Am I the only one having fun with Demo?

I know we’re not doing amazing and could use some love, but I just solo’d my first Tier 8 delve last night and am feeling good about things. All the opinions seem to be doom and gloom though. :pensive:


Been spending my free time leveling this guy, and the folks that were saying peak class/spec fantasy nailed it. I’m absolutely loving all the demon summoning, and may just end up going with this as a main.


I have been enjoying demonology a ton with both hero talents; DPS looks fine to. Hearing people say its in a bad state right now is definitely a first for me this expansion.

But I am awaiting the day nether portal returns, if there’s anything I don’t like about current Demo is the felguard capstone trees, whats the purpose of using them nowadays?

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They can actually tank for you. The blueberry pops like a water balloon, from what I’ve heard.

Demo is fun, I just cannot make it work in a raid - total transparency, I can barely make any Lock spec work in raid since Blizzard’s raid developers seems to have forgotten the guys next door designed some classes that cannot do very good damage while moving, but at least Destro & Aff are a bit forgiving if you cannot stand rooted in place the whole fight.

Demo needs more instant cast procs or abilities BIGLY imho… or Blizzard’s Class Development team needs to have a Come To Jesus talk with the raid designers.


It’s fun but it’s punishing on the game modes I play. In bg’s when you’re not fixed to have a healer, it’s just punishing. It’s fun but I feel like I am gimping my whole team when speccing it. In epic bg’s, your pet will just die on turtling scenario, that’s why Aff and Destro just excels better as they can run Sac.

Too many cast times, once melee breathes on you, you’re dead. And after all the cast times, the damage is so rampy that I feel like it’ just not rewarding to play.

In delves, I struggle with it especially when elites, rare mobs and special mini bosses spawn. Meanwhile, Aff and Destro breeze through the same. I had to respec when this happens.

It’s fun but this spec needs to have 2 of its spells instant. And in PvP, dreadstalkers and vilefiend needs to be instant. And fix that damn AI on vilefiend, it’s frustrating af.

But I would say that high skill warlocks can make it work. I just think it’s a very high ceiling for effective gameplay and it’s punishing for players that don’t have decent skill.

Push into harder content and you’ll understand.


Honestly I’m a little salty about Demo. It was the funnest spec in the game since Legion, but each expansion they take something else away. I still like the spec though.

I love the Doom rework, I like that shadowbolt casts faster, Ruination is a fun button to push, and proccing the pit lord is so fun.

It still has ramp time, moving out of a poorly timed swirly can ruin your entire burst window.

I can’t believe that Tyrant doesn’t give any shards and where the heck did my Demonic Core procs go? It’s crazy that 1 out of 4 casts of Dreadstalkers don’t grant any Core proc.

Moving Soulstrike to the pet freed up a GCD which is nice, but often my pet won’t cast it immediately, even tho I have it on a separate keybind. I lament the loss of mobility and the fact that it used to count as a player attack, so it was quick to get my other pets to start attacking.

I still can’t wrap my head around the Burning Rush nerf, but that’s not specific to Demo.

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I love demo. I have 3 demo warlocks. This draenei, a human, and an orc. I still think demo is fun, but there are situations, mostly in m+ where it is really hard to cast spells with all the ground mechanics. No offense to you OP, but a delve isn’t nearly as chaotic as m+. There isn’t a single delve I can think of where planting your feet and casting isn’t achievable.


Statistically, no, but i feel crap playing demo, no instant spell, constant casting, no interrupt, low mobility, drain life does nothing, demonbolt hits like a wet noodle

I don’t see why people would opt for this spec in content like pvp and mythic, which require you to move a lot, ruining up your casting, and you only deal damage AFTER you finish casting everything you need to.

Destro at least i can kill people, actually blow then up in rbgs blitz and shuffle

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Y’all really making me feel guilty for wanting to keep playing Demo instead of re-rolling or switching specs. :pensive:

Not a good time to be a warlock, we need buffs badly.

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Demo needs dogs to 100% give cores again


Now that I think of it I can see the problems with high tiered keys lol. With the lack of mobility we have

Oh, no, not just you. Demo IS fun… when you can stand still and cast.
But in an age where most fight mechanics revolve around movement it gets to be real tough to justify using it on content out there

Oh, I have been enjoying demo. Taken as a whole, the spec has been the most fun I ever had playing an mmo, no hyperbole. Even in other mmos that I enjoy more than wow on average, I still find myself wishing for the Demo playstyle. It’s just the current iteration’s design of turret casting rubbing up against the constant expected movement that has caused Demo to drag the expac, imo. But that said, a bad demo is still leagues above any other class and spec in my eyes, and Diabolist has served to enhance it somewhat. Just wish I had the old core economy.

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I’ve not touched Demo since early SL’s and honestly part of the reason is Blizzard changes it every other patch. I don’t want to get into a spec Blizzard is incapable of leaving alone.

I was excited about a potential Doom build but then the whole Doom bug / not applying on single Demonic Cores killed that momentum.

We will see another botched Demo patch this expansion where they shuffle everything around for no real reason.

Historically was a demo main, been through some rough patches with the spec. Castle Nathria raiding comes to mind…conceptually prefer the ‘master of demons’ idea but the zoo summoning, no instants thing kinda rubs me the wrong way.

Admittedly, been gearing my warlock lately and diabolist destro is kinda nice. More along the lines of what I’ve wanted outta demo. Main casts coming from you, with the occasional big summon or summon proc. If destro got a single grimoire: fel guard or summon vilefiend sort of thing in the tree, I’d basically be set

The place I feel its lacking is the forced single choice grimoire. It would be nice if you could grimoire different demons and it weren’t based around a flat damage cd like it is with felguard.
Something like void walker being a huge shield bordering the strength of an immunity (shield with an added cheat death)
Succubus/maiden being like gorefiends grasp
Tormentor being something that watches an enemy and interrupts their next 3 casts (for pvp, it could be dispelled)

Maybe others like it as felguard? But to me it always felt like its an unnecessary overshadow to your main.

I love demo. It’s my main regardless of how well it’s doing. My OG warlock been summoning felguards since BC