People like myself who cancelled on nov 13th? yes, not worth logging in and wasting time on a project that’s inherently flawed and will fail (downward spiral is in effect not reversible once enacted).
You do not rush content on a nostalgia project.
This is my primary reason for unsubbing as well.
For me personally the phases are too short. The announcement of shortening Phase 2 one week after it launched pushed me to realize I just don’t want to be rushed like this.
Good Luck to everyone else. I think I am just going to go and play DAoC private servers again.
Thanks for the unrealistic pep talk…all your post is missing is the Shia Lebouf meme.
According to Blizzard, each “layer” represented the realm max back in Vanilla. So the game WAS designed back then to handle this many players. Or at least it DID handle that many players.
Didn’t we reach ten million players in Vanilla? We did not have 10 times as many servers in Vanilla: we had about 6 times as many.
ALL Classic realms had less than 10 layers, and MOST had less than 5 layers, even at the start. After a few weeks almost all realms dropped to 1 layer: they had NO MORE players than Vanilla realms had.
So your assumption is 100% false. Any conclusions based on that assumption are false too.
PS – PVP was not “balanced” in Vanilla. That never happened.
no one forced you to roll on a pvp server dude…bye bye.
Serious question, did you play on the private servers? Did you play Elysium or Northdale on launch? Anyone who thinks each classic layer had 12k players doesn’t know what 12k players looks like.
The biggest classic servers are smaller than Northdale. Ask anyone who played there. You seem to assume some side comments taken out of context are real numbers.
If you had quoted the full context…
"When you have 800 people in Northshire Abbey, 2,000 people in Northshire Abbey if you can imagine that, that’s a miserable experience for everybody all around. So those are the problems we’re trying to avoid.
Newman: Will there really be 2,000 people in the human starting area in Northshire Abbey?
Hazzikostas: There will be that many people and more in every Northshire Abbey and Valley of Trials on Monday. We’re not trying to make that better. We’re trying to fit even more people into the server without making it utterly untenable."
Basically, his “more than 2,000 in Northshire Abbey” comment was for the entire server, not for each layer. The whole point of layering was to make sure the starting areas weren’t miserable, and for Blizzard to be able to avoid having to put in crazy respawn timers so that people weren’t standing around doing nothing.
There were never 2,000 people in Northshire on any layer. If I were to guess it was a few hundred at most. But 300 people in Northshire on a fresh server without dynamic spawns is miserable enough. And the human starting area is the most popular starting area, because humans are the most popular race.
That sentence literally has no meaning. Why don’t you wish for a magic pony that can fly? You can SAY both those things. That does not mean they are REAL things or POSSIBLE things. Saying “you must fix this” does not provide them with a fix.
There is no fix. Software is not magic. Blizzard has no control over players.
I was there. There were 200-300 people, in a zone designed for 20 people. It was literally unplayable for the first few days. How can you kill 6 wolves when 100 other players are competing for the same 15 spawns? I spent an hour, then gave up and came back 2 days later.
That’s the key: every big change makes things unplayable temporarily.
It was 10 million subscriptions not 10 million players online at a time. And that was worldwide, and I believe it also included that weird version of wow in China. A server that has 10k players online at a time, probably has 30-50k actual subscriptions.
The classic servers are much larger than the vanilla servers were, and that is a well-established fact. Though it is difficult to pin down just how big the old classic servers were. I never did much research into server population sizes until the start of TBC when I decided to transfer. At that time I remember total concurrent server populations of the biggest realms was about 4k. My server was a medium population server and it peaked at about 2.7k… But I also think Blizzard raised server caps throughout vanilla. I remember a couple times in vanilla when Blizzard upgraded their server hardware.
I don’t think vanilla actually reached 10 million players. I think it peaked at like 7 million. I think it reached 10 million during TBC, and hit its biggest peak early into WOTLK.
I’m totally willing not to play, but I’ve already paid for sub time. Comp it, please?
During nost re-launch (elysium) they were hitting 15k online right before F R E S H came out
As a software engineer I can tell you that it’s best to allow the users to decide what must be fixed and the developers to decide how. It’s when that guideline isn’t respected in either direction that you start to see the real useless statements. A developer just seizing arbitrarily on what they think needs to be improved is a great way to waste time. And 99 out of a 100 solutions presented by users are far too narrow to their own use case and too ignorant of functional or technical consequences to even be workable.
Blizzard has loads more development experience and metrics surrounding this game than any of us do. If they decide to identify something as a problem, I still have confidence they will come up with a better solution than I could. That said, as the user, it’s in my interest to advocate for where I believe their focus should be directed. That is what I am doing now.
Does your realm not have enough 60s to make a couple raid groups and stop them?
If you think bgs will fix the onslaught you gonna have a bad time. Bgs might help, but rankers will still go out in the world in between queues and just gank everything. And you might think its gonna be instant, but as it seems there is a horde over population problem oozing through all the realms. Even if its cross faction a lot of horde will end up having waiting times.
Pretty sure they are too busy laughing when they hug you to really care who you are, if anything it’s more meant to be a slap in the face. You rolled alliance and deserve to be camped. If you didn’t see this coming…I really don’t know what to tell you. It was posted time and time again. If you can’t handle being camped from time to time then you really should just reroll pve. Both factions get camped, just depends on on how lucky you are when in a zone. Have to grow some thicker skin and just accept that it’s part of the game. Was going DM-W the other day and it took almost 2 hours to get into the dungeon because of all the fighting that occurred…and you know what? No one cared because it was fun, even when we got steamrolled. We laughed at our straggler who got killed another 10+ times before they made it through the doors. None of us hopped on the forums to complain about it, because we all understand it’s part of the game and changes things up a bit where we’re not just mindlessly farming dungeon after dungeon.
Given the things Blizzard already screwed up, it’s hard not to worry about new issues.
- Did they expand the weekly rewards to fit the higher populations? If not, it’ll be practically impossible to get higher ranks (if it wasn’t already).
- Are battlegrounds going to cross realm and separate pugs/premades? If not, matches will be awful as organized teams corpse camp pugs 24 7.
Plenty of 60s
But they are busy
On their mounts in IF selling enchants
I can’t wave a magic wand and make them interested in pvp.
Same, but lets be honest the blizzard servers just cant handle that level of chaos.
Is this somehow the fault of horde? I honestly don’t understand why the vast majority of alliance players even roll PvP servers to be honest. Many of the ones I see out in the wild don’t even put up a fight at all
Its always the hordes fault.