Alternative to banning accounts

Sorry, bro. That was also a suspension wave.

suspension ≠ ban

No, because nobody is banned for botting anymore, players are only suspended for botting. Back in the day players would get an actual ban though, not anymore.

at no point did i claim that players are given limitless information about the accounts of random players.

I merely stated that we often see wrongly applied suspensions overturned.

I’m not sure why you’re wanting to twist that into something it isn’t.

I’d enjoy that more than BfA.

No. We don’t. Ever. What we DO see is something like "if we investigate and find that a suspension has been wrongly applied, we will overturn it… "

You have ALSO seen them say they overturned some suspensions. But you have no idea who or why and have no choice but to take their word for it.
So… and I ask this without a drop of sarcarsm… are you someone who believes everything Blizzard says?

ok… if that’s what you need to tell yourself.

it’s never happened, we’ve never seen it, i’m wrong, you’re right, blizzard is mean and just ban random accounts for fun.

Take a trip back to the last suspension wave…
mid April this year.
Here’s one example of what I’m talking about.
Wave gets issued, dude queries suspension, suspension reviewed and overturned.
…but you seem to be implying that all threads like this are fabrications to try and make blizzard look “less mean”?

Sounds like a Get Out of Jail for Free card.

Why not just pay a fine of 10 million gold? It’s typical for rich people buy their way out of (jail) or in to (top universities) with bribes nowadays.

Well, if some dude wrote it, that’s all I need! Thanks!

the thread involved multiple innocents who were caught up in the wave, it wasn’t just one dude. (nor was my statement ever about just one thread, or just one dude)
…again, this plays out regularly with each suspension wave.

regardless, it was a pleasure going out of my way to call your bluff. :slight_smile:

I’m sure the ban hammer they use is far more fun.