Alterac Valley Adjustments Incoming

So many of you alliance seem to enjoy pretending that the “premade” spamming of AV was not hurting your own faction. You caused a situation where alliance had to play AV 24/7 in order to rank. You caused your faction mates who did not use the cheese method to get stuck in 7v40 matches.

But hey, keep pretending that this was not a problem of your own making, which was harming your own faction. Keep pretending this was a change to appease horde players.


Well no that’s just the way the old pvp system always worked. It wasn’t that you had to play 24/7 you just had to play more than everyone else, so if some is playing 23/7 you had to play 24/7.

Horde were in the same situation, they just spent more time sitting in queue.

All this talk about Q time but pretty sure everyone enjoys the break between BG’s, let it increase. We only compete with our own server’s faction afterall.

Perception is on 24/7/365. I notice you conveniently left out escape artist. I guess you feel shadowmeld is worthless as well.

Just admit it, you are jelly of warstomp.

It was though.

These “adjustments” are trash. You are using a retail solution and it’s a HUGE disappointment.


Finally, we’re updating the calculation of diminishing returns to match patch 1.12 of original WoW. When WoW Classic first launched the Honor System, we made the decision to decrease Honor by 25% per repeated kill. With world PvP being the only option for obtaining Honor at that time, this made sense. Now, PvP has primarly moved to battlegrounds where repetitious engagements can happen with much greater frequency. Starting next week, Honor will now decrease by 10% per repeated kill in both battlegrounds and world PvP.

I can already hear the replies now - “but you rolled PvP” - but this is gonna break minor factions on inbalanced servers. Getting farmed again but this time x10 is gonna see more people leave and end up with mono servers… Change BG’s diminishing returns for sure but don’t change world PvP returns please.

Your logic is obviously correct. This will increase HK farming. But, at least in AV, seems the idea is to increase the value of killing other players vs. just doing the pve objectives for bonus honor. Increase the amount of pvp that occurs there. It will be interesting to see what actually happens.

(imho, they should have just made one change - give a deserter debuff for skipping a BG queue. Its only a 15 minute penalty if you happen to innocently miss it, and it destroys the use of third party applications to engineer cross-realm premades.)

This doesn’t matter because the rush to Drek for Alliance is far faster than the rush to Vann for Horde, particularly since Alliance can queue with zero fuss with balanced, high-rank, epic-mount premades which Horde cannot. Once past IBGY, it’s dead easy for Alliance to jump into FW Keep, avoid EVERY NPC and solo pull Drek.

Org: has backdoor
UC: has backdoor
TB: multiple elevators

IF and SW: both with single entrances and linked from the furthest inner areas of each.

The other garbage you complain about? It is literally pvp on pvp servers by design, and done by both factions.

She literally said nothing of the sort.

Your perma tribalism red shirt blue shirt gimmick gets pretty tiresome.

Going to have to be more to it than that, or some of those 8 people are going to end up backfilling existing instances.

I’m figuring super-tryhards might do something like:
-each person has 3 alts on separate accounts, so 120 alts in total
-alts all queue
-when queues pop, check if there is a BG that is 30+ alts.
-if so, then mains queue for it, alts leave BG and let mains in.

What’s that? You don’t have 3 separate alt accounts at 60? You casual, that is a fraction of the time and energy you are already wasting trying to get rank 14.

Coming from you, the most zugzug Horde on here, that’s kinda funny. Keep up your tribalism, get in touch with your inner cow.

The funny thing (sad thing) is that on balanced faction realms, like grobby, the queue times for horde due to crbgs causes less available wovp balance. And that is on top of alliance tending to do less wpvp to begin with.

I am all for measures to balance server factions, but it is not a silver bullet by a long shot, as long as cross realm :poop: exists.

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Yet no change to the geographical advantage given to the horde. Go figure

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Ah, the wonderful peewee herman defense of “I know you are, what am I.” Sorry darling, anyone with half a brain who has been reading the forum for any amount of time knows that I am more concerned for the game than your red versus blue garbage.

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With out the pressure from repeated complaints nothing would change. They only listen when you scream and threaten to leave…

Must be why you’ve never posted anything of value and only started wanting balance after you were being destroyed in AV and you could join in the Horde whine so Blizz could find a solution as you couldn’t manage yourself.

How about also fixing the fact that I can be in 1 hr 14 min queue for AV on a 38 min timer and people that queued at the same time as me get into a game and i dont; ohh and they did everything the same as me

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