Rather than how things played out in war of thorns/BfA, would you guys have liked better if sylvanas had her full jailor powers at the start, then gets into a death match with malfurion. Malfurion puts up a hell of a fight, unleashing his full nature powers on sylvanas but it’s not enough.
So he calls on the nature spirits like he did vs archimonde, in an attempt to destroy sylvanas, and roots her down with emerald dream ethreal roots, which prevent sylvanas from ghosting out and flying away. But she uses her jailor chains to trap malfurion down, so malfurion is within range of the explosion too. Malfurion sacrifices himself to take out sylvanas, and they both die Martyrs for their respective causes. Malfurion for night elves, sylvanas for the horde.
The explosion is enough to force the horde to retreat back to ashenvale, and the battle in BfA is at the border of darkshore and ashenvale. (Along with kul’tiras, zandalar and everywhere else.
This way malfurion dies a hero, sylvanas dies a hero, teldrassil is not lost, and the horde and alliance fight to avenge malfurion/sylvanas.
Doesn’t solve the problem of the horde being the ones to officially start the war again. I think that alone would ensure the story would never view Sylvanas in a heroic light. All you did was paint one side being a selfless sacrifice while the other is a spiteful “if I go down I’m taking you with me”.
Yeah I’d be down for that. Malfurion going out fighting for his people for once would be how I’d like him to die if he’s going to.
So entirely in character for Sylvanas.
Yeah, most likely. So what?
I don’t get the complaint. One of the biggest gripes Sylvanas fans have with BfA Sylvanas is that it ruins her character. But if she goes out in a blaze of spiteful glory taking Malfurion with her then she’s in character. Her entire character post-undeath is being fueled off spite.
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Because Telitrois’s hypothetical revolves around trying to paint both of them in a heroic light, despite Sylvanas and the horde still starting an unnecessary war.
It’s less spite, and more fear for what happens after she dies. Well, until Shadowlands I guess.
Idk her motive anymore tbh, that’s been a problem throughout Legion and BFA
Blizzard needs to have the Alliance admit that they started this war in Legion. They didn’t do anything as pedestrian as attack some rando horde character. They attacked the Warchief of the Horde, during the moment Azeroth has never been more imperiled, and may possibly never be again.
I mean the war wasn’t unnecessary in the eyes of the Horde. It wasn’t unnecessary in the eyes of Horde Players until they got shamed for genocide.
Stopping a homicidal banshee from enslaving our allies for her own personal gain is grounds for war guys. Dreadmoore can you just post on your Horde main at least?
Starting the war in of it self is not an evil thing, if the attacker can provide evidence that the enemy is planning to attack or do other bad stuff.
You were unaware of what she was doing when you arrived. Retroactivity does not color the Alliance’s actions a different shade of blue.
Nor do you have the authority to deign what the Warchief of the Horde can or cannot do to people not of the Alliance.
If I remember right, Sylvanas practically uses The 14 Words as a justification to sell Saurfang on it.
And even though I think that the Stormheim attack should have been acknowledged as the point the war actually resumed, I feel that BtS later ruins that with the whole plot point about Sylvanas agreeing to allow forsaken and humans to meet amicably. It was a symbol of a potential first step toward de-escalation that she ultimately ruins, even if Calia’s presence was really stupid.
Here you go, Hordie.
Doesn’t matter. The Alliance had a truce with the Horde. the Alliance broke that truce during the most dangerous moment in Azeroth’s entire history.
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“You had no idea what she was doing so the Alliance attack is evil”
Provide evidence that the Alliance did know what Sylvanas was doing
“Evidence doesn’t matter!”
Stay classy, Dreadmoore.
I’m sorry but no. I’m not a fan of this. I would have preferred if no city’s were destroyed, and if a war had to happen it should have been morally gray reason, not because Sylvanas is the ultimate evil and needs fresh souls, which by the way is a story line that has been VASTLY underdeveloped.
What the OP is suggesting means that Teldrassil and Undercity aren’t destroyed.
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There is no evidence that they knew what she was doing. You can do the zones in any order. That includes Stormheim first. Blizzard admitted that it was a problem for storytelling and stated that was why they’re doing specific zones in specific orders for Shadowlands.
And even with the paper found in Azsuna, you don’t know what, specifically, she’s doing. Certainly not "enslaving your allies."
“Steal the very power of the Val’kyr for herself!”
It’s pretty clear what she’s going to do. Stopping her is justified. Seriously this idea that you can’t stop someone who’s a shakey ally at best from enslaving another ally because you’re all fighting a war against a big bad is inane.
I know. I would want that AND a better reason for this war, without the War of Thorns.