(Posted in customer support forums, but was also told to post here)
This morning I earned the Alterac Valley of Olde achievement, but did not receive the Stormpike Battle Ram mount. It was not added to my collection, nor did I receive an item in my bags or in the mail.
For reference, I also completed the “Korrak’s Revenge” quest inside of AV, if that is relevant at all.
Anyone else having this issue/any guidance on why I might be having this problem? Thanks in advance!
I am having the exact same problem. I completed the achievement and “Korrak’s Revenge” and didn’t get it. I’ve checked my bags (twice), no mail, and the time warp vendor doesn’t have it. What do I do now?
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Same problem…I also did not receive the conquest reward either. No conquest on Hotmogu win also.
Same here, got the achievement, checked and search my inventory with nothing, and exited game and thought I’d check later and still nothing so no idea what’s up, and checked the time walker vendor in caverns of time with still no luck
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Well, I submitted an in-game ticket about this, but just got an automated reply that auto-resolved the ticket without an option to keep the case open/indicate that I still had an issue. So… I’m not sure if there’s actually a way to get an answer from Blizzard on this. Is it a good idea to just keep opening new tickets on the same issue?
From what ive learned the ach is account wide while the mount is not and has to be done on one toon! very misleading! We have no progress bar! such a waste of time and a grind it takes 20-30mins to get into one game and these games can go for an hour. not cool blizzard make the mount account wide! every post and article about the 18th anniversary literally says complete Alterac valley of olde achi to receive mount says nothing about a single toon! smfh
Link to another post that has a similar discussion
The problem with the Korrak’s revenge progress is that the reward is shown as conquest points, honor, and anima. So you cannot see your progress towards the mount.
You could possibly track it in the achievements for “alterac valley of olde” but if you do the event on multiple characters and have the achievement completed that way then there is no way to track progress. the achievement seems to be account wide but the mount reward tracker is not showing.
This is probably because the event is taking the place for the solo shuffler or something, because there is only room for 5 bonus battlegrounds, but korrak’s revenge is showing the reward for solo shuffle.
I hope this made sense.
That said i am pretty sure i am very close or over the 200 timewarped badges and I have not gotten the mount.
I put a ticket in and had a 35 day response time. They gave me a responce that just said check the wow fan sites and the forums because we are flooded with tickets.
My latest contribution:
i have reason to believe the mount is currently not obtainable or the wolf turn ins for 2 badges are not counting for progress.
I did about 80 wolves (160 badges), 2xdailies for capturing a min (20), 2x dailies for armor turn in (20), x1 graveyard capture (10), x1 tower capture (10), Karrok kill (10), and the initial 10 badges from the quartermaster. This does not include how many AV was won or lost. I lost track of that but I am sure I was in 3 winning games.
@Valmont You should be able to reopen same ticket. No need to make a new ticket.
It’d be nice if I could at least get it on the guy I achieved it on. Big sad.
Same here, pretty sure I did it all one one character, got the achieve, no mount and there’s no ‘progress bar’ anywhere for the badges aside from the achieve.
This whole event has been messed up from the start.
- Delayed for a bug, which I can only assume benefited players with how quickly it was addressed
- Rewards for Korrak only give ilvl 184 weapons
- This mount seems to no longer come from the achievement that it’s so obviously tied to
- Blizz tells us to go to the PVP tab to look at actual progress and progress is nowhere to be found. Nothing on the PVP tab tells you anything about progress.
Great job
This is ridiculous, this achievement requires real effort to get and they’ve screwed it up to a point it’s absurd. If we got the achievement we should be awarded the mount like was previously explained.
I was trying to do this but after seeing trade chat on fire about this problem I’m giving up.
Blizzard won’t do anything about it before the event is over either. It’s doomed.
In case the other thread is deleted:
I completed the achievement on a single character and did not get a mount. There is no bar anywhere. I won 2 more after and nothing
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Confirming there is currently no mount progress bar shown when hovering over the Korrak’s Revenge icon in the pvp tab.
The mount does not appear to be available, as the game is not tracking it. It does not matter if the achievement is completed on a single character.
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Same. Completed/obtained the Achievement but no mount.
At this point I’m convinced they merely copy/pasted the “AV of Olde” section from the 15th anniversary blog page to the 18th anniversary blog page without bothering to verify the code still worked in the game.
I also did the same thing.
I put in a ticket for this last night, got it automatically closed, and some useless links to fan sites.
The least they could do is acknowledge the issue and put it on the bugs list. And it’s not like the fix is the hardest thing to do. All of the people who have the achievement should have the mount, period. Running an audit to see if that’s the case shouldn’t be rocket science. They already have to tools to look that much information up. They can then generate and send the mount items to those who don’t have the mounts in their collections. They may send some out to people who already have them, but that isn’t any more problem than all of the other duplicate collection garbage we have cluttering up bags now, they’d just have to be deleted in those cases.
If they’d at least respond that they realize there’s a problem and they’re working on it, I’d be a lot happier customer. I don’t care if it takes them time to implement a fix. I just want to be given the courtesy of an acknowledgement on the issue.