Am I alone in wanting to Remix all of WoW

I actually love the carefree pace of Remix. I love the ease of upgrades. I have played WoW since vanilla and tried every version of the game; this is genuinely fun to me. It is a very laid back and great approach to old content. Can we maybe have a server or two that is Remix from the beginning.


I imagine it would eventually get boring although I could easily do a year or two of this in different expansions.


It is likely that the current remix is meant to experiment with something. Shave off the just for fun excesses and integrate the cloak into the character and you would essentially reward just playing.

The hunt for specific gear could be gone since it would be irrelevant what you grind and how since everything counts. As such you would not go raiding for the gear reward, you raid for the fun of raiding if that is what you prefer to do. But if you rather go fishing that would work as well. You get your threads either way. Reward for spending time playing. As long as you do not go AFK somewhere you improve.


I leveled several alts that I didn’t really need and got a few mounts and transmogs that I didn’t really want. It was fun for a few weeks but kinda pointless for me now.

I think its a massive improvement in terms of leveling experience.

Im not 100% sure i would want every expansion like that all of the time. Maybe rotating


I’d dig doing this in other expansions with slightly different mechanics to keep it fresh. Like a frostmourne-esque weapon equippable by every class for a Wrath version or something.

I would also love to see Chromie time expanded to included the world in the state as it was for classic through Wrath.

Then, the way we have weekly timewalking dungeons, add some timerunning quests if the expac has had timerunning.

Make a new collections tab for Timerunning sets the way we have heirlooms.

Finally, a * little * bit more tweaking of old content and some new content would be cool.

For example, edit the dungeons and raids to minimize the RP. Add some new mobs, mini bosses, bosses, themed for the timerunning/dragonflight stuff.

Imagine if this was 3 months, and each month had an event – maybe a simple world boss, maybe a whole mini raid, reflecting alternate timeline shenanigans.

All that said, it’s been fun as it is. There was a dip in that fun but personally, I got through and out of it.


That would be awesome.


You mean, you don’t like RPoO? :rofl:

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If this was how classic servers panned out. Id be more interested in classic. Specifically, Wrath and Cata. Rather than re-experience the slug grind and less raiding.


I wouldn’t even mind the slow leveling of Vanilla, BC, Wrath, ect… if we were this op. I realize I’m in the minority here.


I disagree with making this the norm, remix is great little break but there is almost no class diversity at the end game.

I think it would be great as an alternate leveling system.

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I would like to see it as a yearly event with a different expansion each time.

I would especially like to see it for BfA and Shadowlands as that is where the story jumped the shark so the lack of immersion and role-play would not bother me.

Rotating would be nice. Mostly because at this point I’ll never want to level in Retail again.


I love it as a break but the mindlessness of it means it’s only fun in bursts.

I love the idea of indefinite progression. They need to implement a system to keep me progressing past the alotted patch content.

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I like being guaranteed the mounts/toys/appearances that I want by doing enough content to get them, tbh. I could dig that in base wow.


I would be ok getting a Remix every 1-2 years for the limited 3 month period. Once I get all mounts and mogs and level whoever I feel like, I’m done. I won’t be going back after, as there is nothing else to do that I’d want. Just my personal opinion though, I only speak for myself.

The collector/achiever in me wants remixes for every expansion. The person who semi cares about retail and staying within the curve doesn’t want to juggle both. It’s nice that I can be lazy for S4 since I’ve already largely done it all (I don’t have all the DF portals but given I dislike DF as an expansion overall, I don’t care all that much). I can spend more time on remix collecting and being an OP god in what otherwise is a dull time of the game.

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Like this, but also with an NPC who can de-level/transport an existing character into it, rather than create all new ones. I’ve been neglecting some of my low-level alts, for new Remix characters, since I don’t want to completely delete them. Some of them have been on my roster for ages, but just don’t get the attention, when there are other events happening.

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