Am I only the only person that's pro-high elf not happy with this change?

I think you guys are forgetting that the ONLY reason there is blood elf paladins, is because they leeched a nauruus essencse

This. The Sin’dorei, Ren’dorei and Quel’dorei are all High Elves. At a time in the not distant past all High Elves were Quel’dorei and Quel’thalas was their homeland.

Now it is the Sin’dorei who possess and dwell in Quel’thalas and are the obvious successors of the united High Elven race and realm.

That said, I think it would be good if Players of the High Elven races could perhaps add a title to the end of their names such as:

…High Elven
…of the Quel’dorei
…of the Silver Covenant (if appropriate)

It might help some with immersion.

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I hope Void Elves get some better lore at some point as well, with more High Elves joining their ranks. I think the ability to toggle the void appearance like Alleria would help too.


Rulen Lightsreap and Champion Isimode. Arator is half elf so I think it’s easier for him to be a paladin?

It’s funny because lore wise, Blood elves dislike holy things since the 3rd war. Only the blood knights really bothered and they are a small group with Liadrin and took the light from M’uru until TBC, now they just use the sunwell’s holy light. There’s not many of them alive. Some are dead, others are literally just paladin trainers.

It’s literally the MAIN thing that separates High Elves from Void Elves. They ate void so they can’t use the Light. Except for Priests, because “screw the rules I have two spell schools.”

You won’t get your “peace.”

I personally never liked the cop out priests get, but I guess they just dont want healers to be limited. Able to control shadow and holy seems weird for a lot of races.

Holy crap we got our allies the high elves as a playable race. That’s awesome. Can you show me the screen shots of our allies being made and played in game. Oh you can’t instead we got BE rejects, which are HE rejects. Lorderon humans were mean. Let’s join the side with Lorderon humans. What?

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But that’s the thing; two named NPC’s don’t really make Paladins a definitive pillar of High Elven culture. Much like their warlock trainer and several cultists don’t either, you know?

Whether Blood Elves started by forcing the light and then redeeming themselves is kinda irrelevant to the fact that a lot of their culture was created around the mastery of the Light, even if the motivation changed.

High Elves are hardly defined by their worship of the holy light on the first place, beyond priests and their War3 legacy, yet neither we have had any major priest HE npc’s.

But High Elves are not defined by their worship of the light*, that’s the point. Their only canonical and long standing connection to the light -priests- are playable. So they are as connected to the light as ever.

*Arguably the Highvale are, but that kinda makes it anathema they would join the Void Elves on the first place.

Ohhh, so defiant, well have fun yelling about it!

But really man, I would be glad if VE’s could be paladins, my point is that simply, High Elves are just not defined by their worship of the light, and even less so paladins; there hasn’t been a single NPC HE that’s a a paladin since WotLK, yet we have had mages and hunters -which do define high elves- and warriors and rogues introduced as common troops for them in the purge and isle of thunder.

Again, it’s the difference between “Would be Nice” and “They NEED to be Paladins”

it’s just a compromise, take it or leave it.

The thing is we already have the race. They are bloodelves.

What people want is the freedom to take their bloodelf and play with their alliance friends. To walk around stormwind. To do quests for alliance npc’s.

Best way to do that? Get rid of the terrible faction divide. Why are we still pretending there is a war every expansion when every expansion ends on each faction being friends again? It’s getting old.



BE joined the horde because humans from Lorderon were mean to them. The undead are the Lorderon humans. So they joined the people that made them leave the alliance.

I mean I am leaving it. And Blizzard is missing the chance for me to pay out 50 bucks to get a couple race transfers by doing so. Void Elves and High Elves have a massive appeal to me thematically. The change does absolutely nothing for me, because it doesn’t DO anything. Void Elves are a massively flawed race mechanically, and they don’t have access to my second favorite class, which a High Elf would have likely had.

The void elf gameplay is still trash, void elves don’t have access to paladin. Blizz had a shot at my character race transfer money, but it’s not happening with Void Elves as they stand.

Because you really aren’t.

The only request I think makes any remote sense at this point is to make sure blonde, brown, and silver are all hair colors for Void Elves to match the skin tones. That’s it.

Even then that’s just nitpicking. You’re still getting what you wanted.

laughs in thallasian

pretty much what I’m saying. The High elves don’t really believe in the light over all and that kind’ve stuff. So i’m just saying there really isn’t much for them. Heck, night elves almost have as much of a presence as high elf paladins haha.

I wasn’t trying to counter you or anything, just saying there’s not really a class in general they are more iconically with to be fair. There’s Vereesa , and then there’s a few high elf paladins. That’s… pretty much just hunter and paladins and to a lesser extent warriors. I guess besides that it’s like… a few mages that don’t really get any attention? They kinda are often reading books.

Few blood elves here and there like uther’s former high elf apprentice but he turned his back and just uses the sunwell.

I still want void elf paladins, void knights! however, I’m not sure if they’d be willing to. Maybe?


I think Void Elf Paladins could be worked in. They would just have a different source of power than Light based Pallies.


And I’d be all for it. I don’t care how they do it, just make it so, blizzard! would be kind’ve similar in a way to how blood elves get their holy power I guess. They “channel it but it causes them pain” or something. Same as Undead priests and blood elf paladins before WOTLK. Also, add some void stuff to them as well. We only really have shadow priest and even then they are only sort’ve half voidy.

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We’re getting a lot of customization in SL. Maybe the playerbase can push for greater variety in race/class combos for either one of the major updates or at least the next xpac.

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