Alterac Valley in Classic

See at about 12:00 where they say CRBG are in.

Signed in just to give my displeasure in learning this recently. Still looking forward to Classic, but these changes that make AV a 5 minute rush don’t make me want to play it.


I’ll disagree with the removal of mobs… its party what kept people from racing.

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The same for me. I was looking forward to playing more BGs this time around because I’ve been dying to try out old AV, but with the news pvp hardly feels worth it at all.

Nothing like forgetting history and dooming us to repeat it once again. You know, rather than be proactive about faction balance at startup. Reasoning “because they were in 1.12”, not “because they will be needed”. Good lord. And the streamer’s response “sounds good”. No followup statement about how they effected the BG rivalries and community. Just move on to the next question… which pats themselves on the back for “*stepping up the communication”. Seriously? Do they honestly believe it has gotten better?
*funnel information through streamers

Such a disconnect.

I would prefer no crbg as well. For server community.


If there are crbgs, no reason to not include a couple different AV versions. The 1.12 human honor bot simulation that Blizzard seems intent on releasing could run side by side with old school AV epic battleground.

If there are CRBGs, it removes the need for the race version, which many claim was done because of long queue times.

I sincerely hope that CRBGs being “in” does not mean they are “enabled” until compelling reason/need on each individual server. I mean hell, Carlos or whatever his name is, was quick to blurt out “because they were in 1.12”, yet Layers are going to be in, and they were very much NOT in 1.12. With the number of players that will be on servers post layers, CRBGs may not be needed at all.


No crbg and old school AV is my actual preference.

Just saying the crbg’s may be there according to Blizz’s info,but has some upside too. If Blizz were willing to put together old AV they would have no excuses not to run it.

I think CRBG are fine as long as it’s inside a set Battlegroup that way you can still recognise some key players and guilds while still getting pops during off-peak times & faction imbalanced servers.

The more I think about it I really hope we can convince Blizz to look at 1.5 before phase 2.


They also didn’t have the dataset for 1.5 AV, only 1.12.

I don’t think we know if they have access to an earlier version of AV- here is what they posted:

To start out, we had to find out how far back our source code archive went. We discovered the first piece of code that could be connected to WoW went as far back as 1997—well before World of Warcraft development even began.

This was a good start, but there were issues with how the developers used to handle updates to the database data. Unlike the source code, for which Blizzard had archives for multiple branches of the game that could be worked on and developed as separate pieces, early database data was overwritten with each commensurate update. Thankfully, that problem was fixed very quickly after launch, and when we looked, we found data going back to version 1.12—and even earlier.

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[Concrete Citation Needed]


It was in one of the videos I watched. I’ll have to find it.

I’ll wait.
Regardless of whether it is even an excuse to not recreate a specific piece of instanced content like AV. The whole “dog ate our data” is the most weak of excuses.



They overwrote the old database data with new stuff whenever they released a new patch.

This. Besides, I’m still convinced that while they could release TBC as it was, this is also an opportunity to fork dev a bit. Pull AV back to 1.5 or whatever. Release something after Wrath that is more like Vanilla flavor and not the Creeping Crap of Cata.

/ opinion

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Don’t bother. Broken and his ilk aren’t likely to listen to anything that isn’t exactly what they want to hear.


Boring. Its a repeat of retail.

Lame. I was really hoping to get a chance to experience 3 day AV. By the time I joined in TBC the best we got was 3 hour games. As long as there’s no reinforcements and there IS tower bosses it’s better than what I played as a newbie though so I can’t complain too much.

IIRC, that does not specify that they do not have the data for early versions of AV. (Not about to watch 45 minutes of video)