Alterac Valley in Classic

Ill stick with what the developers boss said and has been proven true to this point. That they are open to feedback. As has been proven to be the case with the patch progression change. Weve had 2 updates pertaining to pvp and pve progression. And only one instance of them specifically saying anything about a particular bg. That’s not remotely enough to for you to sate to know the status quo.


What happens after July 2020 is still an unknown. They have “no plans yet” and have said so. But most likely if Classic is a success, they will provide a 2.0 option.

However they have also repeatedly said that once the Content Progression is finished, Classic will remain a museum piece, forever locked in 2006 and 1.12. Which is kinda the point…

You know what they also said?

the compass heading should be to try to re-create the original 2004, 2005 experience. That’s the compass heading we should be following.

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They never stated it would be locked at any particular patch. There you go again pulling assumptions out of thin air.


After careful consideration, we decided on Patch 1.12: Drums of War as our foundation, because it represents the most complete version of the classic experience.

They have not ask for, nor accepted, a single change from 1.12 at CP6, that they didn’t drive themselves because of business or technical reasons. Not one. So don’t claim that there’s any supporting evidence that AV 1.5 could be the final product.

Hell, this blue post is literally saying they already reviewed all the feedback and made their decision based on the information everyone gave them.

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I fear we’re being trolled at this point. They’re providing information from old interviews when current information from Blizzard has overriden those old interviews.

They’ve entered alpha already. With a BETA perhaps soon approaching I’d be curious if they can even remake AV to the 1.5 standards that some people are asking for.

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The foundation. Since when is the foundation the whole thing?


Its definitely not trolling. I get the passion and desire for a different product from what they’ve been promised.

There’s a big difference between trolling, and failing to ever change position.

The foundation is the status quo. There’s no reason yet provided that requires them to move away from their foundation for AV.

Your moving the goalpost to after they in fact did make a change. They deviated because of player feedback as they stated in this very forum. Your using your own assumptions to guess what reason they did so when they clearly said why.


Nope. That’s been my stated goalpost since forever. Blizzard can make non-Vanilla changes for business reasons, and have. That’s how we got sharding, Loot trading, and RCR. That’s not a cherry picking of Vanilla.

We knew that ever since they said “We got it working on the modern infrastructure”.

If anyone is the troll its you Luuni. You advocated hard for changes and didn’t get them. Your only here to throw that in the faces of people that didn’t get what the AV they wanted and are asking for changes. Your a salty troll. Its plainly obvious when you say “well haha no changes lolol” at least Eloreal actually wants to have a dicussion


The irony is not lost on me.


Provide some actual evidence besides spamming that old interview please. We’ve provided different sources for our arguments. Yet you refuse to.

That interview has been made void due to recent posts by Blizzard. You can’t keep using it when the company themselves have contradicted it on here.

When did they contradict it? Brach said they are open to feedback and they have made changes due to feedback. Where was he contradicted. Also its rich coming from you when you sight one comment taken out of context. They never said they wouldn’t deviate from 1.12 just that they would be using it for most things. They have already proven that they are open to feedback on issues that’s what we are giving them. will it work idk but im gonna try.


They have literally made changes to the content of classic due to player feedback at least 2 times now. Examples are loot trading and the patch number. Why wouldn’t I assume that they aren’t willing to compromise at the very least on this issue?


a) Loot trading is an external non-Vanilla change, that they walked back to make it “more vanilla”.

b) Content Patch is an external change to a concession for the players, that they walked back to make it “more vanilla”, but still results in only 1.12 by CP6. I already said I’d be on board if people were arguing for 1.5 in CP3 and 1.12 in CP6. But given you’re unwilling to compromise…

I’ve attempted that angle as well. They want 1.5 or 1.8 throughout the whole thing. Zero discussion.

“It’s more epic back then and the changes were bad.” They refuse to cite anything that suggests that players back then disliked the changed.

If players back in 2005 disliked the AV changes, why are there almost zero threads on the forums? I found one thread. One thread with 0 replies that said “AV is bad.”

Neither are external changes they both effect gameplay. Patch progression is a huge deviation and changes how the game is played. Given that theres no reason for me to assume they cant be swayed on this Issue. Im willing to compromise just not to your terms. I would be more than willing to have both versions in the game at some point. maybe even at the same time.


Because anyone claiming authority on the quality of AV, is actually a Private Server player.