Alterac Valley in Classic

I’d say it would make things more fun for the holidays!

Ewwwww took 10+ minutes for this garbage you posted in response, with still no proof, avoided all conflict and questioning … not even ever worthy of responding to. Terrible poster-kid mentality. Change your character you post with and maybe you can change your tune and start trolling anew ROFLSTOMPD

Welcome to your own WRECKoning

We are talking about devs speaking of their own personal experience. You choose to quote one and dismiss the other because it suits the point you are trying to make.

Since there are no public data on the matter the anedoctal evidence provided by developers in interviews should be considered equally acceptable.

The complaint that it took too long is just the average player’s mentality of wanting their loot sooner rather than later that led us to LFR titanforging.


He’s a troll, maybe even an insider (because I happen to be a bit of a conspiracy theorist myself) Making less work for the devs so they can meet their (Acti-Blizz set timeline) for release so they can bring back subs.

Though as conspirator as I can imagine I could be off marginally.

Yet at the time of AV it was very unpopular and the vast majority of players didn’t play it until it was changed. Even to this day people don’t like playing AV from the viewpoint that it takes too long.

Looking back at the shift it could have worked if it was implemented differently. But being Blizzard they took the easy route and thus gave us what AV is today. They tried to change it back by adding reinforcements and scaling the mobs in the area. But like it was back then, people don’t like it. Time will tell what they will do going forward.

Where is the statistics that polled every player for WHY they didn’t play though, we ALL had things to do that didn’t always involve playing AV and some people that were high level loved WORLD pvp and it was up to them to defend their friends!! Who might have been calling for them constantly for help, this gave incentives for new players to join and participate.

Everyone keeps saying AV was unpopular like if this was a well known and established fact.

Frankly I am at loss, for me this is a complete surprise as AV was always hugely popular, both for its rewards and sheer fun factor.


There is zero, but to your point if it was well liked, why did they keep changing it and changing it? If the majority of the people liked it, it wouldn’t be changed. Especially when that changed revolves around making something faster and more likely to quit the game earlier.

You must not remember the queue times even after they made CRBGs. Even to this day AV is not well liked.


Where is the stats/evidence that back this claim up?

I just hope they will be ready to do something about it when every single game of AV is a 10 min rush to the boss.

Either that, or that I am just worrying for nothing.

But in reality I am afraid we are looking at years of mindless bum rush avs :sob:

This is most likely the case, but I would always suggest to make your own group and play the game differently with like minded people.

The zerg strat can easily be broken and once a zerg fails more often than not most people on the zerging team will quit.

No Real pvper ever cried about this, Pvpers didnt cry we ate it up because it was all a rock paper scissors, wit classes and if you were able to out paper scissors or out scissors rock yo has something to actually celebrate. PvPers were’t whiners. Queue times can be solved simply by a perfected coding. A whole lot of this had nothing to do with how many wanted to play but that it was a new thing to combat back in the day…

Ah the true Scotsmen, yeah that’s a real good way to make an argument.

You wanna site REAL Scotsmen, they’d laugh and mock you for spending time around a PC as much as WE do. You ain’t no warrior. Don’t derail the topic because you got dumbfounded like a man with rock in a sword a shield fight player boy.

Can we get a mod in her to remove these kids? This discussion devolved real quick.

How I’m I derailing anything? I just pointed out you started an argument with a fallacy that holds no water thus making your entire statement completely irrelevant.

The truth of the matter what happened is changes were made, you claim due to whiners with no proof, I claim due to people not playing it with no proof. No one has proof. However they made changes a lot more people started to play it and they stopped making changes until they implemented the scaling factor to the game.

Ew, all you did was show no proof. Thanks though for switching .

But I thought that once you’d switch you’d play a bit safer on what you stood for… sorry I can’t fix broken.

And I can’t help anyone who doesn’t have any literal sense. There is zero evidence that changes were made due to “Whiners,” but believe what you will, if it helps you sleep better. I’ll most likely see you in Classic and maybe in AV with it being AV of 1.12.

AV was liked in vanilla. For reasons that only vanilla could provide: reputation reward, true mass-pvp, etc. once the game moved away from vanilla, however, and things like honor-per-hour and efficiency took over…it was wildly ignored as it wasn’t as rewarding as other BGs. Especially for horde when you almost always lost (Alliance would continue to queue for this as a win was all-but guaranteed and provided lots of honor).

Changes were made to improve the speed, to better bring it in line with other BGs on an honor per hour basis, or rather to make it more appealing…when in reality the system itself just continued to push players away from BGs like AV-because it just became a speed thing rather than an enjoyment thing.

With classic, players who enjoy the grind that is AV can do so again, and have it be rewarding: both in fun and rep loot; rather than it just being a mathematical formula on how much honor you can get in an hour.