Alterac Valley in Classic

I am absolutely loving the people losing their minds crying about reinforcements…


Still zergfest.

it is NOT “well. Lets just grab the towers and wait for a few minutes till their reinforcements dry out”

Yep, people just don’t remember things to well and show’s they either never played Vanilla, or didn’t do their research well enough, or ask enough questions.

1.12 might not be zergable (go straight the general) right away, however before Naxx it will be zergable meaning the ‘epic’ bg wont be enjoyable for many people.
The reason why people want 1.5 AV is because it was harder then any BG at the time, it also allowed you to mindlessly farm HK’s for a change in pace compared to farming nodes or raiding,
While they could go with a different version of AV that’s not 1.12 nor 1.5 where npc’s where strong but not 2 shotting clothies but 3 or 4 shots.

Personally this 1.12 and their reasoning explains more and more why their panel at blizzcon was ‘bad,’ and why the vanilla core fam needs to communicate more and more with them what we do and don’t want.


What’s the point of playing vanilla if we won’t have one of its most important experiences?
Old AV is a staple in classic and fondly remembered by its players, when you take away what makes it memorable and stream line it using 1.12, a patch that was meant to just be a temporary PATCH before tbc changed everything, you start diminishing things that were in the entire lifespan of the game to favor the last months of the game.

People are gonna come to classic expecting classic AV, 1.12 isn’t classic AV, not the one so many people remember fondly, it doesn’t matters what you “can” do when others will just try to rush it at all times.
It’s not gonna feel any different from the mess that is retail AV.

Good luck to people hoping to see elemental lords.


People have known for a long time that 1.12 was the foundation for what Classic was to be. Anybody that didn’t know that has only their own laziness to blame. If people want to be angry or upset or miffed or peeved, that’s their business. But they can kick rocks if they are surprised.

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Foundation, not end of all things.
Just look at the content schedule and you can already see the entire point of your post crumble.

If you want to be complacent and just take this like we’re on retail, that’s your business, but I won’t sit here while you people accept everything that takes the fun out of the game “just because that’s how it is”, for the second time in history.

We will be here trying to get the best things from vanilla into classic, the things that made it so fondly remembered, otherwise, it’s not classic.


I said foundation for a reason. That reason being that you said people coming to Classic won’t know what to expect. If Blizzard announced that 1.12 is the foundation, which they have done, then people can reasonably expect a close approximation of 1.12. Does that mean a 1:1 copy? No. Does that mean they won’t make changes? No. It means that it will most closely resemble 1.12.

Also, I’ve never told anybody not to lobby for the things they want. All I’ve ever said is that Blizzard should stick to things in the 1.x.x timeline. Lastly, you’re doing the same thing a million other posters have done; you’re climbing on your soap box proclaiming that you and those that agree with you are the authority on what Classic should be. Get over yourself.

You mean the community that made it so we got classic in the first place don’t actually know what classic should be?
And a MILLION other posters?
Wow that’s a lot of interest, don’t you think?
A vast, vast majority, the players that pushed and pushed tirelessly for this to happen, don’t want this, doesn’t that means then it’s not what classic should be?

1.12 doesn’t matters in the long run because we’re gonna be on 1.13, if not 1.13.1 or whatever, again, 1.12 is the foundation but it won’t be the end of all things, this means 1.13 will and should be a combination of patches where vanilla wow had its most remembered and characteristic features, not just a copy paste of 1.12 with some changes.
They’ve been following that philosophy until this, so of course people would be rightfully expressing their disagreement.


If Blizzard chose their words carefully, then their use of the word “foundation” was telling. Perform a google search for “building foundation” and tell me if that looks like a finished product with little room for deviation.

Vanilla has a particular design philosophy, one which sets it apart from Retail. 1.5 AV embodies that philosophy; 1.12 AV does not. Of the old vanilla players who would list AV as one of their reasons for returning for Classic, I doubt even a small percentage are even neutral about 1.5 and 1.12, let alone in favor of 1.12 AV.


Agree. Also, going with 1.12 is the largest cut/change to content they have floated.

8 vs 16 debuffs, spell batching, sharding, API choice, graphics ect. effect how you experience the content. Going with this version of AV will cut out a portion of the content.


