Alternative for night elf and forsaken fans


The Queen of Blades was not a separate entity within Kerrigan. However, the Queen could be considered Kerrigan under the influence of some devastating forces, such as zerg mutation- straight from blizzard devs

Nah, she had all her faculties in BW. Which is why she wanted to gain power over the Zerg while the new overmind was incubating. Also why she still had all her faculties when she regained her Queen of Blades status/abilities in Heart of the Swarm.


Post proof what I posted literally comes from the devs lol

The thing around Sylvanas before BfA was that she wanted more Valkyr. I mean you can argue about spin that is all selfish vs. whether she wanted them so her people weren’t doomed to die out, but that was it.

This destruction of her future could have been what hardened her even more again the living and forced her to go down a path she had been holding back from. Still turns her into a villian, but at least there is some “moral greyness to it” and Genn has to share the blame for what his “revenge” cost.

But no, they decide to recon that as her plan all along and make the Horde evil while they are at it. Not the best plan, even for Blizz.


You cant retcon something that was always evil

Yeah, yeah. Old meme. Blah Blah…

Ah, I see. You’re trying to say that it was all Amon prior to Heart of the Swarm. He may have been an influence but he wasn’t the singular influence.


nah I literally posted word for word what the devs said I dunno who it was, they just said it was a force

Right, the force was Amon, this was revealed in Heart of the Swarm. He molded the Zerg in an attempt to eliminate the Protoss. He influenced them but they were bound to the Overmind. Even though the overmind was in control the subordinates who were strong enough (like Kerrigan and the cerebrates) could and did act in their own interests at times. This is why Kerrigan tried to take over the Zerg after Tassadar killed the Overmind instead of letting the new overmind finish gestation.


At any rate, all I’m getting at is that Blizzard could write anything, even if it doesn’t make sense.


I would of prefered that sylvanas stepped down from her leadership back to what she does best, horde with no leader starts creates the council and sylvanas stayed out of the spotlight until learning about the jailer and planned to take him out and skipped the starting of that war entirely. We still could of had reason to befriend and help these new allied races in another way. I did not want either destroyed. The only consolation is that both races might get something new with the potential of a time skip post Shadowlands.

The war did not start in Legion, we know that. And even if they did, we also know Sylvanas was planning on attacking Stormwind sooner or later. Any war would still be a “preventive” war which using Sylvanas own logic is quite permissable!

I was fine with the Horde launching the attack - the Alliance de facto declared war when they attacked a Horde army and tried to assassinate the Warchief in Legion.

It doesn’t matter what she was doing at the time - the moment you attack a head of state you are declaring war on that state. Imagine if another state intentionally tried to take out the president (while also attacking and killing American forces).

The problem with BfA’s plot didn’t start with the Horde attack. The problem was with murdering an entire city “to kill hope” and everything that happened after that.


The peace treaty was broken during Warlords of Draenor any way. The Horde player even executes an Orc for having aided the Alliance during said expansion.

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The alliance has a mirrored quest to do the same thing in that zone, too.


I don’t normally respond to Amadis, since he tells half truths at best, but Varian Wrynn had a truce with the Horde on the Broken Shore. It’s undeniable. I can’t believe anyone would actually argue otherwise, bahahaha


And those aren’t even including the direct responses made without quoting me.

I’m rather willing to bet that if you didn’t have your profile hidden it would show that you have responded to me more than you have any other poster on all these forums.

That said, Varian’s unsigned and informal nod towards Sylvanas died with him.


I still wonder if the whole “feed as many souls as possible to the hungering darkness” thing wasn’t more of a backup plan if her initial goal= enslaving Eyir and have unlimited access to Valkyrs and their abilities should fail.
Guess we will never know.

She didn’t have the goal of mass killing till she held the piece of azerite

In Before the Storm, right? But didn’t they say later at Blizzcon it had been her plan all along, ever since Edge of Night?