Am I jerk If I Kill Someone Fishing in Warmode?

So I’m flying around in warmode in feral spec and I spotted an alliance fishing in a remote corner of Isle of Dorn, all alone.

I’m in warmode so I kill the guy fishing because he is flagged.

I swing back 10 minutes later and the guy is back there fishing, so I kill him again.

He’s in warmode… am I jerk for killing this guy even if he’s minding his own business?

The first time, no. The second time, yes.


I left him alone after the second death.

Youll never be a jerk if you kill an ally player, thats your job.


No. Next question :grinning:


Oh excuse me Ms. Troll we’re friends now in world of hug it out craft.

Depends on how you play the game. For some, that’s a fair play and it’s how they enjoy themselves. Did you enjoy it or make you feel good? By all means do it that’s what warmode is designed to allow for a lot of folks it’s their game.

Having said that for some this would accomplish nothing as it didn’t offer a challenge or give some sort of sense of accomplishment outside of a feel of projected superiority or “feel guds”.

I realize that everyone plays their own game and wouldn’t share this sense of values and that is kind of a good thing since without the “red is dead” players that game would not be fun for some of us.

Play warmode on how you want to play it, and don’t let anyone try to tell you otherwise :slight_smile:

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It’s warmode, you’re good to go.:smiling_face:

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You spelled “honorable kill” wrong.

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First time kill is never a jerk move. You are letting them know they got Warmode on.

Doing it again though is totally a jerk move. You are now ganking them preventing them from what they were doing. This is toxic behavior and then people turn Warmode off. Then WPvPs wonder why Warmode isn’t active lol.

These are just good rules of engagement to live by.

You can totally do that but then don’t be upset when everyone turns Warmode off because people were toxic. Now you got no one to kill.


I haven’t killed a player fishing. I’ve actually pulled up and fished next to them lol.

But, it is what it is. You do you.

Did they fight back the first time? I usually leave people alone who are fishing, fighting mobs while low on HP, or otherwise AFK because it’s not a fun challenge then. And if they didn’t really fight back the first time I killed them I generally will leave them alone next time I see them.
Unless they are someone I know as a ganker, then it’s anything goes.

Kill them then fish whatever they were, just for insult to injury

I like the way you think. :grinning:

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You flag for pvp then you are fair game. If you want to fish then turn off warmode.


First time is the due the Alliance owes you for existing in Warmode.
The second time is you being a jerk, unless the target is a night elf.
Night elves have it coming after being the stars of the entire game for so long.



But its how the game is played. I certainly try not to be in those situations but if others do it to me im less inclined.

A brutal cycle of jerkdom lol.

I forgot I had WM on another toon and was gathering and got killed by a druid. I went to go get my body and the NE druid killed me a second time. I tried to get my body a third time, and he killed me again.

This is why I think killing someone twice is fine. A lot of people do not stop at killing someone once.

Nope. I do the majority of my gathering in war mode and I know the risks. Everyone does. If you’re killing someone no contest over and over again you should probably chill out, but that person can also just go fish in the regular world.

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If killing them discourages them from turning Warmode on any further, then they probably should have never had it on to begin with. Sounds like just someone farming where they think its “dead” and they’ll have more nodes to get at.

They were never going to fight you without joining in with a bigger group or something anyway, its not a loss.

Having people in Warmode is great, but if they arent there to fight but just to resource hunt, does them being there even matter?

Wow one more alliance to swarm a crate when it comes through because they know they will not have to fight.