Am I--and Taylor Swift--in exile?

My druid is currently on Isle of Thunder. However, when I /1 for general it comes up:

  1. RT504S115

What could be the meaning of this. Whatever I did, I’m sorry and I won’t do it again-probably

Customer Service and Technical Support forums are that way ----->

(Post was made when this thread was in GD, so don’t kill me recipient forum!)


Fine, I’m taking my toys and going home

my guess is one of your addons is using the channel to communicate with other users of the addons. Sometimes happens when the mod loads in before the default chat channels

Well taylor swift isnt that good of a musician so it mite be the game telling u to have better taste.

I’ll check into that; may just need to make sure addons are updated.

Just to be accurate, there is no Customer Service forum. There is a Customer Support Forum, but it is neither moderated by GMs, Devs, or Community Managers. It is a forum for players to assist other players with direction on where to go for assistance with their issues.

woah are we now in the land of the solution button

I know TRP is a big one for doing this. Easy fix, though.


That would be my guess as well. Checking to make sure they are updated is good, but if the issue persists you may want to try resetting your User Interface to default.

Edit: Or… What Leilleath said. <3


Different musical taste is not a sufficient reason to suspend Darth
Different musical taste is not a sufficient reason to suspend Darth
Different musical taste is not a sufficient reason to suspend Darth
Different musical taste is not a sufficient reason to suspend Darth


“Please notice meeeeee”, I laughed at that one.