Alterac Valley Concern

Why is it that the IBGY is much closer to the horde’s cave than the SH GY is to the Alliance cave? I mean like 3x the distance…


Wow, this is a topic that hasn’t been talked about at all for the last six months.



It’s dead- Horde whined, Blizz caved. Just accept that it’s dead until TBC classic, at which point everyone goes Horde anyway so it remains dead.


It’s been explained repeatedly that the distances are not the problem. The problem is that the horde wins most, if not all, of the actual fights.


How dense do you actually have to be to still believe this


Blizzard doesn’t care about Alliance concerns. They haven’t for all of classic so far, and they certainly aren’t going to start now.

Reroll Horde if that bothers you.


It’s a simple reality which should not be hard to comprehend.

Haha, good one.

You are right tho it isn’t the diatance.

It’s the cave Rez.

One of faction can Rez 20 at a time 20 seconds from the other factions FIRST OBJECTIVE.

One faction can Rez 10 at a time 50 seconds away from there first objective.

Hmm which one out of those 2 choices do you think has the advantage???

Math is h4rd.


Accepting reality seems to be harder, as the real problem has already been explained to you in good detail in the past. I’m not going to repeat it all here just for you.

Do you actually believe that? Lol

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Seems you are also someone who doesn’t accept reality.

Yes ally are terrible at pvp.
No it’s not why they lose 99% of games.
Ally lose about 85 to 90 percent of the time on balanced battle grounds.

The biggest problem in AV is the map.
Alliance being bad is just the cherry on top.


Wait there’s a BG named Alterac Valley? Wow, I figured it was a myth since no one plays it at all.

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These don’t seem to be related. The Horde cave is farther from SHGY than the Alliance cave. The question is about IBGY vs the Alliance Cave.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if the map were reversed and/or if there was faction vs faction.

We already know, Alliance would AFK as normal and come up with some reason why they always lose that has nothing to do with them. If it was faction vs faction and happened to be Alliance vrs Alliance the game probably would never start or end.


“They don’t lose 99% because they’re bad, only 85-90%.”
If that’s the case, then wouldn’t it just prove that the players are the real problem, NOT the map? Saying you’d still lose up to 90% matches, even if the map was balanced, doesn’t support an argument that the map is to blame for “all” the loses.

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I am surprised that no one has brought up the location of the Warriders.

Guse and Jeztor are far easier to get than their Alliance equivalents.

Or the location of the Cavalry detachment being different, much easier for the Horde to gather Wolves than the Alliance to gather Rams


The map never seemed to be an issue when Alliance were able to premade, weird.




Uh, if Alliance lose 85-90% of fights on ‘balanced’ battle grounds, that would suggest that the primary cause of the Alliance losing is Alliance being bad. The map would just make it worse.

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