Alt Catch up?

honestly alt catch wise I’m fine w/ 210/200 gear start. Also you get to buy all the conduit at base 200ilvl. And if I want to play them I’ll just invest time on them. I generally get my alt to a point where I can do a 15 on them then park them and just do 1 or 2 +15 a week. And most of my alts are sitting around 230-249 ilvl

Thats why you run your own key

Every patch the gear becomes obsolete so why dont they allow for hard catch ups? Is it that scary for blizzard lol? People might get to try different classes

Is 210 basically the previous teirs heroic not a hard catch up? Along with korthia dropping up to 220 gear? Along with get renown 40 right away for 500 gold the previous teirs cap? Along with getting all your conduits not having to farm them? This all seems like hard catch up to me

I mean you wont get 15s right away thats pretty obvious considering you are competing against people with over 246 ilvl for a spot. But you still can play, get invited or make groups for lower keys and normal raids whitout any issues, specially if you got friends.
Do you want catch-up gear to ease the grind or a fully upgraded gear in a char that you never played for free? lol.

WoW has no alt catchup so the leveling and early progress content looks more vibrant.

I have no horse in the race so I don’t really care either way, but Blizz seems to want to keep a bit of a line drawn between a player’s main and their alts, with the alts always being a bit behind. Basically they want you to pick 1-2 characters to be the best with the rest not meeting that bar until the end of the expansion when everything is about to reset.

You will enjoy your 7 bracer caches in a row.

There is literally rng boxes which grants you free epics and non-rng gear to buy right away for your alts.
If your main is tier 6 in korthia your alts cna upgrade all of it to 233 as soon as it get enough currency.

I would def like the grind to be eased. Its never fun leveling an alt and getting crappy rng in Vault while consistently getting declined for keys. Even if i run my own key the group takes too long to form, and even if it forms you end up with someone leaving

it’s a good catch up starting point. It is called catch up and not fully gear my toon in bis gear. Plus it’s really not hard to gear them pass the initial 210/200 ilvl gear. You can pretty much max them up in a week or 2 casually or less than week if you go hard on it

see I really dont get this. Yes there are bad days when it’s slow to fill up the group but you just need to learn people’s play pattern. I had no problem on getting a group together on a project toon which is an enh shammy. It’s not even linked to my main raider IO and it’s only been 2 weeks and it’s doing 13-14 keys

WoW has the idea that alts are alts. I don’t really agree with it since people don’t usually want to grind reputation or something more than once. Like farming anima and doing Korthia on more than one toon can be exhausting.

I think Conduits at this point are completely unnecessary. Just give everyone max level conduits and be done with it.

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Kaurmines forever vote, thought of by Kaurmine, shared by Kaurmine :+1:

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Swtor does a family tree type deal similar to what you’ve suggested. That would be great in WoW for two reasons: it’s a progression system so Blizz would still get their MUA and players could progress alts easier.

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210 is a pretty bad effort at catch up from valor considering, alts dont have valor to upgrade, Upgrading is locked behind Achievements.
Korthia gear is okay but come one, this is a game no one should have to put with korthia, its is so boring.

even after u get 233 ilvl gear from korhtia, whats next? 236 gear which drops in 14s and 15s? You will never get an invite to a 15 at that ilvl and you will not get invited to a heroic at that ilvl. I Think once you have done something on your main be really easy tog et on your alt.

How does it affect anyone if someone can get gear quickly? People suggesting stuff like you dont need it for certain content are bound to be trolling? It doesnt affect them

I mean you buy valor w/ your main. I’m pretty much swimming on it that I dont know what to do. Sure I would like to mail it to some alts. That’ll make upgrading them really fast. But same time I dont really mind it.

trust me I avoid kortia like a plague. I have not step there for a long time. And none of my alts have done kortia at all

I’d even be willing to redo the work to level it (reps, renown, whatever else unlocks) for the character alliance if it unlocked it account wide :+1:

It sounds like the perfect feature to add to player housing then expand it each xpac to include the new xpac stuff :+1:

You setup your player housing, the player house has [insert feature] like the family tree you mentioned or artifact weapons trees, you do x,y,z to level whatever aspect of the tree you want. It wouldn’t be “borrowed power” it would be a baseline game feature and not wholly specific to an expansion (Garrisons) and thus continually useful and a core part of the game experience :+1:

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That’s how WoW has been working for a while. 15’s reward 236 which is pretty difficult for people to do without already wearing gear around 236 item level. The vault is where you’re to get your gear.

These are all good ideas, so we know it’s never going to be part of the game.



AND it could apply to legacy content, someone linked this in a discord a while ago but I think it’s from Reddit