I’d rather not have BfA at all. At this point I’d rather rewind the entire game back to the end of Wrath and have an expansion that doesn’t set out to destroy my favorite zone (Darkshore) and flip the world upside down to pander to Horde players for the next ten years. But here we are.
The problem for the Forsaken isn’t really that Sylvanas isn’t heroic, it’s mainly that they lose Sylvanas completely, because that sorta just destroyed their whole identity.
Having her die a heroic death doesn’t really do anything to solve that. Actually, it just keeps us right where we are now.
Did Genn or any other Alliance say that’s what they were doing there?
The cinematic clearly shows Genn was there for Vengeance.
So any hero story where the Protag’s motivation to defeat the Evil Villain and bring peace to the land is actually evil and they’re both just Villains attacking each other when vengeance in involved.
GG 10/10 line of reasoning.
I can’t come up with a single way I would have preferred this war to have been kicked off, without entirely changing the circumstances.
My own pitch was that BFA should have been Death vs. Life, not Horde vs. Alliance.
Sylvanas leading a cross faction army in service to Helya/Death, and Anduin leading a cross faction army in service to Odyn/Life/Creation.
Blizzard has proven they can’t do the faction story war right, so they should have just avoided it.
This was a wasted expansion. The Legion is gone and this would have been an excellent time to world build and see what the races would do without the threat of the legion having over them, plus each faction had new leadership. But apparently the only way to explore the new leaders is with another war.
I mean, if Alliance are going to use the “stop a psychopath from enslaving an ally.” as justification for attacking the Horde leader during a truce it should show somewhere, right?
I like this because it sounds like one hell of a fight scene. Now that I think about it, their current fight scene(per the short story) would also make for a great cinematic.
Genn’s actions in Stormheim could have led to a nuanced faction war.
I as an Alliance player have a ton of arguments I could toss out to excuse and downplay Genn’s actions, and allegories to compare them to Horde actions to push the point that the Horde is still far worse even if Genn did do wrong (which is an admittance that the first line of arguments didn’t work, but this being a fight on the internet, I will loudly deny that I had to concede anything) - but, ultimately, it was a bad (if understandable) move on Genn’s part.
…But then Blizzard decided to turn Horde villainy up to 11 in the very first act of the faction war expansion.
So the Genn argument turns into this:
Yeah, I would’ve preferred if Sargareas’ sword was knocked out of his hand and this whole expansion never happened. The aftermath of a demon invasion that almost ended your world is kind of the worst possible time to reignite old grudges and force your battle-weary troops back into battle, after all.
Not really a fan of this what if because
A) Forsaken lose their main character
B) Horde is down another notable character and only powerhouse
C) It all but guarantees that the Horde will still be seen as invading the Alliances land starting the war
D) Horde will most likely bow down to alliance for peace.
Idk bout any of you, but just because your squad leader dies doesn’t mean you should shortly after give up. (With Baine on horde side though it’s practically guaranteed)
Edit: meant To reply to OP sorry aviala
The short story and in game depiction because for whatever reason the story gave us almost nothing.
No Teldrassil is an automatic improvement over what we got, but I still am not crazy about this version.
How is Sylvanas in any way a hero?
Why should a character that tortures innocents be rewarded, horde players need to face that sylvanas doesnt deserve to be redeemed, and hasnt since the end of vanilla
Neither did Kerrigan. Didn’t stop Blizzard.
kerrigan was literally courrpted by space parasitic Sylvanas doesnt have that excuse and like the devs been saying even recently everything she has done is from her own free will.
Sylvanas literally had her soul shattered by Arthas.
Still her free will
word of god> Your opinion
Same with Kerrigan.