Alterac Valley in Classic

But the byproduct of THIS decision isn’t going to be making the game worse?



I could give a rat’s rump what the motive of the AV changes were in vanilla. They made it monstrously worse regardless, and here you are once again championing the repeat of that history.

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I like this emoji.
Mind if I adopt it as well for a bit in a similar fashion? Actually wait. . .


There we go.

Go for it!



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We’re never going to agree on this topic. I’m arguing for as close to 1.12 as possible. Was it worse? Maybe. Some think it is and some think it isn’t.

There are many issues people had with Vanilla WoW as a whole. People hated the ranking grind. People hated ret paladins. People hated so many things about Vanilla. And I am arguing for them all to be included.

Warts and all was the phrase they used. I’m not arguing for the perfect version of Vanilla. I don’t want to take the puzzle pieces from each patch and make a perfect version. I never played that.

I want the game to be great in some areas and absolutely horrible in others because that is what I played.

I understand you guys want to improve the game. Many people want to improve the game. I don’t. I want what I got in 2006 because that’s what was promised.

I think the main issue is interpretation of what Blizzard has said and done.

Your interpretation basing on 1.12 as a finished product and on the literal “2006” statement.

Mine and likely others of it being a general Vanilla remake in some senses trying to get everything that made the vanilla experience. Looking at the “2006” statement as a generalization of overall time period rather than specifying on one moment.

And in that I agree, it’s a "agree to disagree point because of differing viewpoints on what Blizzard has said and done.


I’m saying it’s the finished product because that’s exactly what they said at Blizzcon. Ion said that.

So yes. Exactly correct. Ion said that 1.12 is the completed version and that they want to give people 2006 World of Warcraft.

All of my arguments on this forum have been primarily argued with that in mind. That is my key argument and I try and I guess fail to sometimes back up that main point.

I’m not making the game so I can only argue with what the game developer has said.

Do you think I like going in AV, skipping Galv/Balinda and sitting in towers and then sitting on noob hill waiting to go kill the boss? It’s not too fun. Most of the times I try to backcap to make it fun.

But…again. I’m arguing with the information Blizzard has given me and trying to explain to others that this is what we’re getting because that’s what Blizzard has said. Until they change their minds.

And that’s just it. Both sides simply have had different interpretations of the meaning behind what they said. Not arguing here just pointing out why this is a standstill like this.

If they said “the apple was red”, you might picture a light shade of red whereas I picture a darker shade. In the end it could be a completely different 3rd shade of red, or maybe a red aligning closer or spot on to yours or mine.


How will Blizz change their mind if everyone does what you’re doing?

This is exactly what the Wall of No was…



Everyone is clearly not doing what I’m doing lol.

I want to show you guys something.èlemental/achievements/player-vs-player

This was my character back in WotLK, level it a bit in Cata but quit. I have the 250,000 HK achievement from both that character and a few others. A majority of those kills came from Alterac Valley. You can see that character doesn’t even have 100 wins in AB/WSG/EoTS or any battle ground. The only battle ground that had 100 wins was Alterac Valley.

I was the definition of a BG hero. I sat in AV all day just grinding honorable kills. I sat in Balinda’s room and forced turtled with others. This was all on the newer version of AV. It was literally my favorite thing in the whole game.

I think you can still have loads of fun the 1.12 version of AV. I sure did.

Obviously. Because Blizz didn’t permanently take away flying.



There’s a reason for the word “Anecdotal”
In this situation it’s Path of Least Resistance “Gaming Fallacy”.

And even then, while a forced turtle might be similar in some ways, it is not the same and does not have the full same effects.

I am done for now.


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I guess the question boils down to what exactly motivates you to even argue in the first place. I can think of only two reasons why someone with no experience with something, would religiously argue with people who do on these forums.


I find it hard to breathe trapped in the crushing grip of such unassailable truth.

I have lots of experience with AV and I’ll have lots of experience with AV in Classic. Did you not see the character I posted?

In Vanilla I got rank 10 I think, whatever was needed for the full blue set, just by sitting in AV. In WotLK I played on that shaman that I linked and achieved over 250,000 HKs sitting in AV. I didn’t raid beyond casual. I played AV and did arena for most of my time in WotLK.

This is literally the only thread I can use my “BG HERO” status as a positive lol.

I had lots of fun in 1.12 AV and I think other people can too. Just need to make the fun happen. :slight_smile:

And how much of the “bg hero” experience was pre 1.11 AV? You may think it doesn’t matter, but it matters a great deal if you choose to religiously argue against those who actually played early AV at length. You have approximately zero first hand experience to draw on, and that is what is so monumentally frustrating to those of us that do, each and every time you throw “Ion said” in our faces.

Mel is right, this is the same tactic the wall of no people conducted and we had to put up with for over 10 years. Instead of just sitting back and reading what arguments first handers like many of us have and are trying to get across to blizzard, you choose to actively and at length throw shade on them.

Seeing your uncontrollable compulsion to create multiple threads on a daily basis, I can only imagine this is just part and parcel of an attempt to get attention and reactions.


I’m sharing my experience with 1.12 AV. It was the AV version that I played. I understand you played a different version and I can respect that.

But there is nothing wrong for me sharing my experience with the version that I played and loved. And there is nothing wrong with my arguing using different arguments to try and get the version that I played. When I played I loved turtling on the AV bridge. It was super fun. And we did that in the 1.12 version. Heck, we even did it in WotLK.

There is nothing wrong with me trying to get the 1.12 version of AV. That is the version I played. I enjoyed it just like you enjoyed your version. It’s a matter of opinion. No one is “wrong”. I’m not “wrong” for arguing and fighting for it. That’s the version that I played with and that’s the “Classic AV” experience to me.

Additionally, unsure why I’m even replying to the last part. I participate in this forum as a whole in many different topics. I’ve submitted a few fan-fictions. I’ve posted in the story forum. I’ve posted in the General Forums and the Classic Forum.

Please refrain from personal attacks about why I post and use the forums. It’s not nice and not even on topic.

You still cannot grasp that it is the act of arguing against something you have no first hand experience with that is the issue here. It is not simply that I and others played a different version, but that we played ALL of the vanilla versions.

It is no different than someone who started playing wow in bfa, yet arguing that bfa is better than vanilla. You are a vegan arguing with a carnivore that lettuce is better than prime rib, because lettuce is all you’ve known. You love your McRib because you’ve only ever eaten at McDonalds, but argue that it is better than the ribs at Franklin’s, a place you’ve never been or experienced. You’ve eaten at Panda Express and are saying that it is how chinese food should be made in a new restaurant that specializes in authentic chinese dishes.


I normally fully support open debate but not here not after reading this whole forum

Don’t care why your here, why you’re shilling/trolling for 1.12 av as hard as you can

Please leave