Alright Blizzard, That's Enough

Absolutely no

Neither did prisoners in concentration camps. Spend ten deaths getting to a dungeon a few times and you’ll just want it to be over as fast as possible, too.

NO. Blizzard did not make any mistakes with PvP servers. You got EXACTLY what you signed up for. Never in the life of this game has PvP ever been balanced - in the least. It is ground up. Class abilities and gear are two factors that cause imbalance - and guess what you glass baby - Blizzard isn’t going to change it. They have gone on record YEARS ago saying - let the blood flow.
The complete garbage crying and whining about “bigger population” is a red herring. It makes zero difference if there are 10 people that kill you, or 400. You are still running back over and over again.
PvP - Fair or not - that is what you signed up for.
No one - I mean NO one forced you to pick a pvp server, pick a race, pick a class and a name to go with it.
That was all you.
Freaking crybabies - every last one of you are made of glass, all fragile.
Unplayable game in your opinion? Then make a new character on a Pve sever and pick - YES, pick when you engage in pvp.

I don’t blame the Horde for making this unsustainable mess in the first place, I blame Blizzard. That said, this sort of ignorance certainly isn’t helping. I get that you think sounding cold and ruthless is totally rad and makes all the ladies wet for your awesome gamer machismo. But when the population imbalance stops just handing you a parade of easy victories but also makes it utterly impossible for you to achieve the rank you want, your epeen won’t be of any use. And I’m the one heartless enough to say that when you’ll scream, ‘but I didn’t know it!’—you will not be forgiven.

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i love mega servers, go play dead servers if you dont OP.

You are the ignorant one.
You signed up for a pvp server, don’t like the result of said pvp choice and now you are crying foul because it isn’t going “your way”.
The real sad part is the “collective” of alliance nipple sucking babies that are crying the same exact thing.
All of you are a broken record and have been for weeks now.
Your buzzwords are as see through as your bottle of milk. “unplayable” “population imbalance”…
All in the vain attempt to get Blizzard to back off and give the “alliance” and you poor, poor unfortunate souls a chance to “just play the game”.
Well, Genius - you are playing the game.
Blizzard doesn’t care about the state of world pvp. They aren’t concerned about anything but actual cheating.
You need to make the decision, not blizzard.
If you keep going into the world and getting killed over and over and over again - then MAYBE - your choice of a pvp server wasn’t the best idea.
You can - nothing is stopping you - from moving to a pve server where you are free to enjoy the game that you claim is unplayable.
This WHOLE PVP issue is a player created issue. People made choices.
YOU apparently made the wrong one in your opinion, and expect Blizzard to fix your stupid choice.
Own up to your mistake and either stop playing or move to a server where you can play.

You are right . There are more players per server than ever was in Vanilla. This has caused a ton of issues as there is not many places to go.

Early morning the game is practically a graveyard so if you have no job you can reap the rewards in game

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Your debating position is not favoring the long term health of the game. I would ask you how you reconcile the contradiction, but I am coming to understand the only reason you’re spouting off all this garbage is precisely because reasoning in the long term doesn’t interest you to begin with.

For what it’s worth, enjoy the time you have left to posture. It’s running shorter and shorter.



See you in two weeks.

I accept your opinion as a player opinion, with zero evidence to back it up.

Blizzard claimed that each layer had the “old Vanilla realm pop cap”, not the 5 times higher that you are claiming. So you are telling me that Blizzard is lying, and I should believe you.

Hmmmm…I think I will believe Blizzard, and disbelieve you. I think Blizzard will also disbelieve you, and not think they are lying.

You were never going to get an authentic experience. If you want an Authentic experience from WoW, Demand WOW 2

How to fix classic wow:

Stop playing it


I’m not suffering, what are you talking about.

Cause you’re level 60, chief.

Try leveling 50+ on a pvp server in phase 2. You can do it but you’re going to be running to your body 3/4 of the time. It has nothing to do with “getting gud” when you’re being 3v1’d+ by 60’s. There is absolutely no situation where you can win. I can handle this happening a couple times but no matter where you go it happens everywhere and every time you rez back up.

I played vanilla and I agree with other posters that it has never been this bad. This is coming from someone who has a horde and ally player in the low 50s and its the same experience for both chars. This is also coming from someone who was highly ranked in PVP so it’s not a matter of ‘getting gud’.

It’s like a normal citizen being repeatedly knocked out by Mike Tyson.

1-49 is possible (and quite easy) on a PVP server. Once you go from 50-60 everything changes because all of 60s are camping and have gank squads in these zones.

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No you are the ignorant one my friend. Literally everything you said is completely ignorant lol.

Am I the only one who sees what’s going on the forums?

Paid shills are harassing anyone who rightfully calls out the stupidity of this situation, and repeating the same old tired cliche strawmen of “PvP happened on a PvP server” and “Reroll PvE”.

Could it get any more blatant?

woah wtf is going on i didnt post this

(If the OP reads this, I want to ask what your alts’ names are. I have Rouge, Mauve, Argent to name a few :wink: ).

Again I say, since clearly reading comprehension is not one of your talents. You were aware of this months in advance…even prior to launch. You were warned by blizzard multiple times before and yet you still rolled on a pvp server. And then you have to audacity to whine about it…I hope you’re not this thick, and weak that you expect the world to cater to your every whim. You still have the same 2 options that you’ve had all along. Get over it, or roll pve and toggle your pvp on and off depending on what you identify with(pvper or care bear)at that particular moment.

It might appear that i’m targeting you specifically, however that’s not the case and i’m not going to extract a quote from every post, however their is a pattern here which is evident. Most of the comments similar to yours are also written by Horde. And I know without a question that if the roles were reversed you and the rest of the “Suck it up” group would be in here kicking screaming and whining. It’s easy to cast judgement when your on the “winning” side. Roll Alliance, and then come back here and see what you have to say lol. Blizz anticipated a problem and instead of being proactive by simply implementing Faction caps they let this happen. I have even defended the PVP and called out the Alliance for not adequately responding, but even under ideal circumstances where alliance does respond, Horde have the numbers which you cannot contend with not to mention there is almost no time of day that zones are not inundated with Horde.
Like i said, I hold Alliance accountable but Blizz owns a much higher degree of responsibility. My prediction, is that Horde are going to Rank at an unprecedented rate, and therefore will be wearing epic PVP gear in no time compounded by the fact that it appears that many Alliance want to exclusively “Raid”, this situation is just going to devolve and bring out the Elitists who believe that raiding gear should be dominant over PVP gear in the PVP arena (world or BG), And where is Retail Now, and how did it get there? They diminished any effort that people invested into PVP and let the Raiders rule in every venue. I know that’s one of the key reasons I have no use for retail. I prefer PVP and the rewards from my effort should be representative of that.

Balance is everything when it comes to competition. I mean really what is the most exciting sports events you watch, the blow outs or “down to the wire” games. So I would tread with caution as you profess your beliefs that Alliance should “suck it up” as it could earmark the end of an era that “could have been”

Or just don’t roll on a Gankfest Server, to begin with? Nothing has really changed, for those of us on PvE realms :cocktail: