Alt Catch up?

Why are you so against strong alt catch up mechanics?

Why cant we send Valor/Honor to our alts?
Why cant we send Stygian ember to our alts?
Why cant we send Catalogued Research to our alts?
Why can we not by 210 Base pieces from a vendor for M+ with Valor??

Why are you so against it? What is so horrible about making alts catch up really quick?? What do you think will happen if you allow this? You think people that play only 1 toon will might be upset that someone’s alt is just as strong as him?

or is it that alt catch ups would mean less wow token sales?

what is it?


I do believe u can buy boa items with said resources to send to alts. Next to fp in oribos


not entirely sure tbh. should be included in the ksm/1600 pvp achievement.

That would create a degenerate play pattern where you use your alts to funnel embers to your main, re-benthic gear in EP.

Also good question.

you can, it’s just random.

The other point to bring up is what do you think is the point of catchup? Is it to catch up to the same power level as your main, or to catch up to the point where said toon is ready to do the content?

They think you’re wrong to play alts. Therefore they are morally obligated to make it hard for you to do this.

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More grind = More time played = more $$$$ = Truth :slight_smile:

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They could put a requirement on it. Raise 5 shards to max rank before being able to send it?

But you can buy 210 items for valor you can send to alts…along with soul ash, getting all conduits to 200 and getting renown 40 at level 50 resulting in being near 70 renown by the time you hit lvl 60. A completey fresh 60 can easily be 210 plus full conduits and a lego day 1 more than enough to start the gear grind.

210 is too low it should start at 226

210 is not to low lmao that’s more than enough to do the content this is prolly a case of git gud

Really? I can do 15s in 210? I can heroic raid? Ill get invited to pugs? Please dont comment on things you dont understand and pls dont use the word giut gud when ur struggling to push 20s

sadly we can’t but you can buy season 2 m+ gear and pvp gear w/ valor/honor at base ilvl.

refer answer above

Those are RNG based? Should alts really have to put up with RNG when the main has already suffered through it?

yea they are rng. Saying that I picked up IQD and BSS on them more than one time so guess I’m pretty lucky

Idk why you would comment on this post when your goal in wow is AOTC and some 18s

My goal in wow is fun, I have achieved my goal and I didn’t have to whine to blizzard to hand me gear cause I don’t wanna play the game anymore

You can buy non rng korthia gear from the vendor with stygia then buy some valor/conq caches and send it all to your alts.
Pretty sure you will get 226~233 in couple days afterwards with things like rift farming going on.

Good for you. now stop commenting on things that dont affect you

How would getting 226 gear handed to me on alts not affect me? I also play alts. Part of the entire point of wow is the end game gear grind, that’s my favorite part so how would your " idea" not affect me?

The issue really is getting invited to 15s at 233 ilvl or even into heroic. There lies the biggest barrier. Game is meant to be fun. I shouldnt have to wait in que for 3 hours before getting an invite?