Alysrazor in Firelands is bugged and unkillable now

She doesn’t spawn correctly and is out of bounds, can’t kill her. Was working fine yesterday, have tried on 2 different characters today and no luck.


same for me. not able to see or target


+1 here. I used to solo this on multiple alts every week. Went to do it just now and she never flies down. She stays in the back, and a bunch of adds pop up. There’s also a Molten Feather gauge where my Encounter Bar is, as though I’m needing to do Heroic mechanics. In previous attempts I would just hit her once, loot and leave.


was able to “fix” her by dying to reset the encounter, coming back int the arena and then clicking on the feather on the ground and running towards her before she takes flight.


Same problem here…she stays in volcano…doesnt take flight

I am also experiencing this issue as well. I assume something must have happened to conflict with her during the Warband’s update via Pre-Patch. As far as I can tell, Anelehh’s method works, but still… really odd of a place for an update to effect. This is Cata content after all, but I guess it goes to show just how interconnected everything is when it comes a game’s code.

Still, I’m hoping this is fixed soon.

Just confirming this worked for me thank you.

Interesting that this issue seems tied to the event which causes her fly-up animation to fail. The same type of bug exists on N’zoth, where you no longer fly up in the air temporarily when entering a mind gate. It could be coincidence that these similar events both break at the same time but I’d bet there is a connection.

Having the same issue

I was able to parkour onto the volcano and target her through a hole - allowing me to kill (postmaster should return loot)

To add to your statement I can no longer get flown to Surgeon Stitchflesh in Mythic Necrotic Wake. So it seems like anything that involves being in the air could be bugged.

EDIT: Going to put the theory to the test and see what else could be bugged.

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This seems like a pretty hilarious bug to make it live considering that dungeon is part of beta testing right now for S1. :joy:

Do you have an image? I have tried everything but with no luck. Also, the dying with the feather option did not work for me; there is only one feather, and it disappears when I click it.

i shouldve taken one :frowning: i wasnt successful with the parkour on normal, only heroic (if that helps) - I went up the left side of the volcano and theres a nice hole there to peer through

I got her to spawn normally twice, both times on the same hunter (normal and heroic modes), both times the damn toon auto-shot her dead before I could even pick up a single feather. 4 other (non huntard) toons, on both normal and heroic, she’s stuck down in the cavern completely out of reach.

Having the same issue here. Trying to find that spot mentioned that I can hit her from, but no spot on the left is letting me have any line of site to hit her.

This worked for me too thank you! I used Invisibility to reset the boss. Clicked the feather then blinked towards her and she rose up like normal.

This also works on hunter if you disengage towards the boss after clicking the feather.

I found engaging majordomo in melee would lead to the boss coming out as normal. or the bug is fixed as of 8pm est 7/25. happy farming