Alterac Valley in Classic

Hmm, I agree! That would make the BG far more involved.

So should we be asking for 1.12 AV, but with warmasters not being able to be pulled outside instead? Seems a simple enough fix.

I want the bigger map and more more NPCs that are stronger and the items and quests that are gone in 1.12

Well, Blizzard has basically said that’s not happening. Basically, if you make the warmasters reset just like Van or Drek, then the zerg dies, immediately. It turns into a tower strat BG. Re-writing code for the warmasters in 1.12 is an easy enough solution, and a good compromise.

But I surmise the majority of people in the 1.5 / 1.7 / 1.9? camp, don’t want compromise. They want their 1.5 AV…or is 1.7…or 1.9?..1.11? Whats the consensus on which is best amongst the never 1.12ers?

I think it’s pretty obvious that planning is over. They surely realize that this decision wasn’t ideal but it was probably the path of least resistance as per cost benefit analysis.

Thats prob true but the majority that want 1.12 either want it so they can grind rep quick and be done with it or for the whole no changes from 1.12. The only compromise that would work to me is to release 1.x patch as an event like once a month or on the weekends so we would have both to experience.

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  1. Yes, it does. People don’t play Fortnite because they hate it, people don’t go to Disney World because they hate it, people don’t play or do anything because they hate it unless literally forced to. AV being unpopular means it wasn’t liked. Go take a basic economics class.


“AV wasn’t very popular, While some people enjoyed the mix of PVP and PVE, most did not.”

Get told, kid.

The majority hated old AV, you moron. The stats don’t lie, old AV wasn’t popular and wasn’t liked. Just because a bunch of whiners went to the forums to play make believe that old AV was amazing and everyone loved 48hr matches doesn’t mean the majority didn’t hate it and found the experience dreadful. Your argument is that of a petulant child.

Ohhh big man calling names now, BUT where is your proof?

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You are creating a reality based of of a reddit post from 7 months ago but I am the troll?

Nothing that I saw on that post has ANYTHING to do with how they took the poll of who liked and DID NOT like that changes to AV when 1.12 hit or previously.

You are aimless… you can’t hit a side of a barn with a rock if you were sanding 5 feet from it.

Source? :sake:

John Staats the person who did the AMA I linked, was a developer that designed most in-game areas of Vanilla WoW. This man, who worked during Vanilla, had all the statistics for everything, including BG participation. They changed old AV because it was unpopular and had very low participation.

Blizzard has the stats for everything that goes on in the game. They could tell us how many times Goldtooth has been killed if they wanted to. I don’t need to prove anything when the literal devs tell us why they changed AV. You’re just too stupid to accept it.

Edited for Language by the Moderation Team.

I know this has become a very long thread and that people don’t want to wade through 1500 messages, but there is a lot of supposition based on why AV was changed.

Thanks to some of the great content creators who have interviewed many of the vanilla developers (still would love to get an interview with Allan Adham, but he is back at Blizzard so this ain’t happening) we know an actual lot of information.

John Staats has been interviewed the most, as he had a book to promote (HIGHLY recommended for anyone on this forum who loves vanilla WoW) but he was a level designer, not someone making decisions about game development at higher levels (he is open about this and admits many of the bigger decisions were made by Adham, Metzen, Kerns and Morhaime).

If you want to know more about why AV was changed, I suggest you listen to the interviews with the devs themselves (all readily available as podcast or on youtube). Educate yourself instead of spouting half-baked nonsense about “players hated it” or “Blizz hated it”.

You can even find a quote from Mark Kerns about it in this very thread, but I do suggest you find the sources and listen, as they provide a fascinating window into a period of time that has, clearly, affected all our lives quite a lot.

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Ok but mindlessly listening the cries of the vast majority gave us BfA. It’s not a good precedent.


So you’re actually retarded then?

No where does it show where an actual POLL or a legitimate POST even that shows that 1.5 needed changes because the participation was low due to people not enjoying it.

If you don’t provide substantial evidence or a poll or something of he sorts I am to believe that people simply had better things to do once they hit level 50 at the time when 1.5 AV was a thing. Because simply some were busy playing the catch up game and where told by their friends to “hurry and level, don’t get distracted, we need you for raids”

There is NO proof of which John Staats took a poll (as great as the man is) to prove that the MAJORITY of players were not playing AV just because it sucked. Most people knew when they hit 50 they still had 10 more levels to go, and plenty of items to farm etc.

You still haven’t brought any real evidence to the table BUT because this random 7 month ago reddit post gives you a reason for YOUR seasons you think you have a dog in this fight. I still don’t see it killer… so you can calm down.

No proof is NO PROOF. No matter how many times you try to make it that way…

You don’t have a link to a poll of WHY people didn’t play during that time… there were SO MANY things to be doing at level 50 and 60 than to be standing by a battlemaster all day.

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They were NEVER tha vast majority… MMORPG players play BECAUSE of the grind… it’s these whiners that came in and stole the game that is killing the game today. They have NO proof for any of the stuff they say but they reason with random thing that seem to side with them and they try and forward it AS proof. The are the ones that can destroy the game once again if we let them have their way.

Mark my words, now that his “proof” has run it’s course, he will start saying things about why AV only is “such a small part of the game” so why am I needing it to enjoy the rest of the game. That’s what they do… derail. Change the subject. He and no one else has EVER posted any real evidence that this is a real thing that is backed up…

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On the contrary, I think it was listening to the minority over the majority is what got us BfA. A lot of the changes Blizzard has made weren’t even asked for.

OoooooOOoo so what PLATFORM do they (Blizz devs) give to the minorities smarty pillow pants mcgee?

but they can

They’re probably bringing 1.12 AV, because they’re missing some data from back then. And they don’t want to make that another private server…


If it doesn’t involve a mass poll of what ALL players thought and instead what the whiners in the forums thought, or what the FEW that wanted to complain thought.

You just saw my reasons, and you avoided them like the plague… NOT EVERYONE WAS POLLED THAT PLAYED KID. Grow a pair, then we can have a discussion.

It doesn’t matter how many times I say it you disregard the fact that if you don’t POLL who plays and you go off of things such as “participation” or who “whines in the forum”.
When the game was designed that once you hit cap and even level 50 you have a PLETHORA of things to do RATHER than stand by dang battlemaster all dang day.

You’ve got NO DOG IN THIS FIGHT, so step down kid. Let the big boys figure it out.

Yet in this very thread there is a quote from Mark Kern saying that if they could have foreseen the rise of mobas maybe they would not have moved away from having a mix of pvp and pve in battlegrounds.

What John Staats is simply doing is explaining part of the thought process that went into taking those decisions at the time. He is just telling us how the story went.

The point is not all decisions, even if made in good fate and supported by numbers, ended up having a positive impact on the game. The current state of wow is proof of that.

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The important question is will we still get the hardpacked snowballs where when you hit another player with one it dismounts them?

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