Am I going to survive? =D

This might be a totally silly thread but I felt like making it so please bear with my bare bear :smiley:

So I recently made an Ally druid on this server and have been (very) slowly leveling it. I’ve been playing WoW since Cata essentially (leveling in late Wrath) and never played classic. Though I guess pre Cata leveling was very similar to what is in Classic? Anyway it’s a very different RPG experience and I’m enjoying it as a change of pace from retail for now. Anyway…

So I’m starting to approach level 20 on my feral-resto-to-be druid (dual spec is an option later on, right?). Still in Darkshore. It’s been really fun so far. I’m just not sure if it’s going to stay reasonably fun or get infinitely unbearable. It’s been pretty much 100% pve thus far. Am I immune in this zone? I don’t even know. What’s it like in “contested zones”?

I’m terrible at PVP, have no idea what I’m doing, and I’m cool with that lol. And I almost never initiate any kind of combat - I have very low interest or enjoyment in that so I pretty much always try to leave everyone alone lol. But I’ve always played on pvp servers in retail (alliance dominant ones though) and I enjoyed the experience of being able to mostly do my own thing but occasionally having small skirmishes or taking part in big wpvp, or just seeing others duking it out while I go about my business. :smiley: . It adds some extra fun spice to mix things up. Keyword occasionally.

I feel really uncertain if I’m signing up for a similar, fun experience here once I get out of the lowbie zones? Or if it’s going to be absolutely horrible and I’m going to be gank farmed 24/7 ? I’ve heard really mixed things about Classic. Some saying the wpvp is a fun distraction and others saying that the griefing is infinite and it’s impossible to get any PVE done. I heard it was super duper bad in Phase 2 or something but I don’t know about now and of course I don’t know the dynamic on this server. I think it’s a more or less even faction split?

Anyway so I’m done rambling. I guess the question is if I should stick with it. I think i’d like to. Or if I’m going to really regret it and should reroll now (on either a different realm or maybe even on pve) while I have the chance at a “low” level. Feels like I’ve been playing a long time already lol so If I feel forced to reroll at a higher level I’m pretty sure that will be the end of my classic adventures.

I guess I’m like 95% a pve player (outside of BGs at least) and that’s what I enjoy and am looking for but I do want some unpredictable wpvp spice in the adventure, so long as it doesn’t get too hardcore and overwhelming. :stuck_out_tongue:

Look at the zones name on your map, if it’s yellow/orange you’re in a contested zone. Horde have the ability to attack you if they see fit, same goes for you if you see them. Select zones, typically Cities and the first leveling zone associated with that cities faction ie. Stormwind->Elwynn or Orgrimmar->Durotar are safe zones. The only time a player of the opposing faction can hit you here is if you either attacked them first or if you just recently left a contested zone. Once you leave a contested zone you are given a 5 minute timer in which you may still be attacked as though you were still in a contested zone, during this time you can not take part in any PvP at all. This is particularly abused by priests sitting at teleport spots ripping buffs away from players, or rogues waiting to gank unsuspecting players.

To answer your question on wether or not you should stick it out, just seeing you ask that question gives me the feeling youre leaning towards not wanting to in reality. This version of the game fits a VERY specific niche that through my own experience you must have a level of nostalgia attaching you to it. I came back to this game with my Father, brother and our childhood friends of which all played together way back in ~2005. I am the only person still playing the game as i type this now. The game requires a lot of time investment for an end game that can feel remarkably repetetive and bland for most people. The end game goes one of two ways, you join a raiding guild and show up once or twice a week for raid, collect some shinies and socialize a couple hours out of the week. If you do it this way you will probably find yourself running out of things to do on just one character and will find yourself trying to justify going through the grind again on an alt to give yourself something else to do, which by the time your 60 you will then need to invest more time in order to find a raid group for not just your main but now your alt.

OR you try to climb rank in PvP by bging for a very large portion of time each week (~40hrs) if you’re trying to be the best. This route is MUCH more fun if youre alliance, I’ve played on 4 realms now, I have 60’s on both factions. Alliance is MUCH MUCH MUCH more fun to play on PVP. It is NOT fun sitting through 15-20m ques for each Battleground 2-3 HOURS if you’re talking about Alterac Valley.
YES, horde win 95% of all Alterac Valleys but you can get the Rep you need out of there extremely quickly still if you’re alliance. For the other Bgs you’ll be looking to find a premade anyhow in which you’ll be winning hopefully 90% of all games you que for, having the ques be near instant is much nicer.

