Alright HC Players What Level Are You?

Horde side:
this guy now @ 15
level 5 druid
level 6 mage (bank alt bag maker)

Alliance side (other server)
Level 10 paladin
level 5 druid
level 5 hunter

Taking it slow and enjoying playing

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24 combat rogue and going.

Got vanish at 22 so feeling pretty good.
Got poison quest done.
Got Deadmines done (no good drops)

I’ve had a couple close calls mostly from caster mobs.

Excited to hit 26 for cheap shot.

*Knocks on wood



I am on level 9…had few close calls but still living

Paladin level 13 now. Been making a mighty fine stock of dynamite and bombs. Have not gotten a single green drop yet.

Going to do druidly things tonight. Maybe do some more LW and get a few more armor bits.

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level 15 priest and my 2 professions maxed for my level.


oh yeah ive seen several mage corpses at the starting area that died to wolves

lvl 0 and gonna try another warrior and gonna stay away from the northern part of the map when mining

now a lvl 1 warrior

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2nd go around. level 13 so far. lost 21 mage yesterday.


First time trying hardcore and somehow still alive at 25 on my shaman. Having fun as this is something new to try until blizz releases fresh vanilla

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Level 15 priest.

No deaths yet. Taking it slow. Really should make a bank alt at this point tho.


Are you Horde on Skull Rock? I’m pretty sure I saw your name in chat the first day.

Nah I’m alliance on defias pillager. Was going to be on skull rock but changed last minute.

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ONE more level than yesterday. Thanks to queues and trying to login and get error message like: Login queue to server is full! Or just DC or server is off line. GRR FFS Blizz open more servers in EU!

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Level 16 Orc Hunter because a guildie of mine shouted a random class at me when I was on the character select screen.

Next up if/when she dies is my lil gnome mage who is still level one but she is sweet and pure.



Pure evil. You forgot the last word of your sentence, but I got you.


human warrior is now lvl 7 and against the standard advice i went with mining and blacksmithing and im gonna stay out of the mines for a few levels


27, closest was against one of the elite venture co guys in stonetalon. I think we were both 24 and he feared my pet swapping aggro to me, landed a crit for half my hp luckily wing clip didn’t parry.

The wandering ancients in ashenvale are really dumb, they are pvp 35, except because they are pvp you cannot attack / cast anything on them. Luckily it aggroed on my pet and not me, but if it were me my pet wouldn’t even be able to grab aggro off.


Lvl 20 holy/ret paladin
Lvl 11 shadow priest
Lvl 1 bank hunter named flavortown

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lvl 11 human war bout to go to 12

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I’m going to have to pause the leveling for two days… I don’t want to get disconnected because of hurricane Idalia. I’ll just test things out on my regular realm. I already got DC’d because of winds and came back to fighting, Too risky on HC.


dinged 12 had a close call with some knolls cuz the run back from somebody that ran and i ran to and I REMEMBERED I HAD D-STANE! D-STANCE SAVED ME FROM DEATH!!!

also hogger was alll over and people had it on farm and i helped a non party member kill it

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