Am I jerk If I Kill Someone Fishing in Warmode?

Yes because you want the open world to be alive. You increase WPvP by having more PvE activities. This then creates more organic PvP over resources as well.

Not when all they do is die and leave. Or keep dying and then turn off warmode like you described.

Coddling them gets you nowhere. They were never there for PVP to begin with, they will not be there when it does come. What good is the world being alive in warmode, if nobody is there to fight but to play nice with each other so theyll hopefully stick around? ???

Weed out the ones that bail at first sign of trouble.


It’s their fault. They made you kill them by being in WM

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No. Warmode is voluntary. Turning it on means you are open for pvp. The answer to this question will always be no. It was probably a bot anyway.


You can actually turn war mode off in any rested area! Any town will work ;3

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Nah I always kill Horde members every time I see them regardless of what they are doing. If you willingly choose to play on the villain faction you got it coming


Warmode can be toggled off. Not a jerk at all.


The appropriate answer.

That being said, like, it’s war mode. If it’s red it’s dead. No one can fault another if they let the intrusive thoughts win.


World of wokecraft, the woke within :rofl:


as long as you’re having fun that’s all that matters.


OBLITERATE THEM dont let they respawn, they should FEAR fishing in that spot. Even the FISH will fear you


Unless this is one of those “Your fun ends where mine begins”.

There’s definitely a difference in ganking somebody once or twice and camping them for a long time. Blizzard likes to toss around the “PvP problems have PvP solutions” line, but when you’re a solo player/if no one in your guild is available to help… there’s not a lot you can do when faced with an… enthusiastic camper.

I try to limit killing lowbies to once or twice a session. War mode should be dangerous, true… but I personally find it distasteful to shut down someone’s play session simply because you can.

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damn it feels good to be a gankster

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My guild is at war with Consejo de los Andes in Grobbulus. I recently ganked one of their Hunters, and stopped at two frags, when I could have done at least double that before he’d bug out. I had a soft spot(shouldn’t say that out loud) despite that this guild had given me some grief…

I’m still at war with them, because they seem to like attacking me.

I like to be more sportsmanlike, but I do believe that the V in PvP is for Vendetta. They really have to have a nasty reputation for me to keep farming them. The Red Law still applies, so if there are OTHER people in the area who are also “red” and gankable, you know what that means…

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I’ve never been camped, to be camped is to allow it to happen. You have too many ways to leave, even more now.

So, iunno man. Blizz saying pvp requires pvp solutions is true. Call friend, Learn how to get out, or just log out. Hell I think your ghost can turn wm off …


I murdered some guy over a blood pool and we proceeded to fight over 2 of them for over half an hour. Was awesome.


Probably an unpopular opinion but the ones that I think are jerks are the ones with pocket healers. The fun is the fight, there really isn’t a reward except that.

Rando out fishing, na fair game. If they were a pushover I wouldn’t go for round 2



Just because you’re a jerk doesn’t make it wrong though. Warmode is warmode.


Bro if you are on Warmode then you know whats coming eventually thats on the player fishing, not on the player actually pvping during warmode.

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