Alright HC Players What Level Are You?

Time to update us all on your insanely awesome progress. If you want share all your former characters that didn’t quite make it and how if you want to spice things up :slight_smile:

I had a level 1 Paladin die to wolves in Northshire
Level 8 die to Murlocs
Level 5 die in Jasperlode Mine due to hyperspawns


Lvl 1 bank alt.

Lvl 10 warrior.

Lvl 13 warlock.

No deaths yet, knock on wood.


17 warlock stuck on Stitches.
9 shaman on other server.


Level 24. Going to run BFD today for gravestone wand. Been having a bunch of fun :slight_smile:


I’m leveling both a horde and alliance character, alternating between.

10 Orc shaman

10 human Paladin

No deaths yet

I’m really surprised how much pug dungeon grouping is going on on these servers.

No bank alts. I’m not doing SSF, but I’m treating everything I do on my character as unique to that character. Money, mats, etc.

No addons except death log because it’s funny.

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My progress has been slow last week (built a porch) but so far,
Lvl 18 hunter (new Koki)
Lvl 5 mage
Lvl 3 druid
Created warlock
2 lvl 1 bankers, female paladins. Zugjugs and Tastyfish :wink:


Level 10 druid
Level 9 rogue
And a bunch of level 3 back ups.
No deaths yet.

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23 Hunter

Dead Warrior.


Level 11 dwarf paladin.


Level 9 undead rogue.

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Level 9 human Paladin
Level 13 Tauren Druid.

Bank toons

No deaths yet.


Dead hunter

Dead paladin

12 Paladin.

You have have to break some eggs to make an omelette lol.


15 warrior
no bank alts
shame on you bank alters :expressionless:


NGL, I tried it.

The hour waits each way on mail makes it not desireable to me.

Well that and I found I was burning mats up on the paladins crafting anyway. After the first time delays being too safe…I jsut hope she doesn’t die.

Lv11 Undead Rogue = RIP
Lv9 Undead Rogue = RIP
Lv9 Rogue = RIP
Lv10 Undead Rogue = We’ll see

What do you mean “play safe” ?


Warrior bank alt, level 10 (for 150 tailoring and alchemy)

  • She died once. Murlocs, Crystal lake
  • Yep, i use a bank alt. I’ll play the way i want. :slight_smile:

Priest, level 10.

Warrior, level 6

Hunter, level 5

  • Died once, pulling on the journal quest in dwarf starting area
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almost 28… 3 near-deaths. one to mol’adin.

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Lvl 16. Almost died to an aggrod ice claw bear when fighting other mobs, their special hits hard, got away with 7hp.

Delayed start, took my wife to a concert, was awesome.


Blizz opened that can of worms Eyr. They were warned. Tastyfish just stores food. :plate_with_cutlery:

ack how do i down load?