Well no, people knew they where going with talents and itemization based on 1.12 but everything was worded as ‘may change’ so no one knew for sure if their decision was 1.12 as the core foundation for the game.
The fact they now stated 1.12 is the core many people are unhappy because that’s not exactly the best patch for content considering it made many of the content it had easier and less fun.

Also you see you are contradicting yourself, 1.5 AV was within the 1.X.X (considering 1.X is still just 1.X.0) so changing AV would work. Foundation would imply that the changes they make wouldn’t be to far off from 1.12 AV thus stronger NPC’s, more NPC’s, or any other changes wouldn’t fall in there. 1.12 AV was designed to make AV easier, not harder, so going backwards doesn’t match that foundation.


Happy or unhappy wasn’t the question. The question was whether or not players would know what to expect. Blizzard’s stated it so now people have a rough idea of what to expect.

I said in an earlier post I’m not against players lobbying for changes provided they fall in the 1.x.x timeline so I’m not contradicting myself. If players lobby for 1.5 AV and they get it, that’s great. But if they don’t, it’s not the end of the world. Nor will it ruin Classic. Nor will it bring about global catastrophe and the rise of the New World Order. And yes, that’s hyperbole. However, to read some of these posts, you’d think that using 1.5 AV means they’re just giving retail a new name.

clearly missed some points, the point was people didn’t know their core foundation was 1.12 as the panel stated ‘may change.’

you are contradicting yourself though, you are stating the foundation, and the changes should closely match 1.12, this means that if it’s not towards making the game more casual (as that’s what 1.12 was intended to do) then it shouldn’t be implemented.
Maybe you just never knew that?
I do agree to some extent that ‘changes’ to the 1.12 client is acceptable but I do disagree that the foundation should be based on 1.12 alone as more people wanted classic because classic was remembered as being hard.


“Warts and all”
(except that which we as developers viewed as “too hard, and gross” for players)



I agree. A lack of consistency and logic, as well as facts when arguing for something is a real big problem on this forum.

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people use current wow because they know more or less what people mean.

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People are constantly claiming that 1.12 AV will always, or often be a zerg just like current AV. Current AV is not a zerg; go do an AV on BfA and try to convince people to ride to the general and zerg him down.

I don’t know if 1.12 AV will mostly be a zerg in Classic. I don’t think it will be, at least not at the start but I don’t know for sure. However, I do know that BfA AV is not a zerg because I’ve done it multiple times recently. The towers cap, defensive teams retake graveyards and backcap towers. A lot of the time we encounter a Horde group at Galv and sometimes they wipe us and the game for us becomes a defensive one, etc; etc.

The dishonest, or ignorant comparisons between BfA AV and 1.12 AV aren’t making a case for the more complete version of AV to be implemented into Classic. Argue for earlier AV design based on the merits of that design, not a false comparison between 1.12 and BfA.

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depends on the classification of ‘zerg,’ modern wow might not be zerg to captain and kill it but zerg can also be rush to all 4 towers, wait tell they burn then kill captain. That’s more of a 1.12 AV as NPC’s where nerf’d so new lvl 60’s could be more effective against NPC’s and capturing points.

1.5 AV had npc’s so strong you required a tank for them, and you only required a few players to wipe the opposing faction (assuming you turtled).

The contrast is quite large.

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Every video and comparison the people making this “1.12 is a zerg just like BfA AV” claim show is always about rushing the general and ending the game in under 10 minutes.

  1. Blizzard stated they would be be using 1.12 last June in the Dev Watercooler. As for things “may change”, they may and they may not. Until they do, I go with what I know and that’s 1.12.
  1. Outside of saying Blizzard should remain in the 1.x.x timeline, I haven’t stated a preference as to how things should be. As for my preference, it’s anything in the 1.x.x timeline. 1.1 or 1.12 is fine with me so long as I have the Warcraft I knew and loved back. Actually, I started some time between 1.5 and 1.9 so I don’t know anything prior.

  2. The only issue I have with any of the debate is with people coming in saying that something in the 1.x.x timeline isn’t Vanilla because it wasn’t as hard as some earlier version.

  3. This whole “Waiting For Classic” thing is starting to get to me. I’m caring way too much about things I don’t care about.

Then why are you posting in here? Simply looking to get reactions? What exactly is your agenda here?

You yourself state that you dont care which 1.x version it is, then why are you putting so much effort into annoying those who DO care?