Am I alone in wanting to Remix all of WoW

I think remix is great for end of expansion event we would run out of remix stuff in short order if it was on a rotation. But end of expansion is good to keep people engaged instead of unsubbing until pre patch like a lot of folks do

Just a question:

Why didnā€™t you want to completely delete them and then re-create the exactly same character in remix to be able to play them?

Could be any number of reasons.

Maybe a mix of sunk cost, or maybe the nostalgia, but often itā€™s because of the stuff you lose. They might have a soulbound deleted item, or those mounts/pets that youā€™d get mailed to all of your characters back before collections.

Since I have so many alts, I often have them leveling in specific content, also, so I could maybe justify the MoP ones, but they had already done a bunch of questing there.

Maybe irrational, but it didnā€™t feel right.

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Not irrational.

We have spent a lot of time with our characters so it is natural to be attached to them.

Love this idea

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No, youā€™re not alone. Remix would be fun to have around but Blizzard will have to change some of the format.

Obviously some issues will have to be fixed. Group leaders that go to fast and leave lesser developed toons locked out of bosses which has caused some looting and quest completion issues. Rares are getting one-shotted before anyone else can tag it. Afk toons that are there to just collect the xp bonus tokens in their mailbox.

But aside from that, the reward system is limited. Once you have everything, raid sets, mounts, pets, toys, etc, whats left to reward players for continued playthrough? Did Blizzard open pandoraā€™s box unintentionally and now has to meet out the demand for this new content? Do they even have a team to work on new rewards once the vendors run out of gear? Is Blizzard willing to create new rewards on a seasonal basis? How long is a season? Whatā€™s an appropriate amount of seasonal rewards? Or does Blizzard leave things ā€˜as isā€™ with no new rewards and just keeps Remix around as a sandbox to horse around with? Could this be the new best way to level alts? Will new or returning players be left holding the bag thinking all that new borrowed power is gonna come with them into retail only to be disappointed when it gets taken away making the transition into retail?

I would love to see Remix stick around, maintained, and implemented for all previous expansions as well as be continually rewarding. Is Blizzard prepared to do that? Do they have the resources to spare to maintain it? I hope the answer is yes to both these questions.

To answer your question; no obviously others have stated here that they want more. However objectively, we donā€™t deserve it. Those first few weeks prove no matter how much blizzard tries to keep some semblance of balance, people will always exploit what they can. If itā€™s patch exploit the next best thing. It was fun, Iā€™m enjoying it while I can. Not frog farming. Not running a level 20 priest through a 50 second dungeons. Not leveling to full in 2 hours. And definitely not grinding out upgrades for a character that isnā€™t actually raiding where it matters, and will have the same ilvl gear as all other time runners in less than two months now. But the popular playstyle differs greatly. Yes I know thereā€™s others like me. Yes thereā€™s other like you. But thereā€™s also others. And they proved we donā€™t deserve another one.

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I really like it as it is a perfect feature to roll out during the lull. It is also nice to go main character.

This idea sounds all around gross. Mop remix, while fun in its own way, is obviously designed as a temporary game. It doesnā€™t have any sustainability.

We already had azerite power neck instead of thread power cloak. There is no difference.

People like remix because there is no skill expression. No matter how bad you are, as long as you stay logged in all day you can be top dps.

I donā€™t think Iā€™d want it as a permanent feature, but Iā€™d love the idea of a Diablo 3 style season, where Every few months a different remix expansion is activated. Infinite power is nice, but permanent would probably lead to boredom over time.

But, If we had a rotation, or random Expansion selected, where we can just earn more appearances and collections over time? Iā€™d have looots of max level characters and a huge collection over time. lol

And that is fine for this mode. Not everything needs to be skill expression. It is just a fun/silly mode. Mog/Alt Leveling is its main goal.

But man, has it been fun to be OP as hell. Nearing 300K threads, and it really is starting to ramp up.

I think you want Diablo 4.

You are not alone. I was actually bored of WOW until this came along. I have toons without remix sitting at level 50 and 60 that makes me want to delete and start over in remix. Leveling was faster and no longer time consuming as the original. I would love optional remixes in all the expansions platforms. Well all but maybe shadowlands because me personally I did not enjoy that expansion.

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I donā€™t know about that but man am I happy we are getting solo dungeons and raid
s. I dont care about the gear but I miss so much story.

I hope they skip WoD and go straight to Legion.

Thereā€™s so much good stuff to pick up from Legion, and so much fun content we could be playing. Imagine remix w/ mythic+ dungeons that endlessly scale. An actual reason to keep pumping threads to see just how high weā€™re able to climb.

A lot of what you listed is complaining about player behavior, not something Blizzard did wrong with Remixā€¦ but the above quote in particularā€¦

Lets be real, if someone is afk the whole run, thereā€™s probably one or more people totally carrying the restā€¦ in that case, even if he kept up and ā€œDPSā€™dā€ it would be totally irrelevant to the run anyways.

If i have a 476 toon doing 96% of the dungeon damage and the other 4 people do 1% each, i donā€™t care if one of you or all four of you are afk at the entrance, im just there for my Bronze daily!

If you follow me and hit things, thatā€™s like me using a John Deer Riding mower to cut the grass and my child following behind with his Fisher Price plastic bubble mowerā€¦ i mean, sure, its cute, but youā€™re not really helping!

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I like remix for the skill regen and fury regen time makes game run a lot smoother and less clunky than live.

Im sure they will, just means we dont need to farm stuff anymore bc itll be added in future Remixes :slight_smile:

Id love to see legion get remixed, use the artifact weapons in place of the cloak, let us earn the original mage tower appearances that are no longer obtainable and maybe even add another appearance for the remix event that unlocks its tints as you get more ā€œthreadsā€ or whatever they end up calling them