Alterac Valley in Classic

Nice, avoid m question and try and derail the topic again.

Go back and REread carefully. I said ONCE the GAME is OUT. They should make polls IN game.

You can’t be Ziryus…

Where’s that evidence kid?

I beg to disagree. I said it before and I will repeat it: where is the fun in running to the end GY to spawn zerg a trivial boss?


This is a factual statement. I did lots of random heroics and M+s in Legion and was never particularly enjoying it.


You experience and my experience in 1.12 was apparently not the same. We never did that in 1.12. We always had people on defense and out AV in 1.12 was never shorter then 3-4 hous.

Sometimes, sometimes not. Lack of participation usually does equal lack of enjoyment though :slight_smile:

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If that is the case I will not have problem with it. I fear that we will be looking at 5-15 min games instead.

With no landmines and super nerfed NPCs semi afk riding from the entrance to the end GY as one big blob is very very feasible.

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I mean I’m not against having an older version of AV. I’m just saying the whole “1.12 is bad because zerg” is not a good argument. The “zerg” is not a flaw with the BG itself but the players deciding to zerg.

You said nothing about waiting until classic launched then making in game polls to decide what version to use.

As for evidence? I think i already answered, that where is you evidence they did change AV because forum whining as opposed to 1.5 AV just not being very good.

Is it even possible that there were LESS people at that time worried about being in an AV once they turned 50 because they wanted to hit 60? Everyone also had PLENTY to do rather than stand around by he battlemasters.

Where is ANY evidence of AV pops growing simply because they changed it?
*other than the fact that people reached the level req as the general pop of who played was growing.


I particularly enjoy your tiptoeing around definitive statements.

Troll’s gotta troll.


I think it is more a combination of both player behavior and map design.

If half your raid blows up on landmines the moment you get off the road you can’t simply ride past all the chokes.

Or is it ZOMG possible blizzard looked at how many people were playing BG’s and wondered why AV was so low comparatively? And they changed it because of fundamental problems with the map not just forum complaints.

Hey I agreed with you, partcipation does always not equal enjoyment(although often times it does), however lack of participation almost certainly does equal lack of enjoyment.

Oh? Can I g a link or something then? Help a brotha out! You have all the answers…

I see where you are coming from, but that could be said of all decision blizzard ever took towards the game. They were backed by data.

Now was that sufficient to automatically make them a good thing?

Nope, or we would not have BfA.

He knows all that, as well as players being geared up, more powerfully talented, and more knowledgeable of the BG by 1.12 (helped of course by much of the content/mechanics being stripped out by then).

He is just here to cause friction. He’s a one trick pony.


Participation != Enjoyment

Fact, blizzard started changing AV pretty much from the start until 1.11(1.11 being the most stable version until reinforcements).

Fact, later versions of AV saw much more partcipation whether you look at raw numbers or look at percentage of people BGing than earlier version.

Fact, in this thread blizzard has said they consider the changes made by 1.12 improvements.

Now where’s your proof any of those things isn’t true?

Not always but then again sometimes is, millions of people leveled in vanilla, are you saying that because leveling in vanilla had such high participation it was unenjoyable?

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I’m so tired of hearing this argument about participation and fun. If 100 people have a zillion hours of super ultra uber over 9000 levels of fun with 1.5, that’s all well and good for those 100 people but are those 100 people worth the extra work if a zillion people have 100 hours of fun enough to keep playing fun on 1.12? And before any nozzleheads chime in with math, yes I know that the numbers are hyperbolic.

Participation may not equal fun, but it’s far more likely to equal return on investment.