Alterac Valley @60 is awful

No … AV existed long before that guy who left joined Blizz . I think he joined Blizz in 2007 or 2008 if I remember right from his video. And frankly I don’t think he is or was as important as ppl seem to think.

Yes. And those original devs left Blizzard.

Then, everyone else was scared to touch the AV code because it was easy to break the entire thing.

Eventually, someone got comfortable enough with the code to modify/update AV (and create Korrak’s Revenge). I’m guessing it was the PvP dev who just left.


They changed things in AV even in BFA…

I believe what that guy did was class design anyway .

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Back to Cata where AV was a speed run I see.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Phalanx did a lot of updates to AV, and the Epic Battleground system as a whole. You are correct. I have no idea who would be responsible for it now, but the ancient code line was something Ghostcrawler said in one of my beta threads (I think in Cataclysm) and since then a lot of the suggestions were implemented.

I think the ancient code line is a thing of the past, and at any rate, changing hitpoints and damage of NPCs is something that is separate from updating the finer code lines of AV. Health and damage can be hotfixed, and it should.

I’ve suggested 200% more health and damage for everything on Twitter, but I’m not even sure that would be enough given how quickly everything is dying…

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I’m confused. The only reason matches were ever long is because the maps were broken. All going to one base the entire game and everything else being useless isn’t fun? At least if you want longer matches make sure the battleground itself isn’t lame.

I respect anyone’s opinion on a longer match, but they would have to fix the bgs first so they aren’t boring.

So, to be clear, you find the > 8-minute rush to the PvE boss in Alterac Valley to be more fun than when towers, graveyards, defense, and offense matter?

No, they were long because that was the design intention. I have bolded the relevant parts.


After doing 3 more avs i dont recognize it much anymore now in the pre patch people would defend but now people just go straight to the end wait for 2 towers to cap and kill boss

alliance has won every single av so far seems like they make it there faster

They still can. The rush can literally still be stopped. And I didn’t think the commanders one shotting everyone was fun either considering it’s PvP :man_shrugging:

You think you should be able to take one on by yourself?

It’s pvp, so you should have to coordinate with your team to take down an objective (commander). Also this is where tanks shine in Epic BGs.


Can it be stopped? Sure. Will people? No.

If the game can be completed with two or three towers still up, people will do that because it is i) the path of least resistance and ii) the most rewarding for the time spent. No individual person will be able to stop that mentality.

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You guys aren’t changing my opinion period. Have a good day

as a dk, yes

It was the same for legion ? IDC long av short av I like all avs

AV has so much that gets missed in the short game. Summoning Ivus and Lok, ram and wolf riders, and aerial assaults are a big part of what makes AV unique and fun. There is so much more to it than killing the general.

Hoping Blizzard gives AV some love.


The npcs need to be strong to encourage pvp because people will always take the path of least resistance. If the npcs are weak than the path of least resistance to win is to kill the NPcs and ignore pvp, in order to make people pvp in av you need to make npcs strong in order to make pvp the best way to win.


Exactly. Right now, AV is a glorified dungeon (and not a particularly difficult one). There is no player interaction.

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We’ve had multiple expansions where AV PVE towers/general could wipe you fairly easily. There wasn’t any “more” pvp there, just more wipes from…pve.

There is absolutely more pvp when generals can wipe people than there used to be in expansions when that didn’t happen. Has everyone forgotten cata and mop av when you just ran into the other base caped the towers than killed the boss and maybe got 5 hks.

Because of forced turtles due to wipes? Sure I can agree with that. You can still force turtles now though, I just had a 35ish minute one.