That twitch client seems to have very few addons. Is there an alternative add on management app?
If not, I could do this manually, but I’d rather not…
That twitch client seems to have very few addons. Is there an alternative add on management app?
If not, I could do this manually, but I’d rather not…
Try curse?
the twitch addon appears to be broken at present anyways, though there is nothing saying that this wont be fixed prior to launch
wasn’t curse bought by twitch? Isn’t that why I am stuck using twitch now?
The Twitch web browser works, the app doesn’t.
Dunno, i just know that curse has its on app to handle mods. Not sure if it is the same as twitchs
WoW Interface/MMOUI
Doesn’t seem to find anything for classic unfortunately.
Really, just loaded mine up and it works fine?
What’s the benefit of the app? Does it set up all the configurations or does it just handle the download/unzip process?
I don’t see why you’d need an app to simplify setting up folders.
Search for addons, install addons and keeps them up to date automatically. It is much nicer having all that done in one place and with no web ads.
What used to be CurseForge is now built in to Twitch, but it does not seem to have some of the Classic addons I am looking for.
ust handle the download/unzip process?
yes, and when you have more than a few addons that is huge, and as someone who maintained his guilds forums addon section in Vanilla, apps like that are a must have.
My Twitch works, but it seems to be lacking a number of classic addons.
you have to make it look at the classic directory, as for what addons they offer, i was poking around the app and it didnt seem like there was any easy way to just list CLassic addons, but you can do that on the actual site.
Oh saw what else you were saying, Wowinterface is another site, willitclassic or something like that is another, there was a thread about addons with some good info on locations.
you have to make it look at the classic directory, as for what addons they offer
Yeah I did get that far, and found some addons, just not a few others that I was looking for. I guess I can hunt those down and manually install them.
yah look for that thread, it has that other site I mentioned.
A large collection of WoW Classic Addons. Easily find the Addon you are looking for by Choosing a category, Searching by name or expansion!
I will be updating this post as I (and others) continue to bring add-ons to the Classic Beta. Please feel free to make requests in this thread. I’ll try to do my best to address the most immediate needs. Add-on authors, post a reply in this thread with a link to where folks can get a version of your add-on that works with Classic and I will put that link here in the OP! (And if you lack beta access and don’t mind a little pair programming via Skype or Discord screen sharing, I will work with you…
The Twitch client was formerly known as the Curse Client
And it’s classic addon detection sucks at the moment, even for the addons that do have Classic versions uploaded to curseforge.
Yes the Curse team know about it.
you have to make it look at the classic directory, as for what addons they offer, i was poking around the app and it didnt seem like there was any easy way to just list CLassic addons, but you can do that on the actual site.
To add to this - You should have a popup menu on the screen where you update your addons to select between Live / PTR and or Classic. But when I set this to Classic I don’t see all my classic addons listed.
Oh saw what else you were saying, Wowinterface is another site, willitclassic or something like that is another, there was a thread about addons with some good info on locations.
Also to add to this - for an addon to appear on Wowinterface or Curse or github the addon author has to upload it there and maintain it.
However willitclassic does not have any tools for the addon authors to do this. So if you rely on willitclassic you’ll need the website author to update the addons pages for you. Go to where the author updates instead.
I mean classic hasn’t even released yet, of course there isnt going to be a whole lot of addons available. That being said theres enough on there to build a fully functional ui. Plus its nice to have a auto update function.