Ion doesn’t do straight back on his character.
Inspector Grag’nor: “Bloodgrim, look! Someone has broken into the Orgrimmar vaults! Do you know who could have done this?”
Bloodgrim: “I have a hunch.”
This is bonus. Thank you for sharing.
And so is this!
Man. I need to up my Paladin-game
Curve back here
you role play bro?
Is that really one of Ions toons?
Yes. He makes no attempts to hide it, and would be silly to try. He’s been part of that guild for a very long time, and did videos before he joined Blizzard. When you watch those videos (and he uses his character name in the videos), you can easily recognize his voice.
Wow that is the first time I’ve seen his character and I have to be honest the fact that the lead developer has not even touched an arena this season is a little saddening.
He not that kind of Orc.
pfft. The moment i could i fixed my back problems.
hunched and proud
I am a proud Orc. I do not hunch. A am a mighty Shaman working with the very elements themselves to smite those who would threaten my people and the Horde.
I am not some jumped up Peon with delusions of grandeur.
Saurfang would probably disagree with this.
Crooked orcs? Strait orcs? I don’t know, they’ve all got that criminal smirk about them.
Back to work with you, Peons.
It amazes me sometimes how self-justification can go a long way even to the point where it can even fool the mind of the one making up the lie.
Look peon…
If you don’t know something, all you gotta do is ask…and there will always be someone who can answer your question. Please don’t be shy.
So here is what you do. Did you know there is a barber shop in your faction? Find that barber shop and go there. You will see not only can you change your hair style, color, but you can also change your face, skin color, beard and EVEN your POSTURE!
Yep, visit your nearest barber shop and you can be staightback brand new Orc instead of feeling jealous and inferior of other taller orcs. Problem Solved, you’re welcome.
While you are at it, you might as well take a bath, too. Blood and Honor in the battle field the orcs say but all this is just an excuse to mask the fact that orcs don’t bathe much and smell bad.
Do you see the dwarves with their Thick bearded noses? Orcs smell so bad that you can’t even sneak past under their bearded noses. That’s how bad it is.
If you want to win a war, the element of surprise and preemptive attacks are crucial and very important, enough so that it can turn the tide against a larger number of enemies. But since you, orcs can’t do that cuz you smell bad, you guys had to make up some excuses and self-rationalizations like Blood and Honor in the battle field Blah Blah Blah…
Look… Just take a bath every once in awhile and you can win more wars and don’t have to die foolishly.
Hunch, what hunch… sort of a movie ref. I miss Marty Feldman
I like the hunched orcs.
Green, fel blood drinking orc are def NOT true orcs.
You’re a disgrace to our homeworld.
It’s to tell the difference in the orc army of rank. Hunchbacks are the enlisted i.e sergeants, standing straight up are the officers.