Alright HC Players What Level Are You?

trying to find button to clicky

One “death” at level 1 - I tested the transfer options - The boars in Durotar are wet noodles, it took two boars forever to kill him :wink:
Level 9 hordie Priest - thank you queue time on Stitches
Two level 11 on Nek’rosk - Pally, Shaman.
And a slew of level 3s - 5s siting at the inn, collecting rested and waiting to take over on death.
No bank alts, as I do not accumulate wealth, I spend every C I earn.

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died at 16 due to being stupid.
died at 19 due to disconnect.

Im now back at 15… with a spare level 15 because I am NOT going back to killing kobold vermins again.
Edit: 30 mins ago I went to attack a pillager… the kick AND gouge failed. ran away with 3hp.
Just need level 22 so I can get vanish. Should be easier then!


22 Mage, no deaths so far.


Level 30 priest.

Close call against dragonmaw orcs in wetlands. Pulled 4 by accident as i was up for 30+ hours haha. Be careful as they net you non stop. If i was anything other than a priest I would be dead.


Horde side:
this guy now @ 15
level 5 druid
level 6 mage (bank alt bag maker)

Alliance side (other server)
Level 10 paladin
level 5 druid
level 5 hunter

Taking it slow and enjoying playing

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24 combat rogue and going.

Got vanish at 22 so feeling pretty good.
Got poison quest done.
Got Deadmines done (no good drops)

I’ve had a couple close calls mostly from caster mobs.

Excited to hit 26 for cheap shot.

*Knocks on wood



I am on level 9…had few close calls but still living

Paladin level 13 now. Been making a mighty fine stock of dynamite and bombs. Have not gotten a single green drop yet.

Going to do druidly things tonight. Maybe do some more LW and get a few more armor bits.

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level 15 priest and my 2 professions maxed for my level.


oh yeah ive seen several mage corpses at the starting area that died to wolves

lvl 0 and gonna try another warrior and gonna stay away from the northern part of the map when mining

now a lvl 1 warrior

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2nd go around. level 13 so far. lost 21 mage yesterday.


First time trying hardcore and somehow still alive at 25 on my shaman. Having fun as this is something new to try until blizz releases fresh vanilla

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Level 15 priest.

No deaths yet. Taking it slow. Really should make a bank alt at this point tho.


Are you Horde on Skull Rock? I’m pretty sure I saw your name in chat the first day.

Nah I’m alliance on defias pillager. Was going to be on skull rock but changed last minute.

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ONE more level than yesterday. Thanks to queues and trying to login and get error message like: Login queue to server is full! Or just DC or server is off line. GRR FFS Blizz open more servers in EU!

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Level 16 Orc Hunter because a guildie of mine shouted a random class at me when I was on the character select screen.

Next up if/when she dies is my lil gnome mage who is still level one but she is sweet and pure.



Pure evil. You forgot the last word of your sentence, but I got you.


human warrior is now lvl 7 and against the standard advice i went with mining and blacksmithing and im gonna stay out of the mines for a few levels