Alright, Alliance; It's Time to Vote with Your Wallets

I can’t argue with that. But here is a different viewpoint:

There are a bunch of level 60s who hit 60 in 2-3 weeks, and have been sitting around twiddling their thumbs for 10 whole weeks, waiting for honor to come out. So when Honor came out, OF COURSE they went nuts in the short term. Who wouldn’t? This was 100% predictable.

So I agree: the first few weeks that honor is live on a PVP server, there is no point in doing anything except PVP (honor farming) on that server.

In the short term. Not forever. Not for 6 months.

Nice one Felica. At least this is a humorous I quit thread.

I almost took out a 60 rogue, but his mates got me.
THing is, i am pretty sure it had 0 to do with my skill and a lot to do with i think he really sucked and probably had no gear.
I kept bear slapping him, popping HT, then cat slapping him, when he started poking me again bear and smack him sensless, heal and cat, maybe a faerie and moon fire if i could get them in quick, and walking backwards the whole time making him have to trail after me, kept running him through trees and rocks and stuff, but i am pretty sure i should have been long dead.
Maybe one of those people that get power leveled and worry about figuring out how to play, or get gear later?

A lot of rogues are playing rogues because they live on World of Roguecraft and Grim’s videos being the definitive example of what rogue gameplay is. They don’t know what they’re doing really and just live on the expectation that “Oh well I will just kill anybody because I’m a rogue!”

World of Roguecraft falls off immensely when you take into account that required all cooldowns to do the scenes where he had no gear. Literally all of them, even Prep which is a 10 minute cooldown, as well as people are generally better now. They don’t just give up or fly into a panic when a rogue opens on them, they know how to deal with it usually whereas in Classic they basically just panicked and made lots of mistakes fighting. Like mages weren’t ready to cone of cold when you vanished, now that’s their first reaction when you vanish. Or they begin spamming arcane explosion rank 1 because due to the reworked talents you don’t need to actually spec into Improved Arcane Explosion to make it an instant cast.

It’s also a lot more evident how bad they are when their stunlock falls off, like when AQ comes around and most classes have enough HP that a stunlock isn’t going to kill them, watching how rogues have a meltdown on the forums from the very thing I said to try and dissuade them from playing a rogue will be joyful to me.

The thing is, in any rogue video from 2004-2007, you were hard pressed to find a clip where they didn’t use a cooldown. There is a very big reason for that and that is when you don’t have the necessary CD as a rogue, you are a limp noodle. You’re ridiculously oppressive with cooldowns, you’re hilariously a doormat without them. You don’t need every CD to win a fight, but you always need at least one vs most classes.


I am pretty sure, but not positive, he tried to open with something poison, cause that was the 1st thing i notice of him.
But i am a druid, removing poison is an instant cast OT type spell.

I fully figured on dying, but then when i was dragging him around, stunning him, healing, clawing him over and over i was kind of like Dude, what are you doing? You’re dying to a level 30, do something, anything but blindly just walk after me.

I can’t really say anything rogue skill wise, i was always horrible with my rogue and never got it past level 19, in 15 years