As far as this server in specific. This is an Alliance “dominated” server. Technically? I think the last time i checked it was 55% Ally- 45% Horde. It is very close, which is extraordinarily rare and makes this realm a transfer hotspot.
You WILL 100% be ganked no matter what faction you play on once you reach the zones in which horde and ally both find themselves leveling ie (HillsBrad Foothills, Stranglethorn Vale) being the most sinister. Stranglethorn became even more dangerous for people leveling with the introduction of the Zul’Gurub Raid opening up in that zone. Levelers beware.
Planning out a specific morning or late night to level through these zones is recommended as time of day has a nightmarish effect on how often you’ll be ganked. Some people will go out of their way to camp you, and if you are one of the people who camp others you will probably find yourself on their guild’s No No list and in return will often be camped yourself.
It’s a great server. But if you really do not like PvP and HONESTLY have no interest in it, I recommend going to a PvE realm as you will not be bothered there.

That being said, yes I do think you should truck it out IF and only IF you are enjoying yourself.

It’s a game. If you enjoy the time you spend playing it, continue to play it.

Edit: NO THERE IS NO DUAL SPECIALIZATION. Dual Spec was not introduced into the game until Patch 3.1.0 In Wrath of The Lich King with the introduction of the Ulduar raid. You will be able to respec yourself at a trainer for a fee in which starts low, something like 1 gold, but it will gradually get more expensive until you reach a cap @ 50 gold. The price will lower itself i THINK every 2 weeks? But it will only go down 1 pay grade. So if youre at 50 gold per change, it will go down to 45, then 40->35->30. Something like that.

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Thanks a lot for the detailed response. Lots of useful info and things to think about!

Yeah, I’m probably not going to be very active if at all after reaching 60. I’m not interested in regular classic raiding which sounds pretty hardcore and I just don’t have the time or interest for that. I’ve done my fair share of mythic (before known as heroic) raiding so I know what that is all about. And I’m also not interested in any kind of pvp progression. So there isn’t a whole lot for me to do here besides the (long) journey to 60 which I would like to slowly get through without TOO much misery.

I don’t mind some pvp dying. That makes things more interesting I think. I just don’t want it to end up obnoxious and make it impossible to realistically progress as I’ve seen of some people’s stories. Hence this thread. I’ve been having a blast so far but I’ve only been in the safe zones so far (and it’s taken like a week geez!) so yeah I’ll think about it. Thanks.

The weird ironic thing, is that even though I’m not into pvp, I have like zero motivation to reroll on a pve server. I don’t know why but that just makes me not to want to play lol. I guess because vanilla questing is so bland and time-consuming that there is very little appeal in playing just for that. I certainly won’t be camping anyone anytime soon haha - chances are I’ll never attack anyone period. (I swear some of these quests, and the constant walking back and forth across the zone over and over and over again, were designed to waste the maximum possible time…),

This does seem like a great server. I did do a lot of research before choosing it. I thought I had it all figured out but then kind of started 2nd guessing myself haha.

You’ll most likely be fine here.

Since this server is fairly balanced there isn’t many bored lvl 60 players terrorizing low level zones on a regular basis as there is plenty of meat in high level zones.

You should be able to get to 50 or so without too much trouble, but once you are worth honor all bets are off. Luckily you are a druid and have access to stealth, I recommend you use it.

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I don’t check this very regularly.
WPvP is just a nice thing to have at end game because it gives the world another layer of depth. Yeah, sometimes its a pain in your butt, but all in all it’s fun to have.

Let me clear up that whole PVE in classic is hardcore. It is ANYTHING but hardcore. Raiding in classic wow is close to if not the most casual thing you’ll ever experience. The content is 15 years old. It’s all solved and there are no hard and complicated mechanics that need to be min-max tested. Everyone knows what theyre doing for every one new player there are 10+ players with the experience to compensate and have them at a functional level of understanding if not by the end of the first week, deffinetly by the end of the 2nd week of raiding.

The content isnt hard or confusing once you know what the bosses do, and what they do is all in all extremely basic. The reason this stuff was hard back in the day was because we were running on computers with less processing power than you have in your phone right now, our internet was ran through our phone lines. Communicating was then made harder for the same exact reasons.
Same reason why any actual footage you see from back in the day was usually 144p. 240p was PRIMETIME material. The real challenge just hasn’t aged with the game. It’s dwindled. That however not really what equates to fun for me.
Finding the right group of people and then being able to come together once a week and joke and freak the hell out when some nice piece of loot youve been waiting for gets thrown your way is and always will be my favorite part of this game. Thats what this game brings tenfold when raiding with 40 people with bosses that drop like 3 items. It’s not about the destination its about the ride there. Thats what made WoW for ME personally the greatest game i’ve ever played and why I was so quick to jump on the train to experience it again.

I can’t speak as to how this would appeal to someone just now coming into it with fresh eyes after had experienced all that is now out there in the gaming world, because it is 100,000% a different market filled with an audience that is expecting wildly different things.

But what i can once again re-iterate to you is that it doesnt even matter if you dont hit 60. If you spend time leveling your druid and enjoy doing it, the time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted time.
Trek through the quests, read the text out-loud while listening to a podcast or some lofi-hip hop. Find a dungeon group and get lost in wailing caverns just for the fun of it, it doesn’t matter. Because its not about the then or there, its about the here and now. Just do what you enjoy doing.

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