Alterac Valley Adjustments Incoming

Doesn’t affect the horde negatively so it won’t be patched duh. (if we use the opinion of the forums)


Great now fix it so the horde does not have 30+ min que times and make it so its 2 horde teams one on each side if they don’t have enough allys in que

If that is removed, also remove the one by our ramp up to keep where they dont have to go through the building but around it to the left on the small hill. The ramp into ally base gives a slight advantage over the hill they use - but those bunkers arent even worth taking early on - 9 out of 10 times they get rebackcapped. The only time they’re taken early and it’s actually effective (i’m talking maybe 1 in 100 games where this is effective and the subsequent circumstance doesn’t apply) is to stop the hard turtle at Stormpike after southern GY all get capped. Very rarely do I see a backcap work in our favor - generally I think it’s neutral, more leaning towards a waste of time. Your archer choke is so insanely punishing (in comparison to ours) for most classes i don’t blame some for using the hill - especially if the turtle seems endless at SPGY.

This is caused by the number of horde queuing compared the the number of alliance queuing. They can’t fix that. Horde have to switch to alliance to fix it.


Yeah, they released BGs early.

Or more Alliance have to reglularly PVP. I can’t blame them for spending less of their day on PVP with a way shorter queue time lol. It almost makes you wonder whether this is a negative feedback loop.

TBH I grinded out Exalted the first 3 days, and now I will hop in an AV maybe once or twice a week. I’m glad I got it out of the way before discords, horde turtles, and changes lol.

Probably the same more the majority of alliance not ranking as well.


As expected whatever Blizz does is never good enough. This is why they shouldn’t cave to the outrage mob, they’ll never be satisfied.

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Players are creating their own threads about this topic when they should be posting here.

My opinion, FWIW, is that AV queuing was being abused through the use of tech that wasn’t common back in 2004-2007 (e.g. discord). The developers are forced to make changes to account for this. Changes were made during Vanilla to fix obvious exploits, no reason this shouldn’t continue. So in other words, #nochanges actually includes the fixing of exploits.


THANK YOU!!! …and I’m a Paladin!

One question remains though…will the numbers be removed from WSG too?

It’ll be nice to play AV with my friends


Technically it could be argued as not really a change of vanilla to non vanilla, just not 1.12 by cannon.

AV initially displayed no queue number, queuing was just a crap shoot. Numbers came later.

AV at a point allowed group queuing (even full raid group we found out, though that may not have been intended)
That was changed prior to 1.12 but i forget which patch it happened in.

So it has not taken on non vanilla things, but has taken on things from other than 1.12 vanilla patch.

The honor diminishing returns, they nerfed to non 1.12 values, to promote people to move on and find new targets in WPVP, so technically that is an #unchange?

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Doubt that is much of an issue since you can fully group queue WSG already, not much point in queue sniping it, when people can in house premake it?

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Actually, 20 would have been an improvement in a lot of games. We all know games were starting with far fewer than 20 most of the time. A game last night still hadn’t even filled completely at 11 minutes in…


Oh, and get rid of the bots too, will ya? Thanks.

We really shouldn’t have expected any different, knowing full well for years how hard Blizzard is for the Horde and how much they hate the Alliance.

Retail Alliance are tired of it too, Classic just might have been a nice break from it since even though everyone knows racials, BGs and world design were all massively in Horde’s favour in Vanilla, we at least knew exactly what we were getting.

Until now- 15 years later, Blizz still making changes at the first sign of Horde whining.

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Why do this, you’re only promoting HK farming by doing so…

The vastly superior version that you guys selected to use from the start is the version best suited to overall provide a Vanilla experience.

I agree with the sentiment above in your post even if I don’t really care for changes much, but since this is a franken-WoW, why not just keep the 25% DR on HK’s?

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Actually you’re wrong. While yes, you could argue they weren’t prepared for the disruption that Discord caused, they could’ve just made ONE change to address this, and that’s the removal of the AV#s. So based on your logic, that’s all that would’ve been necessary.

However, they added party grouping to AV, which wasn’t put in until patch 2.4.0, which was either TBC or WotLK. That was not necessary to combat this “exploit” as you classify it. They also didn’t need to change the HK diminishing returns as that was clearly not even an issue, now nor back in 1.12-1.13 era.

So at this point, it’s no longer in the spirit of #nochanges. We are very well stepping into the waters of #changes. Fine by me. Bring me Dual Spec!


And the AFKers in the caves.

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How about fixing the terrain glitch into Dun Baldar as well? and pushing back the horde spawn back to its original cave?


Yes please

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