiljaeden’s cunning.
Would swap mains in a heart beat if it came back as a tank spec, especially if there was a toggle for meta between tank and dps versions
I think it’d help alot to either bake in or add a talent to tongues/weakness that gives them a 30 sec CD each and first application kicks/stuns the target respectively. Like, that weakness stuns for 2 secs and tongues kicks the cast and silences for 2 secs.
On top of that, using soulburn then a curse smart aoes them on up to 5-6 nearby enemies. So soulburn->weakness, stun 5-6 melee-ers (and only melee) with weakness applied on top. Soulburn->tongues kicks casting and silences 5-6 casters for 2 secs (and only casters).
Otherwise, even just bringing back the venthyr ability would go a long way in helping curses.
…I know you’re joking but not an awful idea…could be interesting mechanically to have warlock conjure consumables.
Obviously not as equips, but conjure spellstone/firestone and put them in your bag as consumes. Spellstone gives a small absorb shield and removes one magic debuff, firestone as a dps increase to give….3? 5% stat buff of crit strike? Same cd as healthstone, and same functionality where using once in a fight doesn’t let you use it again (except warlocks themselves). With the clarification you can use healthstone and “spellstone” once each per fight.
Make them in the warlock talent tree so any one warlock can’t talent into both of them so multiple warlocks have more purpose….bit of a stretch but could see it being interesting.
Demo was my main in Season 3 and Season 4, Naked tyrant build was so much fun and was perfect for me. Now, just by the addition of vilefiend being mandatory to your rotation, one additional GCD, it broke everything for me.
I am returning player from legion. Since BC I been a warlock main and demo my fav spec. When they removed meta to give it demon hunters Its trashed the spec IMHO. It felt a poorly built BM hunter spec with totems instead of demons. Top it off after they removed it when fight mythic guldan goes demon form. I strongly felt there could be 2 classes with it because one is caster shrouded in fel enrgey, and the other is fusion is demon from within. When i came back tried demo to give it chance and its has so much cds and a cd with cast times. im not saying we need to mostly instant cast like a mage but this and turret spells we spam fills like a drag esp in dungeons when trying to move fast you can… Hand needs to instant . My fav demo rotation was back in Wrath when spammed shadowbolt switch to increate on proc and had soulfire execute phases. I truly wish it to more than buffs and more of a overall.
I feel I get a lot more instants with soul harvester and an implosion heavy build. But that is mainly for fun/delves and as I don’t raid or M+ I don’t know what utility such a build would have. There is one talent I may try that speeds up doom and being able to spread around doom helps out a lot in my limited experience.
I’ve had the exact opposite experience… The Felguard was much better to handle those, especially when you spec into the right side of the tree. An empowered Health Funnel can pull him of any danger of dying.
I usually maneuver him through the whole room collecting the adds while drinking the potions or popping funnel if there’s danger. It’s especially good on scenaros that you have limited space to move, like the candle or webs, because pets do not suffer with them.
The problem is not the healing, but the Voidwalker not being able to hold threat properly. The biggest boon though is being able to ignore some AoE effects as it doesn’t affect the pet.
Ah, gotcha. But the reason of going right side is more to increase the FG’s threat through its dps. I do run Brann as healer, just for comfort as strafing into a potion to fully heal the pet is much better than wasting gcds on Health Funnel.